Not everyone thinks I am adorable, I assure you. People can decide how seriously they want to take me and it won't bother me one way or another what they decide. At the end of the day I have to be happy with myself. I work on that, rather than worry on how others see me (Krissy and Athena excepted).
Reposted from
Alan Septoff
Serious question Mr Scalzi: does your adorableness undermine your seriousness as an author with important (media? critic?) audiences?
Who gives a shit if anyone else likes you?
You would probably prefer people to like/enjoy your books, but screw the bozos who don't.
A pearl clutching prude I know quit book club a few years ago because of green people sex in "old man's war"...I didn't mind it, I don't want to be forced to read only the sanitized books people like that can handle.
Just keep being you and it's all gravy.
I do not subscribe to DotA.
Of course SoshMediaScalzi is a construct but it doesn't mean you say things you don't mean.
Seriousness does not ensure a good story.
I love your balance.