Meanwhile, here on planet Earth, POTUS has no authority to void a presidential pardon.
Pardons are final and legally binding once issued.
His base will love this tweet, but it’s completely pointless and unenforceable.
Pardons are final and legally binding once issued.
His base will love this tweet, but it’s completely pointless and unenforceable.
I think we reached the limit of any democracy, when an authoritarian grabs the power and is allowed to place his people and capo everywhere.
“Unenforceable” works when laws are followed. The Orange Reich follows no laws
Trump is not smart enough to see down the field, and anticipate how his bullshit could bite him on the ass.
You need a civil war to get rid of one.
So whatcha gonna do about it? Anything?
Here’s a hint: F*cking RISE UP.
Here’s a link to the DOJ’s Office of Legal Counsel’s memo detailing that a President need not personally perform the physical act of affixing his signature.
Have fun, Americans.
Flynn, Bannon, everyone he keeps loyal with the promise he'll protect them, they're all up for grabs.
I'm sure MAGAs, having just now heard of autopen, will think Biden was the only president to ever use one
Either way isn't their obvious potential to revoke all the Jan 6 pardons and blanket self pardon I'm sure he'll award himself on his last day?
Trump likes cruelty…
Would you trust u’re LOVED pet with him to sit u’re fur baby
Even though Trump probably doesn't understand the constitution, his death eaters do; and they've chosen to flag up a flagrant challenge to the rule of law in this fashion.
So, why? To test the willingness of scotus to allow Trump to do whatever he wants?
The White House and federal government can do whatever they want, because nobody is stopping them.
This includes voiding Biden's pardons and arresting people like Fauci.
Also, AFAIK, treason does not have a statute of limitations.
That would be asmarter way of getting around Biden's pre-emptive pardons.
Which probably means Trump won't do it & will instead try to get the pardons ignored - unless he loses interest & starts ranting about sth else.
The courts will be his theatres. He can put on any show he pleases and call it a trial.
Also, surely somewhere in the entire federal court system they'd find one pro Trump judge who would do what they were told?
Please somebody tell me who’s going to stop him
Not the cops
Damn curious what the judges are going to do
You might need to tell Patel that.
Who is carrying out what they know is an illegal order?
Homan & my neighborhood drunk have the same *legal* authority to "Detain that person." yet, there are agents taking legal residents into detention on his order?
They might not hold water
If they don’t allow it, and the Executive disobeys the court’s ruling(s), then it’s (another) Constitutional crisis.