A friend I haven't seen in a few months rang my doorbell just to say hi. She said "I was in your neighborhood and you're a person I care about, so I thought I'd go old school and just give a knock." We had a much needed hug.
I turned off the news, closed my computer, and spent a few hours doing mini-twists in my beloved 15 y/o's hair. We caught up with each other. He looks amazing. Then I spent 2 hours coaching my oldest thru a kick ass lit review he's doing for a project. I'm so proud. Small things are big things.
As a group, we have managed to be remarkably calm and determined about what we need to do to get through the next few years. We're having individual ups and downs, but our mission is still going strong.
I had taken 3 days off and my boyfriend unexpectedly took 2 days so we spent a long weekend cooking, watching college football and wandering through bookstores where my soul at least scabbed over a little
I, with no medical training whatsoever, deduced that my 92yo mother’s rapid and frightening cognitive decline was due to a UTI—based on Logan Roy’s symptoms in “Succession.” I insisted her skeptical care team perform a urinalysis. She’s much better now.
My 15yr old brother & sister tuxedo cats, Schnitzel & Beelzebub, have cancer and this month’s checkups showed they are responding very well to treatment.
Seven days ago, my daughter was born, after trying for years. We’ve spent most of the last week in the NICU but she’s home, healthy, and hungry now. My wife and I couldn’t be happier
Yesterday on a hike, in mostly silence and alone, out of no where I heard a woman singing the Star Spangled Banner in a clear and unwavering voice. It was unexpected and hopeful.
I stopped binge watching MSNBC. it was bad for my health and an addiction I know I should break. Instead I am reading more, opening the Bible again, and meditating.
I moved to Maine this week and put out a Facebook call for help in lifting heavy furniture. My high school softball coach/math teacher volunteered. I have not seen him since 1985. What a guy!
I found the exact bathroom rug I had been looking for since the summer! It’s gorgeous😊. Now I can donate the other 2 that were initial tries! It’s the little things that can bring self-care. It helped me.
My husband bought whole-wheat bagels. I dreaded the confrontation about what I assumed was an all-out assault on our family's core values. Turns out it was just a mistake. Phew! Nobody likes whole wheat bagels!!
(Context: we are in Montreal, where bagels are oddly important.)
I’m recovering from the election enough that I finally went grocery shopping and could smile at people! And my dog has been the greatest therapy. Also, my sister’s chef friend came over and made us a glorious seafood dinner!
A friend texted me the morning after the election to have lunch. We mostly sat quietly, stunned. We gave each other a big hug when we parted. It felt like interactions I had in NYC after 9/11. I feel closer to friends and allies. Stronger. We will need that in the days and months ahead.
Unexpectedly, I got to spend some time in Sarajevo's once-famous Hotel Europa, which I'd read about in Rebecca Walker's Black Lamb and Grey Falcon years ago, and enjoy some delicious honey rakia.
There is a Substack group “slow reading” War and Peace. One chapter a day, and the daily discussion of Tolstoy’s universal human themes is a lifeline for many of us in these chaotic days.
there’s a play over at Irish Arts Center called Hothouse that is surreal, funny, and sincere in a way that felt more Helpful than any of the things I engaged with online. Grabbed some Thai at Chalong afterwards. For a few hours, the dread faded away 💖
My UU congregation gathered for post election reflection, connection, music, poetry, and commitment to be a refuge and organizing hub in our community. Trans members and other vulnerable folk were embraced and many new visitors joined us.
Nature walks. I became too engrossed in social media since all things Trump and got away from doing the nature walks. Doing them daily now and feeling much better
Ruben Gallego has been announced my new Senator today, sending Kari Lake packing. It is also finally sweater weather in AZ this week after 100s of days above 100.
Went to the DMV to renew my license. Expected to spend half the day. Everyone was nice as pie, the credit card machine worked for me when it was on the blink for everyone else, and I was out in less than an hour.
Still holding onto my favorite quote—actually, ESPECIALLY now:
“We are living through a revolt against the future. The future will prevail.” ~ AG
I don’t need to argue with someone stupid anymore.
(Context: we are in Montreal, where bagels are oddly important.)
It was a wonderful moment of connection with a total stranger.
So here we are. 😊