To be honest, they don't even care.The price of eggs can hit twenty dollars. But when Biden was in charge, when the price of eggs hit $2, they all had a heart attack..
Spreading lies doesn’t win anyone over. egg prices are soaring because of shortages caused by bird flu and increased demand because Americans are greedy/stingy when they are afraid.
Don didn’t cause prices on eggs even though he promised to fix it. He is a liar. Don’t be him Krassensteins.
Ignoring a problem he promised to fix is not lying. That doesn’t make him an honest broker. He has two modes, lie about it or ignore it.
Krassenteins easily spread exaggerations, and lies when it gets them more clicks. They are as comfortable with misinformation as *Rump is with assaulting women.
Trump has cracked it.
Egg on his face.
Eggflation by 'lay' man in Oval office
No sunny side up on pricing
We are 'shelling' out more now, this must be a 'yoke'.
Not 1 thing that trump/president Musk has done has helped with the economy. Just hurt Americans, line his pocket (Musk), and lie about mass government corruption. When will he get rid of the White House? If you don’t need anyone’s approval, the House, Senate and White House are a waste of money.
Just came back from grocery and it is $ 10.99 for a dozen white eggs and these aren't free range. Brown eggs are $11.89. All that talk about bringing prices down.SMH
Wait!!!!!!!! Panamanian chickens from Greenland We must get them both for lower egg prices.........(If there is an egg shortage why is there not a chicken shortage) last bit not republican
Yep, I just paid $8.99 for 18 organic eggs and $3.29 for an organic avocado. Regular avocados were worse, $3.69. 😬
The organic ones were probably grown here in CA.
When I was younger, our president’s proudly decried the Soviet and Chinese stances on the world stage.
This president can’t even stop kissing their buttocks long enough to examine the fact that they will never accept him as anything but an imitation of the communist regimes that they climbed in.
Don't be so bloody stupid. How can anyone own BIRD FLU? What Trump is doing is preventing research to solve the problem. You need to become better informed.
It's veterinarians. They kill all of them, whether sick or not, in a chicken facility with bird flu. Viruses have to find new hosts or they die. Either by the host developing antibodies or by the host dying. When all the hosts are culled, the virus is wiped out unless it hops a ride out: wild bird.
That has always happened. Families that raise hogs will sometimes get swine flu. Some die. Pandemics are fairly difficult to start, but we are playing with fire. My Dad was a vet. Back then vets battled hog cholera, a devastating disease, every year. Culling got rid of it. Last US case 1983.
Are you blaming veterinarians? They have to follow orders, it's not up to them. Once the bird flu is detected in a flock, they all have to go. It's a real tragedy, but the poor vets that have to do the euthanizing are not to blame.
No. In grade school I caught pigs for my Dad, a vet, so he could vaxx them for hog cholera. Year after year. One year we stopped. I was afraid to ask why as I didn't want to catch pigs. Finally asked. He said, "If a herd gets it, we're killing them all." Worldwide. Around 1962. Last US case: 1983.
This isn’t the gotcha any of us hopes it is. Trump voters don’t care. Let’s focus a little less on the chaos Trump is creating and more on how we’re going to beat it
Oh I don’t think I’m saying to have apathy. I’m saying what are we going to do about it? Or are we going to let Trump create the narrative and our only role will be to react to it? Because that’s what it seems like we’re doing here. And that’s not helpful.
Yes he is. And he knows how to hide things. Why didn’t he hide this? It’s part of the plan to hit us with news from Trump over and over and over while we react to each and every thing in order to burn us out. And we’re taking the bait.
There should be a DJT sticker like this next to every refrigerated case that holds eggs in every grocery store in America. Remind them that as long as Agent Orange continues to ignore bird flu, it's probably going to get worse.
I suggest that the #StepfordWives who voted for the orange guy learn how to #handwash #clothdiapers, because in the near future they will no longer be able to afford #disposablediapers nor #maid services. 🤔
Sorry 'acting president' You have NO control over grocery store prices. Even though you think you are king. We have always known you could never do anything about the price of eggs.
People with half a brain might think eggs aren't cheaper due to bird flu. Having half a brain they would realize he's a liar.
we have a lot of brain-dead people in this country (Trump ❤️the uneducated!) Trump is = a fascist idiot. Ed.u is not on his agenda. We're just going to get more stupid.
Just wanted to put this out there. You guys are an essential part of what's actually right in the US. I have seen a lot of great journalists and now I number you with them. Thanks for everything brothers.
Look.. few hate Trump as much as I do. He's vile on every imaginable level. But blaming him for avian bird flu prices on eggs makes us lose all credibility. There's plenty of awful he does for certain. Focus on that.
Silencing the CDC, withdrawing from WHO and defunding NIH is going to make the avian influenza issue way worse than it should be.
I feel like many healthcare workers may throw in the towel with another botched pandemic response.
It's a super risky strategy tying Trump to the egg prices. The prices will come down once bird flu is under control and then he will have a free hit by saying look I brought the prices down. Linking macro economic outcomes to government is a two edged sword.
Yes linking his policy changes to these inevitably worse outcomes is a better play. Eggs is a weird flashpoint that will only play into his hands in the end.
The sad thing is he will blame Biden for this spike. Then when the bird flu eventually abates and prices come back down he will claim credit for lowering prices.
"And in all fairness, Trump has little to do with this at this time (perhaps some prices are rising because of farm labor issues, and fears of tariffs). But with that said, they blamed every price increase on Biden, so why not..."
FROM DAY ONE - Incompetent flunkees, unaware of due process, or any concept of a concept, process, or procedure ... WILL adversely impact the processing, accuracy, and timeliness of ALL you depend on!
he damn sure did! It's almost funny how many IDIOTS voted for him because he promised to lower the price. You can fool some of the people all the time, you can fool all of the maga all the time"
Yup! He's a dumbass! Why should he care about anything when he doesn't have to worry where his next dollar is coming from. MAGA deserves every nasty surprise they're going to get, but we certainly don't deserve it! Crazy needs to be taken out in a straight jacket!
Fancier eggs. Not store brand. But the cheaper store brands were gone! Gone!
Don didn’t cause prices on eggs even though he promised to fix it. He is a liar. Don’t be him Krassensteins.
Why do we just let him go on that? Why do you want to just always let him get away with lies?
Krassensteins are blaming Trump for the very thing Trump blamed inflation. An abundance of lies! Trump is vile, but he didn't cause bird flu.
He said he would fix the prices that were caused BY BIRD FLU.
And he's completely ignoring it.
You're lying about his promises and trying to IGNORE them and demanid that its a lie to TALK about HIS PROMISES.
Krassenteins easily spread exaggerations, and lies when it gets them more clicks. They are as comfortable with misinformation as *Rump is with assaulting women.
Egg on his face.
Eggflation by 'lay' man in Oval office
No sunny side up on pricing
We are 'shelling' out more now, this must be a 'yoke'.
He really did do that.
This is the vision all these MAGAT voters had for our country. THEY MUST PAY.
Troompa Loompa dopity dee soon these will be the only eggs you’ll see.
The organic ones were probably grown here in CA.
Since, he's said that it's hard ot bring down prices
Why do you worship a clown who lied to you?
This president can’t even stop kissing their buttocks long enough to examine the fact that they will never accept him as anything but an imitation of the communist regimes that they climbed in.
The vast majority are not.
But MAGA believe Trump will save them.
Not from rising prices.
That means he owns it.
This is very simple.
Again, I ask, what are OUR next steps?
He didn't hide covid either.
So you're saying that you can't tell what news is bad for trump and what news is from trump?
Why the fuck would anyone talk about doing anything when you have no clue?
we have a lot of brain-dead people in this country (Trump ❤️the uneducated!) Trump is = a fascist idiot. Ed.u is not on his agenda. We're just going to get more stupid.
I feel like many healthcare workers may throw in the towel with another botched pandemic response.
now calling them
They pretend to love higher prices from their cult leader.
So naturally 77 million Fascists happily bought into his lie to drastically reduce egg prices on Day One of his 2nd term as Commissar.
They sold out democracy for the PROMISE of cheap eggs.
Kinda like the Pacific Garbage Patch that is the size of Texas, you know how many straws & tooth brushes there are in that floating garbage patch
We need to name the garbage patch after the polluter DJ Trump
Call it the DJ Trump Trash Patch
Brain Krassenstien 1/26/25
$18 a 50 pound bag of scratch
I have 8dz eggs in the fridge
Even the eggs pooped out this morning still haven't gone up in price because the feed hasn't gone up, yet!