No we live far south not near the hospital and he had the good car. My car is not able to go at the moment. Neighbours said they’ll collect him and car when he can leave. I spoke to him on the phone. They’re doing tests now
He's ok atm. Had tests in hospital and was under obs for a few hours. Had some naps at home. Has to have dental work done under a general in hospital in future unfortunately.
Actually hospital said it was not from the needle. He has no concerns about needles or any treatments etc. It was his slow heartbeat and blood pressure automatic reaction. Has happened once before and also during a severe kidney infection.
God I'm so sorry. I'm sure this is not how you thought you would be spending the day. His blood tests will give both of you a better idea what's going on. It's the waiting that drives us nuts. Have a coffee or three.
Hope all is okay