Broken hearted that we're seeing lies like this on major mastheads in Australia. Just like the Voice referendum encouraged racism and the denial of Indigenous Australian history, this is going to embolden all those that would harm the people I love.
#TheAge is following the #LNP MAGA-script for our upcoming #auspol elections, attacking all
of the things #TemuTrump #Dutton and his thug #WhiteSupremacist boys want deleted
These things have to get approved. Like I can't take out an ad that says "Kill your neighbor, it's fun!" because they wouldn't publish it. But evidently they published this, so they saw no problem with it. It isn't just about "thanks for the money" but the fact that they were okay with printing it.
I saw that this morning. They shouldn't be taking his money, but as newspapers are dying, I guess they are taking in advertising money wherever they can.
Due to their uniqueness, facial recognition and fingerprint passwords can work. In essence, no two people have identical attributes, and the number of personalities is as vast as the number of unique faces. But, there's only two sexes? Sure.
Saying "There are only two genders - male and female" is like saying "There are only two fuckwits - Dutton and Palmer". It's just not true. #Auspoll #Dutton #Palmer #ToP
Disgusted and also appalled at the complimentary TV ad that popped up last night while watching a show. This is not the USA. We do not do this shit. Take your clive, take your tucker and just go away.
I personally think it's kinda true that there are only two genders, but I do think there are three, Male, female and non-binary, but all those made up genders don't exist logically.
Fun fact! All genders are made-up, that's ultimately what it means for something to be a social construct. Man and woman are just as made up as catgender or oceangender or similar.
Well, man and woman is the name we gave the two types of human that exist; Men and women (Most often based off of the chromosomes and genitalia assigned at birth. you can only be born with either or, so we named them men, male, masculine and female, women, feminine.)
I've become so blind to advertising my mind automatically blocked it out. After looking at the image several times I didn't see the ad until someone mentioned it in the comments.
I used to religiously read the age, it stood out for it's standards. It's showing new ones now, as low as the other local paper, it's sad. Waiting for the day takes it over
So did I. When my then 11yo daughter was correcting spelling and grammar mistakes in online articles, I cancelled in disgust. Years later, I'm still regularly sent opinion surveys by them. I answered today's survey with my opinions on them running Clive's disgusting ad.
Doesn't matter....then a whole stream of abuse?...what the fuck am I missing?
Male man babies rule
of the things #TemuTrump #Dutton and his thug #WhiteSupremacist boys want deleted
In the 19th Century.
Genders? You've lost me. But I still want to know what the outrage is.
DSD conditions do not invalidate the sex binary. Every DSD condition occurs in either male or female. There is no third sex.
Both of them are warts on the foot of Australian life