They are winning because they are the most vocal.
Referring to them as anti-abortionists is generous, they are forced-pregnancy proponents working to remove women’s rights.
Because it doesn't apply to them because they're "righteous" so they think they'll never need that kind of healthcare. And feeling morally superior is more important to them than anything else, like actual empathy.
For too many people this is a religious issue and an attempt to impose their religious beliefs on others. It has nothing to do with the so called "right to life". We all believe in that and they try to make it look like we don't.
And another thing about the article in it she states how leftists don't know how to use a gun girl it doesn't take a whole year of being in the military or law enforcement to learn the fuckin basics.
We already know he’s in cahoots w/ Russia.
The story you posted was all over the news prior to and during Trumps first term. The accusations that he has ties to Russia go back as far as 1977.
It’s a serious concern but Congress seemingly can’t even tie their own shoes right now.
Congress it is time for you to act, otherwise you will cease to exist. He has broken every law. He has the majority and chose not to use it. He delegated his presidency to a non elected individual. Stop watching how our democracy crumbles and uphold the constitution. You have the power!
We used to hear how free America was. How you fight for freedom with your second ammendment and sic semper tyrannis.
Instead you're sitting there, eyes closed, cowering in fear, waiting for the bullet.
Fuck, if our governments pulled half this shit we'd be rioting. Guess we're just too different.
This thread is exactly what separates people. You argue for abortion and against capital punishment.
Kill the innocent, save the guilty. I will never understand and neither will you. Until it’s too late.
I'm not against capital punishment in all cases. But I find it hard how to see how anyone calling themselves a Christian (or who adheres to the 10 Commandments) can approve.
If they were so concerned about life they would be helping the rest of us to try to ensure the survival of all life on the planet and yet they turn a blind eye to what elongated muskrat did with the department of energy which also contained our entire nuclear stockpile.
Trump’s Plan to Seize Total Power Is Underway—And No One Is Stopping Him. How Project 2025 Will Kill American Democracy While the Media and Congress Stay Silent. This Article I Wrote Exposes the Threat and Demands Action—Before It’s Too Late.
That depends on which Christians your talking about if it's actual Christians they won't be hypocrites if it's Christian nationalists they want everyone to suffer cause they belive in stories they know nothing about.
Referring to them as anti-abortionists is generous, they are forced-pregnancy proponents working to remove women’s rights.
The story you posted was all over the news prior to and during Trumps first term. The accusations that he has ties to Russia go back as far as 1977.
It’s a serious concern but Congress seemingly can’t even tie their own shoes right now.
Instead you're sitting there, eyes closed, cowering in fear, waiting for the bullet.
Fuck, if our governments pulled half this shit we'd be rioting. Guess we're just too different.
Kill the innocent, save the guilty. I will never understand and neither will you. Until it’s too late.
Exodus 21:12
Romans 13:1-4
Check it out
That dissonance is going to collapse, eventually.
Sperm doesn’t fertilize egg.
It’s great that someone reported this but do people really not know Christians view abortion as the holocaust x10?