Unless the firing is a plan to destroy the US by allowing someone to steal our weapons and use them internally on us and release new strains of viruses on us, with no vaccines to fight it. What better way for Putin to take us out.
... manage air traffic, distribute social security, Medicaid, Medicare, manage national parks and forests, look after water resources and environment. You know why they're doing this right? Chaos, incite violence and call Martial Law so they can rip up the constitution. Voila! Loyal subjects.
it’s so bizarre, those dickheads at the Heritage foundation are obsessed with the deficit, but never suggest taxing billionaires and corporations 🤷♂️ it’s almost like they’re the ones who caused the problem.
yeah. and squeezing federal employees for government savings is like squeezing a potato, or searching the cracks of sofas for spare change... wait... i got jd vance excited... he's a piece of shit. just sayin'
Tax the billionaires into millionaires, destroy the billionaires price gouging monopolies, & finally destroy the uber rich ultimate weapon against us- Citizens United. ✊🏻✊🏽✊🏿
That was what Kamala wanted to do but it seems 70 million people would rather pay more taxes and more for food, housing, and just about everything…idiots!
This is about power and money. Trump and Musk will fire as many as they can and then hire them back. It is a game to them but they will frame the rehires as look at the good we are doing for you. Builds loyalty in those rehired, makes them more willing to do as they are told. It's about control.
I believe that was suggested, planned for, and argued for decades ago and now. Somehow, those initiatives always die in Congress, House and the Senate.
@warren.senate.gov has been shouting about this for years now but it’s just not popular! For the life of me, I just can’t understand why people love to help millionaires get richer by paying more and more taxes on their behalf! 🙄
we all die nuked and or infected by the next plague. that's the plan. the billionaires survive in their bunkers and live out their days served by robots. the end.
Most certainly. The golden age of the US economy was roughly 1948-1970. The top marginal tax rates at that time were as high as 91%. Nobody paid that much due to loopholes and deductions. The point is that they paid a lot more in taxes than they do today, which for many is nothing.
The economy was doing just fine. It was actually the strongest in the world and then they handed it to Donald Trump and the Trump effect took place. Everything he touches turns to shit.
I don't disagree that the US economy was doing well relative to many others. But there is no reason for people in low/middle class income brackets to pay more in taxes than billionaires or corps. like Tesla and Amazon. The best economy we had was when it was more of a mixed economy w/higher tax rate
That’s why Trump threatened BRICS 100% tariffs from selling off any USD, which they have been slowly doing. Anything can happen now with international tensions.
Because these are the people that actually pay most of those politicians (allegedly).
And it’s based on net worth, mostly valuation changes, which isn’t part of the tax code at the moment. Doesn’t hit their taxes until they sell a piece of it.
They don’t even have to pay more. Just don’t cut what they are already paying. Keep It the same as the last tax cut they got from Trump. Greedy bastards!
The elite will kill off most the population once ai automation infrastructure is in place. They'll reclaim the earth for themselves and have a utopia we were supposed to have.
Taxing the rich would solve most everything!!! We could even come into the 21st-century and have universal healthcare instead of being a shit hole country.
No, because this is who America is. America voted for an obese insurrectionist to be President. America voted to reward criminal behavior. Now it has the audacity to say "That's not what I voted for."
I woke up, thinking about just how much money Musk has. Business owners who risk a lot should reap the most benefits but there is no way on earth Musk has ‘earned’ $400B. There is something very wrong with that picture.
Just let the current tax breaks for the oligarch expire, no new breaks, Dems introduce legislation closing loopholes. If the GOP balks hammer that home on every media . Make the Republicans own screwing America to give oligarchs more
Apparently not even though we would only need to take them around 30ish percent to make income tax a thing of the past as the taxes they pay would more than cover our paltry taxes paid
Given who the Secretary of Health and Human Services is, fighting pandemics is passe. Just let it happen and bury the dead afterwards. Basically the same approach as for school shootings.
A lot of people say that would make them even more likely to retaliate, but they wouldn’t be able to wield authority with their immense wealth depleted and distributed to the masses. Plus they’re pretty much already fighting against The People to the max as it is anyways…
It’s a thought experiment at best right now, as THEY certainly have deployed their wealth to ensure that labor cannot resist them. Ya know, they own the tank factories
The Buffett Rule is the principle that no household making over $1 million annually should pay a smaller share of their income in taxes than middle-class families pay. Warren Buffett stated that he pays a lower tax rate than his secretary..
Read my profile. I have lost everything. And I had to pay income tax last year. Not fair in anyway shape or form. I didn't intend to get injured but I still worked through the negatives and was successful. Now I'm screwed like so many others. Tax the 1%.
How dear you propose such an outrageous action we must think how this will impact the Billionaires Gilded Age? Those poor people need new privet jets and mega yachts!
That is a sensible, logical, and decent proposal.
So, no.
They don’t care about the math mathing, because it’s not actually about the money. It’s about control, to bring about their sick, twisted, delusional, Christian Transhumanism cult beliefs. It’s more unhinged than most people yet realize.
We really gotta give the billionaires some more tax breaks and additional privileges, and we all should probably start dying in mass because they believe there is way too many of us
Billionaires don’t lose a little bit. They crush big or they lose big. They are good at making the odds work in their favor to limit losses. If you want anything from them at this point you have to take it all.
If Elon etc. were as magnanimous as they purport to be they could voluntarily pay a little more of their treasure and save thousands of jobs. Go slower and move more judiciously.
Conservatives Christians think they can just pray for all of that to work. Remember back when they said they were covered in the blood of Christ so COVID can't touch them? I guess they feel the same way about radiation.
I think I read that even 2% would solve a lot.
But why try and help those who gave you all this fortune to begin with. Just screw them to get yourselves richer.
Somebody please tell me how tax breaks for the wealthy are going to help anyone. Why is no one asking why they want a tax break so desperately? What is the benefit to the country? To the world? Im asking seriously. What have I missed?
I mean, seriously, why is someone not at every town hall meeting, every local council meeting, every legislative capital, in front of every legislators goddam home holding a sign and asking why the fuck do you need a tax break?
It’s based off a theory called “Trickle Down Economics” popularized during Reagan’s presidency & centers around the idea that tax breaks to the wealthy would mean the wealthy would have more money to enrich people downwards. It has not worked, because as time has proven, the rich just keep it.
Right. Everyone knows trickle down is a sham. Why has no one asked any of the wealthy what they did with their last tax break to benefit anyone? To their face. ‘Who is your tax break helping? May I see the fucking receipts itemized? How many jobs did you ‘create’?’
I think this was the part about trickle down ecs that wasn’t cemented. There is no accountability in these set of policies that asks the wealthy, “so did you create jobs and give raises with all the money you didn’t pay into society” It has all been trust based.
It should. Our tax dollars fund our real infrastructure, healthcare, education & social security when we get sick or can’t work. The wealthy only get to skirt contributing like everyone else on a loose promise they will make society better in other ways. I don’t think that was ever truly their goal
Did he have to pay it back? Was he asked to resign? Did he get an email saying he was fired?
Did the thieving gopergrifter get away with it??? #WtfWtf???
We dont even need to tax them more, just keep collecting their current taxes. They want to reduce government size so the taxes from the middle class will cover the expenses. Then, the 1% can enjoy ZERO fed taxes. Fuck the oligarchs
But that would make sense. Besides it’s more fun for trump and musk to watch us commoners suffer. I hope they remember what happened to Louie and Marie.
The NY Stock Exchange never had a layoff in it’s history. After 9/11 the CEO laid people off unnecessarily. Then he retired with $140 million 22 years ago. They went to court to return some of the money to save jobs. Nope, he eventually won in court. Pure evil greed.
Or maybe they could pay their back taxes: IRS tops $1 billion in past-due taxes collected from millionaires; compliance efforts continue involving high-wealth groups, corporations, partnerships
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Millionaires cheering billionaires cutting services for dollar-aires.
The sad thing is that there is PLENTY of money in America for our nation and our nation's budget to succeed, but the greedy didn't get rich by writing checks, after all...
You'd think we were attempting to bankrupt them when in actuality, they have more money than they could ever spend even if their yearly earnings were taxed at 90%. It's about power.
I say a lot more! Until they remember who makes them rich and exhibit a lot more consideration. We could start with a ratio of CEO pay to worker pay. then maybe not so many sociopaths would be attracted to the job. I'm talking post tear down rebuild here, since the tear down is in progress.
Of course that’s the right way to do it. But this administration does not give a hoot about the American public. All they care about is the wealthy and more power for themselves. We all know this!
Yes decreasing the USA’s income w/tax cuts is definitely bad business but what do you expect for the most selfish man on earth who wants to shoot protesters exercising their 1st amendment rights, who only wants to serve himself, and declared bankruptcy 6 times
Get at https://BlueStreetbrand.com
Tax corporations 50%(FDR). That'll fix the budget. They'll scream like babies.
What do you think this is 1996!
The purpose of the Fed Gov is oppressing us all and causing chaos. Get with the times 🤦♀️
Stay calm. Keep fighting.
Micro actions snowball & avalanche.
50501 nationwide protest #3 on March 4.
Continue economic blackout of fascist collaborators indefinitely.
It's like roaches in an apartment complex.
Also? Let these folks say the phrase "parasite class" one more time.
Parasites can end entire worlds. I'm cool with it.
Roughly $500B per year.
A 20% tax on those those additions for those 800 people would be $100B per year.
And they would STILL be $2.4T richer.
800 people.
And it’s based on net worth, mostly valuation changes, which isn’t part of the tax code at the moment. Doesn’t hit their taxes until they sell a piece of it.
You gave us a good idea at DOGE.
We will further reduce costs for the United States by firing all the Firefighters.
That's how fascism works.
We need to protect capitalism by supporting our superwealthy so they can suck our blood and deprive us of peace.
How dare you want to have a peaceful and meaningful life.
they aren't being taxed ENOUGH!
It's better to be poor together
than selfishly successful
They have no empathy. Just greed and power.
“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together”
~ Vincent Van Gogh
Trump wants to SELL American citizenship to the highest bidder and expects those billionaires will pay their taxes…
States can arrest them, just which governor has the spine?
@govpritzker.illinois.gov ?
@gavinnewsom.bsky.social ?
Or we can just watch this BS of TROs with no enforcement or wait for SCOTUS to kick the can.
History proves that this solves the budget dilemma (except for the extravagant spending of a certain prez).
Not rocket science—no algorithm needed.
E can retire. 😬
You won at capitalism. You get a medal.
The Buffett Rule is the principle that no household making over $1 million annually should pay a smaller share of their income in taxes than middle-class families pay. Warren Buffett stated that he pays a lower tax rate than his secretary..
So, no.
They don’t care about the math mathing, because it’s not actually about the money. It’s about control, to bring about their sick, twisted, delusional, Christian Transhumanism cult beliefs. It’s more unhinged than most people yet realize.
But why try and help those who gave you all this fortune to begin with. Just screw them to get yourselves richer.
Blasphemous!!! 🙄
Did the thieving gopergrifter get away with it??? #WtfWtf???
😂 😇
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IR-2024-185, July 11, 2024
A portion of this country believes that government is more wasteful than billionaires.
So they cheer cuts to civil servants over taxing people who have historically run over the small guy to get ahead.
Fucking disgusting work.
The sad thing is that there is PLENTY of money in America for our nation and our nation's budget to succeed, but the greedy didn't get rich by writing checks, after all...
It's about hate.
But for the oligarchs that believe it is better for people to go hungry or die than to tax them!