Fuck Musk.
Fuck Trump.
Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and…
Federalist types like to remind us that the US is a republic not a democracy. Today that has become abundantly clear. For history buffs: remember, Julius Caesar said he was trying to "save" the Roman Republic.
It is how your system works. GOP didn’t complain when Kaczmaryk (sic) and others halted Biden EOs with regularity, regardless of what the people thought. But I don’t imagine they’ll spend much time remembering that little detail.
Elon Musk purchased MILLIONS of "pledges" to vote Hitler 2.0 in the swing-states for between $47-$100 each and an entry into a fake lottery scheme that was supposed to have paid out $1 million per day.
These millions of votes FAR exceeded Hitler 2.0's margin of victory.
Democracy is dead.
We know tRump is East Coast Mafia. Murdoch family is mafia & Murdoch son sits on Tesla Board of Directors. Petey and Elon are part if the Bay Area “enterprise” (mafia) I’m curious about what “family” Musk & Murdochs are talking about eliminating. Is it the Italy family branch or Asian?
Ketamine Elona is on power "trip' bombarding us like that movie, "Everything Everywhere All at Once," to distract, destroy, and continue dismantling the government to benefit himself. 😡🤬🖕
Help please. Crashing gurgle. As they blocked us out my 1st submission was Tampa Bay. Added in the correct name and put it "Adjacent to Tampa Bay". Please help. Moving now to Alabama site. Think I' ll use the US Alabama location. US Kidd for Baton Rouge. They cannot block all the sites in the world
It's like Elmo keeps pitching, these made up dog-whistle triggers to stimulate low brow Maga gun toting, brown shirt support......
(The hidden msg? 'Go get em boys')
So proof that Musk doesn’t understand the co-equal branch of government. Why is he not deported? He is an immigrant and I thought all immigrants with citizenship were going to be deported? What about the Ice Queen, Melanie? Where do their rules stop?
Trump calls him a “Special Employee.” He seems not to understand separation of powers and the meaning of bureaucracy. Special people often miss a few things.🙄🙄
Years, we've tried and failed to get our hands on Trump's tax records, thanks to the courts blocking every attempt. But in swoops President Musk, who somehow enters into the entire IRS system within minutes and accesses every American's tax report, court approval be damned. Bravo, President Elon.
Elon Musk Is Apparently A Complete Moron... JUDGES CITE FEDERAL LAWS WITH THEIR RULINGS, Called Reasoning... But, It Seems Musk Has Problems READING, Which Is Why He Got Busted 5 Times By The SEC/FTC For Stock Manipulation, Which Should Have Landed Him In Prison After The Second Offense.
They just don't get it. They can't stop "every." Just the wrong ones. And sorry, dems never kick back when "weaponization" is used. Say, there were crimes committed!! Say it!
oh course Elon we do not live in a Democracy. We live in a Constitutional Republic. there are 3 branches of government Elon Musk Donald Trump and the Maga mob, right? You get in that boat with Donald and Maga you go way outshore.
We need to be realistic, Musk and Trump are acting indignant on the judges freezing things but they are dismantling everything at a rapid pace anyway. A judges order is simply a piece of paper, these guys are breaking the institutions no matter what these judges rule. No one will actually enforce it
Muskmreally doesn't understand (or feel comfortable with) democracy.
That's one reason why it's important to limit the presidency to someone native born.
(I can imagine a foreigner I would trust in the job, but it would never be a white South African raised under apartheid, the anti-democracy.)
Never Forget who gave him permission
Chief Justice John Roberts
Justice Brett Kavanaugh
Justice Amy Coney Barrett
Justice Samuel Alito
Justice Clarence Thomas
Justice Neil Gorsuch
“Violence, intimidation, and defiance directed at judges because of their work undermine our Republic, and are wholly unacceptable.” Chief Justice John Roberts
Matthew 7: 13-14
Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
What’s he babbling about now?
No doubt because he is not from America and doesn’t understand how it works.
“In old world countries we could have bastardized the system and have been ruling by now.”
Elon doesn’t understand that we have three equal branches of government do I need to say that slower for you to understand Elon you brain dead, fucking asshole
OMG the histrionics from that spoiled loser. Every one of Trump's illegal acts were stopped and none of his legal ones were stopped. So in fact, if every judge can stop every President's illegal unconstitutional acts, that is a GREAT thing for Democracy.
Every time Trump doesn’t get his own way one of his little henchmen has a temper tantrum. They don’t want a DEMOCRACY. Musk wants a DICTATORSHIP with an overtone of OLIGARCHY.
Apparently Musk hasn't read our Constitution. We have three co-equal branches of government as a checks and balance to protect our democracy from people like Musk & Trump who want unchecked power.
Elon doesn't know or appreciate the rights of any people, but he needs to bully and take rights from Americans. What kind of twisted ego can think this? We can beat him, though. He hides behind his son-using him as a literal and figurative shield and as a weird way to assert 'power' over trump.
The nazi master needs to have his ass hauled in front of the senate or house! He has to answer for what he is doing! If he doesn’t, they need to hold him in contempt and put his ass in jail!!
Fuck Trump.
Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and…
He sure as hell doesn't seem to know anything about our government or the constitution.
Elon has to go. The hacking has to stop.
Who is going to do something to stop it? When?
We have a pretty effective system
These millions of votes FAR exceeded Hitler 2.0's margin of victory.
Democracy is dead.
(The hidden msg? 'Go get em boys')
Sektenführer (sect leader) Felon & Sektenverleiter (sect seducer) Elon!
Well, that’s just transparency.
BS in economics?
The man is not as smart as he thinks he is
It’s not “any” it’s * only * the illegal ones… which just happens to be everything 🍊🤡 does
That's one reason why it's important to limit the presidency to someone native born.
(I can imagine a foreigner I would trust in the job, but it would never be a white South African raised under apartheid, the anti-democracy.)
Chief Justice John Roberts
Justice Brett Kavanaugh
Justice Amy Coney Barrett
Justice Samuel Alito
Justice Clarence Thomas
Justice Neil Gorsuch
Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
No doubt because he is not from America and doesn’t understand how it works.
“In old world countries we could have bastardized the system and have been ruling by now.”
Make America a Democracy Again! 😀
It would be good to get back.
Trump doesn't either.
But Trump DOES know that his spineless SCOTUS gave him carte blanche to commit as many crimes as he wants without any repercussions.
Every day.
I disagree 💯 with Musk’s statement. He is simply full of shit!!!