The current administration poses such an existential threat that almost anything would be better, but when people suggest electing a different celebrity who they like to be president I worry our fame worship is clouding some of the lessons we should be learning
One of my seminar questions is about which celeb would make the best Prime Minister. I'm dreading the answers....
I remember reading something about Trump's antagonism toward generals and likelihood to cut defense spending in weird and chaotic ways...
And my first thought is:
Hopefully this sparks a military coup.
GOP, 2015: We need an outsider, someone not from the swamp [ie, someone with no experience]!!!
Most Americans know little to nothing of political history or American history, but they know TMZ
She is more celebrity than politician.
You know. Like Reagan.
Step two: limit campaign donations
Step three: remove lobbyists
Step four: limit campaigning time frames like they do in England.
This country is obsessed with wealth and celebrity to a detrimental degree
Okay I'm done