I'm reminded of nothing so much as the SNL bit with Dan Aykroyd as Jimmy Carter on a phone-in program advising everyone on everything, including talking someone down from a bad acid trip.
You know there's not a similar story like this for Trump, even for something like a young real estate investor getting advice. But what's kind of telling to me is that his campaign doesn't even try to fake a story of Trump helping someone with advice b/c it's so obviously not something he'd do.
Let's hope her mom asked beforehand if she was OK with sharing this story. I once criticized someone for doing something similar only to be told that the child was OK with it.
Having been the kid who was never in that situation for real, but wouldβve been ok with it, yeah. Not every tween is obsessed with looking perfect to their peers.
Imagine she'd called Donald Trump!
"My hair is so beautiful, it's the best and totally lice free, and I've been told by people, told by THE MOST intelligent people - oh, I am so intelligent - that my hair is the lice freest hair ever. There never was hair like mine! Everybody knows, EVERYBODY!"
A friend of mine who still lives in MN (and is not inclined to like ANY politician) was like "other people have skeletons in their closets and he just has flowers, it's wild."
2) wash hair
If you break their legs, they can't lay eggs!
Sadistic cackling is optional.
"My hair is so beautiful, it's the best and totally lice free, and I've been told by people, told by THE MOST intelligent people - oh, I am so intelligent - that my hair is the lice freest hair ever. There never was hair like mine! Everybody knows, EVERYBODY!"
I believe he said, "What you're gonna wanna do is you're gonna wanna go to Target."
Tim Walz, but FOR REAL.
(No disrespect to President Carter, obvs.)