Could just be a virus. I use over the counter nose sprays for persistent sinus issues. A steroid one every day, then a reliever one to use sparingly (when is bad and eg I need to sleep). Works well
If you can, use the sauna as much as possible. Full disclosure I am in no way medically trained or even watch medical dramas so take this with a brick of salt, but I find it does wonders for clearing out sore throats and colds
It could still be allergies - seasonal, possibly mould spores. Gets me every autumn. Probably unlikely you're developing it now, but a HEPA air purifier isn't a bad thing to try even if it turns out to be something different
I had a dreadful cough in Feb. Lasted for weeks. Since then I've had what they call a nasal drip causing blocked nose and constant mucus cough. Given up trying to get help.
My thoughts too on reading the above. Last spring my granddaughter and then my daughter had "the 100 day cough" which is another name for whooping cough. Both had been vaccinated so this irritating cough was the "mild" version they believed.
I've got the same thing, docs were completely disinterested almost annoyed I asked for advice. Only thing I find helps me manage is keep drinking water and cut down on dairy as it seems to make it worse. No idea if there's any weight to it.
In October, Covid is perhaps the most likely suspect, but there was also RSV and flu around. There were pretty high levels of rhinovirus too. Maybe you’ve tested negative for some/all of those?
Because that was causing my symptoms.
In October, Covid is perhaps the most likely suspect, but there was also RSV and flu around. There were pretty high levels of rhinovirus too. Maybe you’ve tested negative for some/all of those?
Whatever it is, hope it clears up soon.