You can respectfully disagree all you want, what you're talking about is simply not socialism and plays into the false decades old Republican talking points about the Democrats being socialists and communists just for wanting social security or universal healthcare
Or they picked their kids up from school on the way to a park before a visit to the library, pulling over briefly for a fire truck heading to save ppl from a burning building.
A Social Security check is not really Socialism. If it were, the amount each individual contributed to it would be the same & the amount of the benefits (paid out) to each individual would be the same. This is not the case. It is simply a form of a Gov Run savings account or Democratic Socialism.
It’s because they’ve somehow associated Socialism with Communism and can’t begin to fathom that they’re different concepts. Or they just hate public services and think they should go away (these people exist I’ve unfortunately met them).
Couldn’t agree more. Somehow we’ve failed our nation with civics education. And if Shitler gets in office, education will take a big leap backwards. It’s easier to control masses that are dumb.
Years ago I was at Curves and these older women were complaining about the ACA becoming law. Were against socialize health care.
I looked at them and said like Medicare? My taxes paying for your health insurance.
Could have heard a pin drop.
I looked at them and said like Medicare? My taxes paying for your health insurance.
Could have heard a pin drop.