Librarians aren't going to save us. Librarians aren't superheroes.
They're just people trying to keep largely underfunded and overwhelmed public services going.
Praise is nice; realistic expectations are better; material support is best.
They're just people trying to keep largely underfunded and overwhelmed public services going.
Praise is nice; realistic expectations are better; material support is best.
Patrons have to put pressure on boards to protect library resources and be aware that even that might not be enough.
Some common good ones include:
- Use your library (attend events!)
- Demand support from local, state, and federal reps (local is key for libraries)
- Run for library boards or public office
- Push back on nonsense attacks on libraries by using your voice
- Wealthy? Endow something!
- I like the resources here:
(2/2 for now)
Besides that libraries often provide so much more than just books. Safe places to sit, access to communication, access to community.
But material support is the best.
It's the filling-in-for-every-no-longer-existing-social-good that we've gotta stop.