I'd say we will have to learn Russian next, but I doubt it, I don't think he's smart enough to know 2 languages, and that's typical for people like him ... mentally challenged.
It’s also an attack of no value. Presidents have no authority to establish a law making English the official language.
That order should be ignored.
Why can’t the press dismiss nonsense with a figurative wave of their hand?
WE have an old sick retarded,deranged, unfit,unqulify, lowlife,ungodly, illegal old thief so called president,thief, Russia spy,serial Pathological liar, corrupt con artist,tax fraud chief,abuser of the laws,serial sexual predator,serial CONVITED FELON, coup plotter,and rat as head of our country.
If I moved to France, I would NOT expect everyone to learn English for me, I would need to learn French for them in their country.
Same here, if anyone comes here, we expect them to learn English.
Simple. Logical.
He is articulate.
Trump has a curious relationship to English.
Language isn't really his area of expertise.
Is it?
That order should be ignored.
Why can’t the press dismiss nonsense with a figurative wave of their hand?
They're everywhere.