What are you talking about? We have paid more money to Ukraine than the US did and we will not bend over for Putin like trump. Even though it was the US that PROMISED Ukraine to protect them from Russia if Ukraine gave the US their nukes
We don’t break our promises we will continue to help Ukraine.
Let’s not forget that the US sat by and watched Hitler storm through Europe and did nothing till they got blown to shit in Hawaii. Then as usual they decided to help out once it affected them and was almost over in 41-42. We were there getting shot to shit in 39 till the end. 🇨🇦
Yeah I keep commenting about that. That piece of history seems to be forgotten.
Like that the US SWORE to protect Ukraine against Russia if Ukraine gave the US all their nuclear weapons.
Leaders like the First Felon, who are ignorant of history, will make this kind of mistake over and over. Turning your back on your allies, and aligning with your enemies, will end in disaster. When it's over, your enemies still are your enemies, and guess who they're coming for next.
Stand up and remind them that there is more of you than them!!
It doesn’t take many % of the population to stop a dictator. We in Europe is doing everything we can, including sacrificing our private money to influence the stock market. So stand up!!
Yes. And, it can only happen if Congressional Republicans remain supine. If *just a few* stand up for America's interests, we can set this right. Are there a few Republicans who still put country before party?
That's what baffles me. Willingly giving up any power to dive into totalitarianism. Most won't benefit. Republicans do you not have a few decent members or is it all greed and hatred?
If they oppose Trump they will be primaried. That’s a fact. Still - I guess I’m naive - I’d think saving the country would be worth losing their job… at least for a few. Guess not.
He means since waiting so long to enter WWII, and the mistakes that people like Henry Ford and Preston Bush made, along with our early oil barons, who did business with Hitler. That was the big mistake of Americans in the time leading up to WWII and the early phases of the war.
I don't know how people can remain so calm. The politicians and everyone else should be in the streets demanding Trump resign. DO IT!!!
Exactly!! We in Europe are loosing money selling stocks, not buying American products or services to help the American people. Flood the streets!! Do something!!
What about the million people you guys killed in Iraq? You know, the country that didn't attack you in the first place, but you did just because you felt like it?
The 1994 Budapest Memorandum had Ukraine give up its nukes for security assurances from Russia, the USA, and the UK. Russia violated it by invading in 2014, and now the USA refuses to uphold its commitments. With no real protection, Ukraine should have kept its nukes.
The new stand of Trump on Ukraine and Europe is not only treacherous to our historical allies but also it shows the incredible disrespect to all the American soldiers who died fighting for a free Europe during WW2. Bowing for Russia is not alone very dangerous it's treason to the people of the USA
He has called soldiers for suckers and looses for a long time and adores Putin. Russia was the only country that would lend him money after all his bankruptcies. You got to pay them back in one way or another.
If you don't want your reps to attend the state of the union, put in your calls today and demand they boycott. Better yet, demand they join us at our protests instead
We aren’t walking away from Ukraine. The Trump administration is, because every one of them is a traitor. It is going to be up to Europe to save Ukraine because Trump has effectively sided with a murderous dictator. I have never been more ashamed of my country.
Grotesque pig of a man who dehumanized his own wife and kids for the semblance of power. Weak ineffectual coward. Posters such as this should follow him wherever he goes. Traitor and now war criminal.
Nobody ever mentions South American countries? As Russia/China eat the West, they can also move right onto the border.
I wouldn't blame them after 70 years of US interference in their sovereignty.
The fact is that you can’t help Ukraine unless there is a change in the USA and the truth is that that’s where the focus must be, at the moment Ukraine is a misdirection to obscure the security threat in the WH
Well, Europe have been donating more than the US and are now doubling that so Europe is helping even though the US SWORE they would protect Ukraine if Ukraine gave the US their nuclear weapons.
But it’s apparent that the US can not be trusted, at all. It’s a way to unstable country.
Make calls every day #5calls
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
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Putin is a thug, dictator and war criminal. History has demonstrated that you don’t negotiate with a criminal. No talking, just kick the tires and light the fires. You talk to Putin’s replacement when the Russians wake up and dispose the bum.
Yes and he's pretty neutral politically. He is absolutely right, I still have faith some Republicans are going to speak out. but its fading rather fast !
#GOTVBlue2025 Start Now
Geopolitical is such a long word. Not among the "great words" no47 understands. Or cares about. Revenge is a word he knows all about. I am truly sorry for America.
Yeah, because history definitely shows that ignoring authoritarian invasions always works out great. Maybe next time we can just send ‘thoughts and prayers’ instead of aid—surely that’ll stop tanks, right? 🙃💀
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
Meanwhile, the USA barrels headlong into that geopolitical mistake as though there's a prize for getting there first. Sad. Deplorable. Decidedly un-American, but here we are.
Becoming a part of the axis of evil with no turning back seems to be exactly what Putin wants and doing Putin’s budding is how Trump got back in office.
What I find uncomfortable is the fact that none of the living pass Presidents have opened their mouth once to call out this Trump dynasty. I thought these guys were real leaders unfortunately, I think the US wasted their money on all of them.
These Republicans are so afraid of losing their seats in the House and Senate they are willing to allow these two idiots to do whatever they want because their seat is more important than the Constitution, Country or their Constituents. They're thinking about their purse, not the people.
We seem to have formed a GD 5…with China, Hungary, North Korea & Russia.
GD stands for Global Domination (or God Damned Global Domination if you talk like me or likewise if you think Old Testament Biblical)
America, when it comes to foreign affairs, is fickled. Look at all the wars we got intangled. Our mistakes have come back to haunt us. Is Trump's dealings w Ukraine, Europe, and Russia another one of these missteps? And how w the America people handle it? Many questions exist!!
Angus King ...I mean there's no way I'd agree with him on any domestic policy issue...but this isn't even the first time he stood up against the nonsense of his party. Good for him.
Is he simply the last functioning brain cell in the collective?
OMG! Ukraine has never been our ally, and they mean nothing to our national security. What is the end game exactly? Our own boots on the ground fighting the Russians? That would be geopolitical suicide.
Actually, Ukraine is dealing a serious blow to Russia's war power strength, which will keep Putin in check. So, to respond to you boots on ground comment, it's keeping our boots from being there.
The US SWORE they would protect Ukraine from Russia if Ukraine gave the US their nuclear weapons. Does that mean nothing to you people?!Plus Ukraine is a European country and we use to be your allies, but no more.
He is absolutely correct. It could either allow Russia to re-group when it is very weak or embolden Russia now to expand there 'sphere of influence' in the longer term,
Correction Senator King- WE are not walking away from Ukraine. WE are being dragged kicking and screaming away from Ukraine, and towards Putin and his ilk.
MAGA/America First is trying to re litigate which side we took in WW II. Back then we chose the side of freedom and democracy. Now they want to side with authoritarianism and kleptocracy.
That's exactly what Dorito Jesus is doing, he has to help his buddy Putin or else his own aspirations to become an emperor are significantly diminished
It will be the greatest mistake that this country has made
since thinking that the ensuing "peace" following deployment of two of the most devastating mechanisms of death ever devised by men were dropped meant that World War II had been "won".
Well it WILL start WWIII in Europe and then what does USA do? Win the race with a very late start using more energy (lives/money/ time) than needed if we were on the starting line facing down Putin.
I think the deed has been done by much planning over years. The only way around this is to make GOOD TROUBLE. Never allow a tyrant to speak uninterrupted.,
This depicts specially hitlers reich. It all is about how the US treated everyone in their way of the formation of the US. Since ww2 anyone in the world in our way. Empire in decline. Late stage capitalism. Now we are finding out who we really are as a nation.AND IT SUCKS
AGREED Trump was accusing Zelensky of WW3 this tells you the Setup in my mind!! Trump speaks to Putin anytime he wants to plan strategy!! Believe it Trump is AGENT KRASNOV since 1987
I agree, I’m wondering what Putin has on Trump, he’s never been so obsessed with anyone else, not even Roy Cohn, his possible lover, I read years ago that Cohn was in love with Trump and heartbroken that he didn’t visit him on his deathbed.
Trump’s obsession with Putin isn’t natural.
1907: Behind every movement there’s a powerful personality.
The eugenics crusade had Charles Davenport. He knew how to manipulate the media and attract the support of wealthy patrons to spread his eugenics ideas to powerful politicians..
Definitely a country to be trusted 😁🤣
We don’t break our promises we will continue to help Ukraine.
It was almost over in 41-42?
Maybe do some reading
Like that the US SWORE to protect Ukraine against Russia if Ukraine gave the US all their nuclear weapons.
It doesn’t take many % of the population to stop a dictator. We in Europe is doing everything we can, including sacrificing our private money to influence the stock market. So stand up!!
All DEMS boycott💙
Putin has the KGB information on Trump, and he told Trump that he will keep it secret--for now.
That is the only explanation.
Wasn't that a bit of a booboo?
And yes. Letting go Ukraine to hell is not a good idea.
And promised to protect Ukraine from Russia if they gave up their nuclear weapons.
I wouldn't blame them after 70 years of US interference in their sovereignty.
But it’s apparent that the US can not be trusted, at all. It’s a way to unstable country.
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
#Bluestormrising #resist
#dumptrump #banelonmusk
#cancelelonmusk #taxbillionaires
Until America got attacked too.
#GOTVBlue2025 Start Now
"I'm sorry" to President Zelenskyy 😔
Makes it sound like he thinks WWII was a US mistake
I sure hope somebody with some power is rallying something
Elected representatives have forgotten they are public servants making laws for good GOVERNment.
The clue is in the title.
GD stands for Global Domination (or God Damned Global Domination if you talk like me or likewise if you think Old Testament Biblical)
Is he simply the last functioning brain cell in the collective?
We in Europe will get it done though.
since thinking that the ensuing "peace" following deployment of two of the most devastating mechanisms of death ever devised by men were dropped meant that World War II had been "won".
This depicts specially hitlers reich. It all is about how the US treated everyone in their way of the formation of the US. Since ww2 anyone in the world in our way. Empire in decline. Late stage capitalism. Now we are finding out who we really are as a nation.AND IT SUCKS
Trump’s obsession with Putin isn’t natural.
The eugenics crusade had Charles Davenport. He knew how to manipulate the media and attract the support of wealthy patrons to spread his eugenics ideas to powerful politicians..
Private Equity Firms are destroying #USA
Short-sighted thinking leading to long-term instability. The potential for something bad being used to justify the horrible.