It was better when people had their breakdowns in private (KB not Sunder obviously).
Reposted from
Sunder Katwala (sundersays)
She writes that the reasons "Ethnics" can identify as Scottish is due to haggis and Loch Ness keeping Scottishness going. But all English culture (hills, cricket and Shakespeare) are seen as British, therefore preventing any ethnic minority person identifying as English, she claims.
Taggart, on the other hand…
Nobody wants warm ale anyway
Football is British not English - garbage, the football league was created in England
Most Scots would rather poke their own eyeballs out with a blunt spoon rather than watch cricket!
She should be arrested and charged, not in charge of children
Not to say that obviously this discourse hasn’t always existed but it’s being given renewed legitimacy by certain outlets
KB seems to have fallen into the same trap as Peterson, believing that long convoluted arguments and big words are the same as actually knowing what you’re talking about.