After which time an older AI will come from Oxford and ask it if it's really said something new about Foucault until the last spark of the joy it is unable to feel is extinguished
I mean to be fair it has the cooking skills of someone who has a PHD, I would expect them to put non-toxic glue on Pizza to make the toppings stay on 😂
GPT-5 currently spending the entire weekend weeping because its advisor set a 2026 deadline for a completed dissertation that it knows it can't possibly meet.
Chemistry version: GPT-5 will work for 6 years to disprove a hypothesis on a project that may or may not prove useful in fifty years, then be told negative results are not sufficiently interesting for publication
Holy shit. What a bullshit claim in general. ChatGPT has no intelligence at all. Zero. Nothing. What the fuck is it with these fucking capitalist assholes and tech cultists who want to destroy the meaning of every word just so they can grift credulous people for profit? Oh. Right: it’s sociopathy.
As in the movie Footnote, the programmer will review the output and respond by saying "I see many things that are new and many things that are correct. But the new things are not correct and the correct things are not new."
The antivaxx ones who tell you medicine is probably lethal
Or when the next full moons are.
AI is dumber than dirt but the same cannot be said of those who worked their asses off for doctorates.
None of what AI produces is novel or unique. It is just a regurgitation of the work of others.
That is the level of intelligence of a photocopier.
Chemistry version: GPT-5 will work for 6 years to disprove a hypothesis on a project that may or may not prove useful in fifty years, then be told negative results are not sufficiently interesting for publication
"ChatGTP knows everything there is to know about the poetry of Issachar Bates. No, it doesn't know anything else at all, why do you ask?"