Russian state media at Trump’s event.
USA’s Reuters and AP weren’t present.
Oval Office visitors speak loud and clear.
Fuck Americans. He want’s Putin’s ear.
Important to note that sucking toes wouldn’t have saved Zelenskyy as some on here (not you) are insinuating. As John McCain said about Putin, nothing provokes a fascist like weakness
I don't believe that by sucking Trump toes Zelenskyi would get the ammunition. They would accuse him of doing it without needed skill or something. Trump and Putin are partners, there is nothing Ukrainians can do about it
There was a fucking reporter from TASS in the Oval Office.
And this is the bullshit they came out with to explain it.
For some reason, I ain’t buying it.
Russian state media at Trump’s event.
USA’s Reuters and AP weren’t present.
Oval Office visitors speak loud and clear.
Fuck Americans. He want’s Putin’s ear.