I think plenty of American Patriots figured that out without AI, but it’s always good to know artificial intelligence gets it. let’s hope Average Intelligence does as well.
I asked Grok the same question, except the last part, "... and his failure to ever say anything negative about Putin but has no issue attacking allies" which was too leading. Grok gave the same answer, "...75-85% likelihood that Trump is a Putin-compromised asset, leaning toward the higher end."
For decades Trump has been paid vast sums by Russians buying his real estate. The dollars and dots are now connecting as Donald is dancing for Putin. The danger is real; a self inflicted boycott of America is needed, as money is the only language he speaks. Time for action before it’s too late.
I think we are seeing the malignant narsicistic meltdown now that everyone has been predicting. It will probably be deadly soon. He is needing to see blood. I see it seething in his eyes. Does anyone doubt that he is a serial killer like his idols?
OK? Have the Federal Marshals ARREST HIM!!! Arrest Trump, Musk, Vance, and Johnson! They're working with Putin to destroy us. Russia is attacking America from the Oval Office! We WILL NOT allow traitors and dictators to hold us hostage for one second longer!!! REMOVE THEM!!!
I didn't watch it yet, but from what I have imbibed, I will not be joining in on the denigration of Al Green.
There's also something to be said about doing it on camera *as a first step* if others now know what's happening. My point is they're going to stop there, and we can't let them.
You pointed out congress should do something about this and I was saying they did and it was shit. Holding signs and getting mildly annoyed aren’t enough to save America from a Russian aligned rogue president
What I'm saying is they can attack from different fronts. It's been proven that no one knows about what's happening if they're not imbibing media rapidly. Breaking that barrier is the first step. My point is that it's not enough, but won't be talking shit about a man actively protesting with a cane.
Your party — though let’s be clear, the other, even more degenerate one isn’t mine either! — is still stuck in 2016’s Russia-gate. Maybe time to find a better excuse for why the other gangsters took the White House in 2016 and 2024? Here's a start: https://peternightingale.substack.com/p/liberals-didnt-listen-and-still-dont
I did not need any AI bot to tell me that. He has been a mole since the 1980s ... and many in Congress are as well. Democrats keep saying that they are lying, and trying to convince them to side with democracy ... your efforts are meaningless and a waste of time. They have a job to do ... for Putin
@repdangoldman Knowing how important crowd size is to Trump, all Democrats should boycott the State of the Union. Democrats need to organize and present a united front.
One thing the last eight years has taught the world is the president of the United States Absolutely is a king if his party controls Congress, the constitution needs to change stripping presidents of some of their power. It’s too fkn dangerous and too easy to go back to 1957 or 1937 like right now
I knew that without AI, just paying attention to what they say and do, understanding how Putin works. The problem is two fold: 1) no Dems seem to be setting things on fire, same for media 2) MAGAs don't care. They'd rather be Russian than vote blue. From my own Republican friends and family on FB.
Confirming all our suspicions...
ChatGPT says a 40% chance orange face is a Russian asset.
Which is still too high!
There's also something to be said about doing it on camera *as a first step* if others now know what's happening. My point is they're going to stop there, and we can't let them.
Now he’s meddling with Spains Government, he is public enemy #1.m. I believe he is The Antichrist
#fuckelonmusk #fucktrump #fuckevil #fafo #argentina #Spain #Germany #Africa #Russia #Ukraine