I let the door seal as the white light flickered on. It wasn’t much warmer in there, but at least it was cozy. I connected myself to the resupply and repair leads, leaned back against the wall and shivered.
I just realized I don’t like the phrase “as far as I knew” because it implies how much you actually don’t know. I’m not going to stop using it, but. I don’t like it as much anymore.
ART said, I didn’t mean you. That sounds mild, putting it like that, like something ART would say in a normal tone. But it said it with so much force in the feed I sat down hard on the bunk. I said, “Stop yelling at me.”
I followed every step in this article, but a lot of my books won't download. It gives a popup that says I need to update my kindle app. Is there a workaround for that?
Short term , go to the Amazon page which lists all your ebooks and for each one, click download for transfer via USB “.
That’ll get you files which can be imported into calibre and DeDRM’d.
It’s a slow process, but it’s the only confirmed way at the moment.
Indah said, “How would you dispose of a body so it wouldn’t be found?” I’m not the public library feed, Senior Officer, go do your own research. I said, “If I told you, then you might find all the bodies I’ve already disposed of.”
On the feed, Amena said, Sorry, ART. Apology accepted, ART said. I felt its attention shift in the feed. (Imagine it staring meaningfully at me.) (It could stare all it wanted, I’m not apologizing.)
I sent, You have no idea what I am.
She tilted her head and looked more mad. I know exactly what you are. You’re afraid, you’re hurt, and you need to calm the fuck down so we can get through this situation alive.
Amena tried to just lie down on the bare bunk and pillow her head on the sealed bedding pack but I made her get up and unfold it and do it right. (“You’re mean,” she groaned.)
Oh, and there were downloads, sweet downloads, multiple entertainment feeds, way more than HaveRatton and Port FreeCommerce, hanging temptingly in the air.
No luck yet, I'm afraid. I've got calibre and the plugins set up, and downloaded an old Kindle for PC version, but I can't link this to my Kindle account. It sends me a code by text which it then says is wrong
Ratthi threw his hands in the air and went over to sit next to Overse. With a “let’s get this over with” expression, Overse asked, “SecUnit, how do you know there wasn’t a distress call?”
That’ll get you files which can be imported into calibre and DeDRM’d.
It’s a slow process, but it’s the only confirmed way at the moment.
She tilted her head and looked more mad. I know exactly what you are. You’re afraid, you’re hurt, and you need to calm the fuck down so we can get through this situation alive.