I live in a rural, poor area. Our kids get free breakfast and lunch. Even during holidays, kids can come to the school and eat. I'll never understand why all schools are not like this.
Because it’s America we’re not a democracy or a republic anymore but instead a capitalist hellscape
And I really want to move out of this country but I live with my mom and I would rather have her come with me than stay here.
In the school district I live in, all kids get free lunches. It costs the taxpayers like $11,000 a year, which a drop in the bucket compared to our school district budget.
They’re growing, playing and learning. That is a kid’s job! It’s not like they just blinked into existence because they wanted to. I can never seem to understand that kind of “logic.”
Here in the UK one of the Christmas Ad’s featured a black Mrs. Claus. The racists went mental. The rest of us thought the actress they chose to be Mrs. Claus was awesome.
This is one of the things I ask MAGA when they b*tch about the cost. I ask those good Christians how Jesus would handle the problem. Their brains strip gears trying to come up with an answer.
Thiiiiis! It’s how I feel about public education in general. I want todays kids to grow up into educated well informed healthy population. I don’t have to agree with them on everything (they’ll probably be smarter than me) but I want them to all make the best informed decisions when they take over.
we cant just give kids food! we need that income for our stupid expensive football fields, and new uniforms! schools arent places of education anymore, theyre glorified sports arenas where youre fed propaganda and taught conformity.
And America throws away about 30-40% of its food, approximately 120B pounds, worth about $161B, but no free lunch? If it's too ugly for the grocery store, give it to the kids. I promise they don't care. Give it to the hungry. They don't care.
I've heard many people saying "it's not my responsibility & if people have kids they should feed them". Anyone can fall on hard times & some people are just one pay check away from that despite their best efforts. I will never declare it's not my responsibility. It is, they are kids!
And I really want to move out of this country but I live with my mom and I would rather have her come with me than stay here.
I truly hope you're able to get your wish one day! It's not even something I feel I'd ever be able to realistically consider.
Sure, kiddo. Here, have some food. See you when we foreclose your house!
What a fckn country, eh?
Me: Why does it matter if they get free food?
Him: Because they didn't do anything to get it!
Me: They're kids! What do they have to do?
Him: *walks off stupidly*
"Kids getting free lunch? WHY DON'T I GET FREE LUNCH?!"
"We can give homeless people free food too"
"Who's going to pay for that!?"
"Tax payers. The same ones paying soldier salaries and paying for schools"
They don't actually care about vets.
Curious, what state are you in?
We should ban the Bible in K-12.
Many books are deemed inappropriate for school libraries, the Bible should be one of them.
But then, we have republicans teaching them every bad behavior known to man.
You should be doing your utmost to support them.