According to ProPublica, dozens more pregnant and postpartum women have died in Texas hospitals since abortion bans were implemented, compared with maternal deaths in the state immediately before the pandemic.
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No, they don't hate them. Women are property. Keep 'em in the house - dumb, barefoot and pregnant. If something happens and they "break", they just turn around and get another one.
That depends. If you've ever been in an abusive relationship, indifference is a relief. This may be at least a partial explanation of why women stay with a man that places more value on an inanimate object.
We stay(ed) for the honeymoon period. Gifts, apologies, little kindnesses that showed us who we thought they were before it all started....and does its best to convince us they aren't beyond redemption yet.
I know NOW it was bullshit....I didn't know it then.
i love smart sultry strong passionate ladies! ❤️🔥💞💝
last couple loves (8&6 wild wonderful years together) are in medicine: rn fnp & infectious disease doc helping stop ebola. out there doing amazing compassionate inspiring work. still good friends & ever grateful for our time together.💞
As utterly horrible as this is don't get on the high horse too quickly. The U.S. maternal mortality rate is significantly higher than in other high-income countries, reflecting systemic issues in healthcare access, quality, and equity. Its been a tragedy for decades.
Sorry you took it that way, I in no way meant to minimise. I was saying it has been bad in the US for decades. Same with general misogyny, racism, and perfomative rights theatre. Things were not good before, are worse now and I think, worse to come.
So much for "pro-life". I have to give Texas the edge over Florida in the race to the bottom but largely because I can't name the FLA Attorney General so Abbott + Paxton is slightly worse than DeSantis + ?
The goal has always been to make as many women suffer and die as possible. Women need to start fighting back. No sex. Cutting dicks off. Shooting men who try to rape them (or if they don't have a gun, ripping their fucking eyes out of their heads).
Of course - and the doctors and men in politics know that would happen - abortion is more than abortion
- this is called Democide - making policies that kill the civilian population.
Of course it's the women first, because they are threatened by the greatness of women
Evangelicals, you sanctimonious pricks,
Preaching life, you're just fucking sick,
MAGA, you motherfuckers, with your twisted creed,
You'd rather see women dead than concede,
You voted for laws that strip rights away,
You're not pro-life, you're just pro-fucking decay.
Texas needs Senators who are real men not some asswipe when someone insults your wife you don't stand with the guy who insulted your spouse you stand with her
And yet, Texans still overwhelmingly vote MAGA/GOP.
Unfortunately, it looks like the majority of Texan women don't care that their MAGA/GOP state government doesn't care if they survive their pregnancies.
That's just messed up. I'm an old woman; I vote to protect young women & everyone else.
Maybe it's just that MAGA/GOP Texans (& MAGA/GOP ppl in general) are self-absorbed, hateful assholes.
Another human tragedy unfolding before our eyes.
And once again where’s the humanity??
Can anyone say that this is a good thing?
Of course NOT! Not even the members of the former GOP.
I live here. I’m a doctor here. I ran for office against Republicans. And I’m telling you maybe a little bit of hope. But people here have to hurt a lot more than they are. Stay tuned…. That’s coming soon. The verbal violence is a prelude to more.
So it seems everything is going according to plan. They hate women, and are probably celebrating that their actions are resulting in unnecessary deaths. Texas leaders are ghouls, sadists, misogynists of the first order. Criminals. not the whole state. There are many of us who are not sadists or masochists. Unfortunately we’re just outnumbered right now. A lotta folks are moving here, though. Time will tell if that will turn the tide.
I feel for you, but you've been outnumbered for a long time - it looks like collectively your state is just committed to winning the 'who can proudly commit the most atrocities' contest that most of the South (and plenty of others TBH) is currently entered into
I’m saying 44% of women vote for the GOP, they voted for it. I’m not going to feel bad about women taking away their own rights. I didn’t vote to take away women’s rights. It’s Texas, they did it to themselves
Your justification is you can't feel badly because some percentage of women and a whole lot of men denied rights to women to control their own medical destinies and lives?
What if these were your rights and you voted otherwise? Would you feel badly then?
This is how public schools in Texas die. School boards will close schools and replace with private schools forcing parents to pay into the voucher system. Abbott stole $1B for his voucher program and this is the impact! Abbott is evil! Billionaires impact Texas policy!
Ironic that many of the ancestors of these people, of course hiding behind their religion, deemed Native Americans and others not like them as "savages".
Not much has changed with today's like-minded wild beasts that believe they are civilized.
Why does no one think maybe the Rs cheat? We ALL SAW THEM TRY IT IN JANUARY 2021. Was that their first foray into it? Would they all risk their careers to help Trump cheat but then have integrity in their own elections?
Sorry if it sounds like a conspiracy theory. But just consider it.
Good point. I’m repeating myself but if I won a 5K but later was found to have had my friend give the judges cash, I wouldn’t be allowed to keep that medal. They brazenly broke the law. REPEATEDLY. And the DOJ, the states, the press, all yawned.
They ignore their constituents. They go against public opinion. They use law *against* us. Why would they do that if they needed votes?
They’ve repeatedly shown how unethical and hypocritical they are. The imagined “voter fraud” schemes that they make laws about are just that- things THEY imagined!
Good reporting. Too many people think of women’s health/reproductive rights as “pro-abortion” & have no idea that pregnancy can be terminal with no hope of survival for mom or baby, & that abortion bans kill women who want to have children.
How in the hell do they think “pro-life” means anything…when you are killing women God ordained to populate the earth…where is conservatism in that BS…
When will people figure out that maga and therefore the GOP are not pro life in any form they are pro cruelty. They are just fine with women dying, kids being tortured, parents being ripped from their children. etc. All necessary sacrifices to the GOP
Damn POS Greg Abbott the dick less wonder in a wheel chair, his two other stooges do not care about women’s health nor lives.
I apologize to everyone else in the world in a chair. Knowing his story does not trigger any sympathy for him. Paxton and Patrick hate everyone but white straight “men”
“So far, abortion opponents have been largely unmoved by evidence suggesting that abortion bans lead to negative health outcomes.” They knew this would be the case all along, so of course they are unmoved. Do you think they give a shit about women?
And almost every state with a ban has eliminated state reporting mechanisms. Any reporting is now done by volunteers and not for profits, thank god for them, or these women suffering would be erased.
There are 49 other states in the union- women of child bearing years may want to draft exit plans. People with children too. Leave the old men and people who don’t care behind.
Magats who caused all this may one day have to explain to their daughters why they voted to make females 2nd class citizens without the same rights to privacy and healthcare as males.
Did you know that the office of the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology-one of the foremost governing bodies of the field-is in DallasTexas??? Something should be done about that. Write them and tell them to MOVE!
I live in TX with a wife, 3 adult girls and 2 granddaughters who are not yet of voting age. We are blue Democrats in a sea of red Republicans. I fear for my family’s safety and wellbeing. I hate living here but we can’t move away. We keep fighting but it’s pretty frustrating.
Sadly, typical life & death collateral damage of the policies of:
Maybe Ask QUESTIONS YEARS LATER .... Damned idiots...!!!
You guys still aren’t getting this. MAGA doesn’t care. Never did. This is raw avarice. Where are all the Christians now? No Snapchat from JC? This is a grotesque farce.
No republican has ever or will ever care about any baby or child, period. the Republican party is the party of pro-embryo, pro-fetus, forced birth, and anti-refugee. They are not pro-life, pro-child, pro-mother, pro-health, pro-safety, or pro-family.
I remember the rubella measles commercials back in the early 60s, before there was a vaccine. It warned that rubella could cause birth defects in pregnant women.
KFC just announced they are moving their HQ from KY, to TX. If I were a female employee, I think I'd consider twice, if that was a state I'd want to live in, considering their women's healthcare stance!
I had two missed miscarriages in Texas in 2011 and 2013, both requiring surgical D&Cs as my body would not miscarry on its own. In today’s Texas, I would have died both times if denied care. This is draconian.
Poor women and babies. We have gone back to when my grandma lived in fear of having pregnancy issues. That was in the 1920s. My mom did have an issue and sadly the baby died and needed to be removed from her. There was no issue with this medical treatment. That was 1967. And now…hideous control.
This is a ridiculous privileged take. Where should they go? Do you think 14 year olds should strike out on their own? Childbearing age does not just include “women.”
So punishment up to 99 years prison for anyone who performs an abortion in Texas, but what’s the punishment for the Texas legislators who passed abortion ban laws and are responsible for the deaths of women in that state due to sepsis?
Yes. There are one-item voters who bought what repukes sold. The religious people who think rape pregnancies are god's will. That gym jordan tried to disappear a 10 yr old victim and it’s ok. Times/Siena College polls in August 2024. It is the “single most important issue.” Yes, they voted for it.
This seems like you are agreeing with this. All those people you mentioned are republicans of one kind or another. I still don't know what you meant by bullshit.
And the republicans refuse to believe abortion bans kill women. If their wife died they would still not believe it. All thought processes in that party are gone.
When does the whole country get to debate whether men should have certain procedures done? And when we say ok, we'll still block their way into the medical facility, track them online and shame them publicly. And if they die from lack of care, we just step over them and move on. #fucktexas
So, maga traitors get Jesus, and also get what they want--more deaths of women who aren't with Jesus. That's the idea here, right? SMH. Maga, something I just don't understand.
This is important and difficult investigative reporting. I say difficult because Texas health authorities, like in Florida, are doing their very best to NOT report deaths related to abortion care and also making NO effort to collect those reports and present them on public data sites. They used to!
In a word, yes. The growing contingent of Passport Bros within the ranks of white nationalist conservatives is a direct result of American feminism leaving the manosphere of incels, MGTOWs, and MRAs confused and angry. They will become sexual tourists as a result and import suitable “docile" women.
US Christians don’t give a rat’s ass about preserving life, they’re obsessed w/ sex & the idea that others are having & enjoying it. In their abortion ban madness, that has always been the goal: fanatically chastise folks who are having sex w/ the pains & dangers of birthing. Women dying? Punishment
I had to have an emergency C-section and then one day later I ended up with sepsis. It’s no joke that was 21 years ago and I still had to have my husband‘s consent to have my tubes tied in Oregon.
🤬There should never be a law telling a woman what she can or cannot do with her body. I almost died!
Soon the regime will shut down all reporting of this data and we won’t know the number of women dying once they place the national abortion ban in place. I can’t believe this is happening.
And our Governor believes the abortion ban doesn’t need further clarification. Any loss of life (which he denies) he blames on doctors and hospitals misunderstanding the wording of the ban.
Get this info out there. Send it to the token liberal on Fox! Can't remember. Jessica..
Put it on your lawn. Write an editorial for your paper-you never know..
We need to somehow bridge the gap of information. They're fed by Fox and influenced by media. Post in Nextdoor comments and get suspended 😆
From one who was recently suspended. To be fair, he asked for proof that people would have their careers ruined by layoffs. I had some fun. It was worth it. I'm done engaging anyway. I'm getting a cat.
Because they are devaluing women. Buckle up ladies. You are property now.
Property doesn't need rights. Property doesn't need to vote.
Property doesn't have a voice.
Property doesn't have power.
Property can be sold.
I know NOW it was bullshit....I didn't know it then.
last couple loves (8&6 wild wonderful years together) are in medicine: rn fnp & infectious disease doc helping stop ebola. out there doing amazing compassionate inspiring work. still good friends & ever grateful for our time together.💞
& i concur.
Pay attention and don't be telling people they're on their high horse when YOU'RE the one missing the point.
- this is called Democide - making policies that kill the civilian population.
Of course it's the women first, because they are threatened by the greatness of women
There will never be an accurate counting of the millions during this Administration.
Preaching life, you're just fucking sick,
MAGA, you motherfuckers, with your twisted creed,
You'd rather see women dead than concede,
You voted for laws that strip rights away,
You're not pro-life, you're just pro-fucking decay.
Maternal death rates were already high in TX before the abortion ban.
But white make murderers that run over blm protestors & are also pedophiles get pardons there!
History says
They shived
and sunk his boats
Problem solved
and sunk his boats
Problem solved
Unfortunately, it looks like the majority of Texan women don't care that their MAGA/GOP state government doesn't care if they survive their pregnancies.
Maybe it's just that MAGA/GOP Texans (& MAGA/GOP ppl in general) are self-absorbed, hateful assholes.
And once again where’s the humanity??
Can anyone say that this is a good thing?
Of course NOT! Not even the members of the former GOP.
watch it
They shived
for his excesses
and sunk his boats
Problem solved
I'm certain you couldn't mean that.
Your justification is you can't feel badly because some percentage of women and a whole lot of men denied rights to women to control their own medical destinies and lives?
What if these were your rights and you voted otherwise? Would you feel badly then?
No cardiac surgery for you.
Good way of building community, that.
No wonder we're screwed.
this shit 💩 is fucking outrageous.
bet their will be a rise in grieving partners diving into targeted assassinations. killing the killers. hopefully with opsec.
Not much has changed with today's like-minded wild beasts that believe they are civilized.
Expect Texas to stop and/or corrupt the data.
Sorry if it sounds like a conspiracy theory. But just consider it.
def smells sus! 🧐
45s rants about election 🗳️ fraud in Pennsylvania & … should also be investigated. serious allegations.
They’ve repeatedly shown how unethical and hypocritical they are. The imagined “voter fraud” schemes that they make laws about are just that- things THEY imagined!
Thank you Mother Jones! I will re-follow.
Are women aware of the risks if they get pregnant?
Every Texas woman needs a plan in case of complications.
I apologize to everyone else in the world in a chair. Knowing his story does not trigger any sympathy for him. Paxton and Patrick hate everyone but white straight “men”
Oh wait, we said that and they still went ahead with it. Obviously they just don't care.
At what point is it considered attempted murder of a woman seeking medical care? Or are we just considered to be livestock in some states?
MN has great healthcare.
I will not ❤️ this
Maybe Ask QUESTIONS YEARS LATER .... Damned idiots...!!!
No FUCKING WAY!!!!!!!!
Right? Do you think dem women voted for it?
It's right there in black and white.
If only there had been some other candidate we could have voted for than Trump .... oh, wait.
🤬There should never be a law telling a woman what she can or cannot do with her body. I almost died!
Put it on your lawn. Write an editorial for your paper-you never know..
We need to somehow bridge the gap of information. They're fed by Fox and influenced by media. Post in Nextdoor comments and get suspended 😆
Property doesn't need rights. Property doesn't need to vote.
Property doesn't have a voice.
Property doesn't have power.
Property can be sold.
And, as long as this law stands, I'll never step foot in that state again.