Fascinating to see Amy Remeikis dropping all these truth bombs about the true agenda behind Dutton’s nuclear push in her new role working for @australiainstitute.org.au. She’s had to leave mainstream media to say this - all of it factual, watchdog journalism. Why can’t mainstream say it too?
Reposted from
The Australia Institute
When Peter Dutton releases the nuclear ‘costings’ later this week (as he’s committed) keep your eye on what’s actually at stake - the necessary energy transition
Amazing what happens when you check your costings AGAIN.
She's always had a soft spot for dropping Dutton one, but now she appears to be a bit more of the hook, and it's fabulous.
Unrelated: I have insane envy of Amy’s hair. Wow, just wow
The Guardian Australia is well and truly fucked.
Great truth bombs, delivered simply. Such an asset.
A typical Qld policeman of his time, not a communicator just a bully who lives in the past as do his benefactors.
Great clear messages in their videos.
And, indeed, why can't mainstream media tell the truth? It obviously not because those working for it don't know it.
If an Islamic School bus is burnt in southern Adelaide and only 7 reports it (a little), will Joe Bloggs know it burnt at all?
Industry needs clarity and certainty to invest with confidence.
You won't see a rush of capital investment into nuclear reactors that may never be built.