Trump doesn’t understand how international trade works. How NATO works. How the Federal Government works. How equal justice works. He doesn’t understand diplomacy, alliances or economics. He doesn’t know what climate change or ‘seeking asylum’ is. He is a dangerous imbecile, violating our humanity.
That's where we are. This is where we let him get to.
As far as he’s concerned, all those other things are somebody else’s problem.
-or plumbing
-or precipitation
-or forest fires
-or stealth technology
-or gravity
-or grocery
-or hurricanes
-or just about anything
Never came across a person so stunningly ignorant, yet thinks he's some kind of genius.
He should be in jail and his enablers should be up against a wall.
They're all traitors.
maybe he understands all of this as far as he has to,
BUT his goals are to sabotage international trade, NATO & the Federal Gov't, & he means to break diplomacy & alliances, & so approaches the economy, climate, & immigration, etc in ways that serve only himself & his wealthy powerful supporters
The bleach/take the light & shine it around display the extent of intelligence. There is no comprehension of anything beyond his twisted bubble wrapped pretend world & disconnected thoughts. Multi layered complex topics/subject matter are serious right now
That hasn't worked out so well for Putin. I wonder how well it will work out for Trump. There's a world out there ready to take him on.
A Peoples Cabinet is needed to help inform the electorate.
Democrats should be all over this!
“Transgenic” vs “Transgender” for example
“asylum” vs “asylum” (makes an ass out of him)
“Hannibal Lecter” vs “Putin” vs “Bad Hombres”
And he's still so bad that he has to cheat.
Those who worked for DonCon at the most senior levels of his administration told us.
Now, Brain Worm Man is only concentrating on treatment of measles AFTER THE FACT! He must demand and enable VACCINATION to prevent its spread! He's ignoring Bird Flu!
Write postcards, knock on doors, contact congress, call, write, rally, boycott, do something. There's not much time.
K.I.S.S. (keep it simple, sweetheart 😘)