California quite frankly cripple the economy by withholding their federal taxes. I think they should counter Congress with this very notion when they try the BS!
Maybe none of us pay our taxes this year. After all, tRump and DOGE are fixing the all the government costs, right? Besides, with all the cuts, anyone with a refund may not see it until next year. If only this could actually be organized.
I've been saying that since the election. Blue states are producers, we keep the gov't and in turn the red states up and running. I am tired of paying for low taxes states to be low tax states.
If you don’t first secede try and try again. (Not advocating) but we do need to throw down the stats of how blue states bail out the red ones. Biting the hand that feeds them.
My state has multiple tornadoes every year and usually the same areas. The Governor and his underlings have sucked Trumps ass, though, and I think his plan is to blackmail states for his control of the funds.
Such a great idea! Newsome should rally the California state assembly around a tax plan based on federal assistance in disaster aid fairness and compliance.
Now California does not need Canada, although there would be great advantages. This has been laughed at but is now getting more interest
The list of impeachable offenses started before he took office, like rigging the election, and then continued to 10 minutes into being sworn in. They list just keeps growing like a kids' Xmas list to Santa. We have gutless Congress and a checked out public.
I have said all along that California should withhold all Federal transfer payments until everything is rebuilt.
All Blue staes should send theirs to California until it is rebuilt.
See how those red States like a little pain when they don't get their money!!!
How? Better to split California into two states for better representation. North and South Dakota could be combined to equalize representation. Each state should have the same representation. One representative for each 65,000. Citizens.
the taxes that California sends to the federal government are taxes from individuals and businesses? Yes? How many Californians do you want to be charged with tax evation? I keep hearing California shouldn't pay but it isn't California but Californians.
The Federal Reserve Bank in San Franciso should keep west coast tax payments by individuals and businesses in escrow until we know that it won't be stolen by Trump, and will be used fairly.
Lifelong Californian here. I would love to secede if I wasn’t still waiting on SSDI, and if I didn’t live in a red county where the State of Jefferson would swallow me up. But if I could stay with California I would do it in a minute at this point. Fork all those forkers!
We’d love to have you 🤗. But you needn’t have to move, you could stay there physically and you’d have an international border. But you’d have a King, wouldn’t that be neat!?
I'd go with this if the orange idiot plans to stay after 4 years
Hell, I'd go with this now. The orange jerk and GOP are that despicable.
However, Canada could be having the same pains as us with how their politics are going in the very near future!
I’m in WA, I go back and forth between just ununiting the states and something like this. I’ve seen many say they’d support WA, OR, CA being their own country too.
honestly, I'm not sure anyone will see their SS if we remain on this trajectory, I'm 61, so close and yet so far. besides the fact that the whole of your income would be needed to pay for medicine. 😭
Canadian here. Wait a minute. Blue states might be more aligned with Canadian values than red states, but they are not Canadian, most know very little about Canada, and there are many American traits that don’t fit with Canadians and are quite different.
This is also a very important point. I’ve heard from Canadians about the worry of their national identity getting swallowed by America and I could see how some may see a migration as an accelerant to that.
If it comes to it, what sort of courtesy could we render as new neighbors?
Respect for our differences, even an awareness of our differences would be good start. Start there. We are not perfect, but our values often do not align with those of US citizens. our system has never elected a despicable criminal to lead our country, and hopefully never will.
I'd say toss in Arizona but so many people moved here for the weather then put on their red caps & actally wave effen confederate flags here! They literally need to go back to where they came from!!! My mom was born in Santa Fe, so maybe they'll give me asylum there?
I suspect that if the west coast got really serious about moving out Nevada and Arizona would go with as well. They are too tightly connected to California financially to lose that.
I get it. I really do. At the same time I'm thinking of the partition of India and Pakistan, and the refugees and the violence. Lots of red state folks headed here, and lots of folks on the east side of the mtns going there.
I've been thinking, CA should submit a document seceding from the union for a period not to exceed 3.5 years, open to negotiation. I wonder how long before negotiations would begin, 😆
Perhaps the only way to save the country is to raise the stakes. It's not a bluff either, I think California should be prepared to walk away. I'd rather do that than allow Trump to destroy my state.
Succession was and will be the cause of a war where nobody wins. I initially thought that #cascadia was funny and hipster but rooskie trolls have actively promoted this idea on Reddit for at least a decade. Organize to preserve the Union, my ancestor liberated the last fort on the mississipilessly
Lol, my statement's off the cuff/flippant. To your point, I don't look at Reddit so didn't know discussion about secession there. Heard was some chatter before the presidential election 8 years ago about seceding that was in email polls. Citizen of the United States here!
Pandora has no power against the box you’ll receive if you send me your Amazon wishlist with #March by John Lewis, an instructional handbook with pictures on how to #wagehope. Tune into 92.7 #bayarea radio, and dust off your 🪩shoes🪩
Thanks for listening! My only aspiration is for 92.7FM #KEXP to record my newly formed #SSF #SFO community #funk band someday for their
I’m not sure if you’re offering me a book here. If so, appreciated but I’ve cut off all Amazon services since the wash post non-endorsement. Love KEXP tho in the PNW. I’ll check out this handbook through alternative methods.
I’ve been preaching this over and over and over. If Shitler won’t give California disaster aid just say “well we’ll take the federal tax money we were going to give you and we’ll use that for aid” Come on California, JUST DO IT.
It makes me want to empower myself to only pay for the things I support with my taxes. If my taxes are going to go to segregation schools and religious entities, I don’t want to pay my full taxes. Maybe we should all withhold some.
Right. Otherwise they just fine you through the nose. That’s another thing that should be addressed. The fines for being late or making a mistake are thousands. Credit cards don’t even do that. Our government is allowed to rape us. I’m good with taxes, but the way they take advantage is wrong.
Another way to stiff it to the working class. The wealthy have lawyers, carefully crafted loopholes, off shore accounts, a hundred ways to not pay and not be fined. The US truly survives on the backs of the working and middle class.
You mean b/c Blue’ States like CA support dozens of Red States that have no money?
Or maybe Trump can do both,
1) Give Fed AID to the homeless & destitute thousands & thousands of Americans.
2) Continue on the Infrastructure Building of Biden Admin & come up with better solutions!
I live in Texas. We have a lot of hurricanes and tropical storms. We just went through Beryl. What would've happened if Biden withheld FEMA money contingent on us getting rid of constitutional carry? These assholes on the R team need to take that into account when pulling their bullshit.
Can we do this please? We support so many states, especially Red states. They need to see and experience the truth. And we CA need our money to support us. We pay way too much and get very little.
Agreed! However, someone needs to remind this country that California is still inside of AMERICA that their fellow Americans need help, sometimes wording changes attitudes, a guy called me a woke liberal &when I responded Sir I am American first. He got a shook, kind of awakening look on his face.
Exactly. Once enough people stop paying Federal taxes the game is over. They can't arrest millions of people and can't raise the debt ceiling with the votes of Republican House members only.
The Federal Government would default and we can finally rid ourselves of the "taker" red states.
The dollar will immediately lose its status as the reserve currency.
Everyone will be selling dollars, dropping the value by half.
Our standard of living will drop accordingly.
We warned people, but they wanted the criminal orange man to kick out the workers.
Yes someone else is as brutal as me about with holding money even better let's just become an independent principalitie this is 4or5 largest world economy....🎉🎉🎉
Or CA could be independent? Imagine the US without this:
It is the largest sub-national economy in the world. If CA were a nation it would rank in terms of nominal GDP as the World's fourth largest economy, behind Germany (4.71 trillion) and ahead of the Japan (4.07 trillion).
Exactly what I've been saying... Time for California to stop funding all Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, etc... California should just hold on to all the income they generate for the country - for themselves. FFOTUS wants everything back to the states? That's how it works.
Why should we pay federal taxes if states are expected to handle everything? Trump wants states to manage education and FEMA, yet the government still demands taxes without even increasing federal employee salaries. What are our taxes really paying for?
I'm all for millions of people refusing to pay their taxes. Change our deductions to the highest possible, then don't pay in anything during tax time. That could get interesting, but only works if tens of millions are on board.
It would take an entire movement. Tens of millions on board and actually following through. Make ourselves heard loud. If the states are required to take care of their own, then we only take care of our own state. No more red state welfare.
I was thinking about this. If they really do cut FEMA relief for CA, I think it would make sense for CA to become a tax-resisting state. This would escalate I'm sure, as the government would cut military contracts and so on in return, but OTOH at some point we simply have to push back
Had same thought, they contribute roughly at a 2 to 1 ratio to the federal budget. A negative sum for Trump’s revenge tour. Plus the loss of infrastructure support to many of the companies whose owners supported him and kissed the ring at the inauguration.
Absolutely they should do this. Use the taxes that would have gone to Washington to pay for their own citizens’ assistance. Isn’t that what Felon47 said he wants - the states to each be responsible for their own. Well, no time like the present….
I agree. I am supposed to give them 30k in taxes for my business so they can just shit on us.
I am hoping I can just give it to Canada and have them adopt us.
TFG thinks he's all powerful and a deal maker. What an Asshole. Let's see what happens when California and other blue States withdraw their tax take to the TFG NAZI government. TFG depends on rich blue States bailing out poor crappy red states. He is just too dumb to understand this. Moron 🙄
With Trump's proposal to eliminate FEMA & leave states to fend for themselves, that would reduce the burden on Blue states such as California, so that's a positive. Of course the biggest beneficiaries of FEMA are Red states, so they are completely screwed, so that's a positive too in MAGA land
Red states would be even worse off nationally than they already are without DOE money too, but no worries, Trump will fix it by just getting rid of it.
Vouchers for everyone whether you voted for them or not (looking at you, AZ).
We may have to all withhold our taxes as individuals and states to defeat Trump and Trumpism. Remember the "Boston Tea Party," "Taxation without representation (and services) is tyranny."
Call it the "Western Region Union of United States".
Deny the Federal government their tax money.
If New York and other Eastern states do the same thing the Federal government would go bankrupt and the Southern states would slip into extreme poverty and anarchy.
Sounds like a plan to me.
If you are saying Democrats are going to be pushed to a breaking point and finally start fighting back, what makes you think that? It didn't happen during the first Trump admin. It didn't happen when Dems had Biden in the White House and Garland heading DOJ. Didn't happen during election 2024...
I was asking if you have any evidence that Dems WILL fight back. I agree that they SHOULD fight back, but personally I don't think they will. I was hoping you had some signs that they're actually doing it. If they haven't done it by now, what will it take?
And a horrible person.
No State send more to Washington..
Oh and Fuck Trump
Rich girl Shriver says no reason to rebuild because taxes are to high & crime. Yeah, cut taxes when we have to rebuild, she’s a genius. Crime is way down. Billionaire plant? Maybe we shouldn’t rebuild the rich hoods, & only rebuild the poor middle class hoods. (40s in)
CA isn’t holding onto your taxes that are pulled from your paycheck to then dole it out to the feds.
went so well…
control both houses.
In the mean time,
it’s just political masturbaiting.
the dotard in the White House just speaking out of his tailpipe again...
If they fuck with Social Security, I’m going to be done anyway.
All Blue staes should send theirs to California until it is rebuilt.
See how those red States like a little pain when they don't get their money!!!
It's the only thing affordable now!
Hell, I'd go with this now. The orange jerk and GOP are that despicable.
However, Canada could be having the same pains as us with how their politics are going in the very near future!
Never thought I'd be rooting for a presidents demise. Eating McDonald's everyday (& no exercise) is giving himself a great😃 head start
Thanks for sharing your take.
If it comes to it, what sort of courtesy could we render as new neighbors?
Being an "American" is a downgrade as long as we have to associate with those trash states..
have hope
I’ll be glad to be a new province of Canada.
Or maybe Trump can do both,
1) Give Fed AID to the homeless & destitute thousands & thousands of Americans.
2) Continue on the Infrastructure Building of Biden Admin & come up with better solutions!
The former Republican Governor who hates Trump.
That guys ex-wife?
Oh what a Universe in which we live.
1) Saving Federal forests from burning 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥
2) AND is contributing 14% of US GDP
A Liberal Floridian
The Federal Government would default and we can finally rid ourselves of the "taker" red states.
Like borrowing money when your credit rating is shit.
Everyone will be selling dollars, dropping the value by half.
Our standard of living will drop accordingly.
We warned people, but they wanted the criminal orange man to kick out the workers.
It is the largest sub-national economy in the world. If CA were a nation it would rank in terms of nominal GDP as the World's fourth largest economy, behind Germany (4.71 trillion) and ahead of the Japan (4.07 trillion).
You guys can make it happen, and it will just piss the living hell out of him.
I am hoping I can just give it to Canada and have them adopt us.
Vouchers for everyone whether you voted for them or not (looking at you, AZ).
Deny the Federal government their tax money.
If New York and other Eastern states do the same thing the Federal government would go bankrupt and the Southern states would slip into extreme poverty and anarchy.
Sounds like a plan to me.
Democrats lack the will to play hard ball.
I was asking if you have any evidence that Dems WILL fight back. I agree that they SHOULD fight back, but personally I don't think they will. I was hoping you had some signs that they're actually doing it. If they haven't done it by now, what will it take?