it's (relatively) easy to become a soldier if you're a young man. but they don't want to be soldiers, they want to be 'heroes' - to be acclaimed and praised, not to work and sacrifice. at the core of it is the desire to get women handed to you on a plate in the way that an action hero does.
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It really does suck to get up at the ass hours of the morning every day! All of the aforementioned professions demand an extreme -- relative to a normal job -- level of commitment to things that are not glamorous, tedious, and to many degrading.
they just want to feel powerful.
fuck no
the latter because it requires a lot of coordination and a willingness to gel with a big group for long periods
1) You compete with people *as people*. You hang out together, talk together, exchange strategies and pore over the game instead of parasocially observing
2) You're held *to a standard*. You may have beaten Kaizo Mario one, but there's always work to do
They're not iron laws -- toxic speedrunners and communities exist -- but they do a good job altogether
we havent seen true heroes welcomes since what fucking 1945? most vets just get pissed and shit on by society. its all fucking stupid.
2. The reasons they give are probably unrelated to their distress and can be mostly ignored.
3. Dumping on them is *not* helping with trying to preserve constitutional democracy and, no shit, fucking civilization.
The mistrustful are likely to mistrust the motives behind seeming benevolence.
The crisis is in MOS fields where the median qualified recruit goes to college instead
If you're churning infantrymen into a fine paste all MEPS standards are gone anyway
Do the women want to be "handed over?" Who cares? That's like asking the money in your pocket whether it wants to be spent.
Being an Emergency First Responder, learning First Aid, even community volunteering!
But all of those require actual effort.