Glad you have so much time to post pics like this. You also had time to vote YES on SIX of drump’s deplorable nominees. We need a fighter now. Not a flower picture poster. Or a coward who enables drump. FRIGGIN’ DO SOMETHING!!!!
whoever is posting for his social media could have offered the context that we all need to find joy in nature at any given moment. But it’s pretty tone deaf to share it without context. So I agree with you.
Hmmm. You have time to walk in the woods but you can't lead a protest against the Trump Administration and GOP destroying our Democracy and way of life.....
They are beautiful, a sign of spring and perhaps with spring a collective awakening of tens of thousands of voices, each in its own way but together, pushing the moral arc of the universe in the right direction.
Ummmm … thousands of people are losing their jobs. Inflation is increasing. Recession is looming. And … snowdrops?
How out of touch from the rest of the country are you?
This is the problem when we have privileged people unaffected by everyday harms representing us.
Shame on you.
Hey if you see any ladyslippers on one of your walks, would you please post a photo? I love them and miss them. Thanks, a former N.E. coast gal who misses home.
It's time to boycott all donations to House AND Senate Democrat campaigns until Chuck Schumer resigns as Senate Minority Leader. America needs ACTION. Refuse to legitimize the party until they legitimize themselves by removing the parasitic old guard. #ActBlueBoycott #StepDownChuckSchumer
Too bad all of his hot air will melt both?
How out of touch from the rest of the country are you?
This is the problem when we have privileged people unaffected by everyday harms representing us.
Shame on you.
Sure sign of Spring! Woo-hoo
I'm sure there's nothing more important on Americans minds right now, than wanting a picture of flowers from you.
You're the snowdrop or snowflake as we call them.
Quit blowing hot air on msnbc and actually do something to protect our people!
From you, I would prefer some updates.
They're blooming here in north Louisiana as well!
Kick Mike Johnson for me next time ya' see him if ya' would!
Something is up with that last minute vote switcheroo.
Really Pretty ❄️…