And women not being taken seriously in the workforce and having no economic power, let alone control over their bodies. Prosperous for "Mad Men", like Trump and Vance and Musk.
Anyone NOT stupid knows that the major problem of America decadence is NO tax Richie's 🙏🤣🤣🤣 Ask any economist !!!!!!!! America is disappearing with the middle class ! NOW ONLY BILIONARIES AND MISERABLES ONES 🛑🙏
Which still had plenty of jobs and growth due to capital investments tax deductions for corporations. Corps could write off anything they spent on forwarding their technology and staff proficiency. They got tax breaks for investing in themselves. Reagan and trickle down killed it.
Thank you. I have been saying this for years and have been laughed at. I have been asked to name a country that prospered with a high tax rate, and when I answer the U.S., again, I am laughed at. Post-WWII were boom times because of the correct tax rates. Hence the Boomer Generation.
And the fact that Europe, Asia and Northern Africa were completely decimated leaving us as the only game in town manufacturing and selling anything and everything. The trade surplus made us Daddy Warbucks. Hence the name Warbucks.
It was before my time, but I always thought it sounded idyllic, until I realized it wasn't idyllic for everyone. Black people still couldn't stay in many hotels, use the same water coolers or bathrooms.
And the New Deal, which FDR signed to help us socially and economically recover after the Great Depression, and helped a ton with our economic reset back to peacetime after WWII
Fun fact... all the aphebet programs were later declared unconstitutional except social security. For instance, the CCC, planting trees and surveying was a paid gig, but it competed with non gov business, so they stopped doing it. What's the difference between that and welfare work requirements?[
And no citizens united. And democratic leaders who actually cared. Not this bunch of feckless rubes. Hakeem Jeffries ?? A big do nothing kiss the ring waste of a vote pathetic excuse for a democratic representative.
That our leaders could not come together and make a statement that we are not alone
And us Boomer said fuck the establishment because of the draft. Once the draft went away, so did the protesters. Where’s all that liberal sentiment now? 50% is siding with the ideology that our parents fought against.
Yes. Our brothers and friends getting drafted made people fight back at their own risk. Then the fight was over in our minds. If they reinstate the draft for their new war, perhaps that will get people moving. It's part of their plan. The people suffering and dying now don't seem to matter now.
Can you imagine?? A tax rate of 91 % for the rich, and those SOB still made fortunes @ that rate, now they're @ 20% imagine how much money they're making.
Elonia the welfare queen & trump wants to give another tax break, while taking our SS, MEDICARE, MEDICAID, & VA BENEFITS.Time to say Hell No!!
Not really. This was made possible by direct government investment in R&D, construction and healthcare. Having a high income tax rate is not a necessary condition for this type of spending.
Thank you to Preaident Eisenhower and the Congress at the time. National infrastructure that benefitted the whole country, tons of government contracts, and prosperity for all. Today, lobbyists have wiped regulations for banking, insurance, and real estate, helping to crunch everyone financially.
The 1950s were horrible. The idyllic people think of was one of hatred, violence, bigotry, anti-female. It didn't exist. It's nothing but a mental Ozzie & Harriet show. Check out what happened to that family with drugs, etc. The 1950s were a hateful period.
I’ve been saying that for years. And who was president then, none other than that “liberal icon” Dwight Eisenhower. (I suppose—compared to today’s off-the-chart, corrupt conservatives—Eisenhower might be considered a bit left of center, but c’mon now …
WHEN THE POOR HAVE NOTHING LEFT TO EAT THEY WILL EAT THE RICH ! The Food and Drug Administration recommends that you should cook the rich thoroughly at a minimum temperature of 165° Fahrenheit and until tender to avoid and kill all bacterial contamination !
His election was one of the worst days of my life, knew the long game w/him would lead to a shit storm, but turning the govnmt into a Putin lovin', break it all, as fast as you can with a Nazi just wasn't on any of my 1980 bingo cards. I knew American life as we'd known it was coming to an end...
Reagan was the beginning of teaching Americans to hate and distrust their government and governance, and start believing (minorities in particular) were “pushing out babies” to profit off welfare. Because welfare has paid so well and all those women drove new Cadillacs
I got off this crazy train awhile ago Roger, I seldom shop in supermarkets. We are part of a buying club and buy from Azure Standard, it's a cool way to shop. We buy produce from local organic farmers. If you can pull the plug on them it's much easier to save & ride out bad times.
Trump has never said exactly what era he wants to return to. Most MAGAs probably think he’s talking about the 1950’s. But in his mind, America was great during the Gilded Age. He even talked last night about a “new golden age” for America. That wasn’t a coincidence.
And there was no income tax during the Gilded Age. Federal revenues came primarily from … you guessed it - TARIFFS, along with excise taxes (i.e. sales taxes)
The only people that did well in the Gilded Age were the wealthy and the criminals and they make their money off the backs of the poor.There was a period when we had middle class families but that ended with Reagan. When they take the social programs away people will see what poor really is. Sad
Im happy to return to that tax rate. I was born in 1945. Im old but wise & remember it all. I didn't care for the racism we faced but the tax structure was great. My folks were Lincoln Republicans. Our great grandfather fought in a Civil War battle here in NM & I remember wearing I like Ike buttons
Hey young man I was born in 1955 but I remember my dad telling me that Ike was the last good republican president! I believe we had that conversation watching the inauguration of JFK! 👍 ✌🥂
During the 1950s, particularly from 1951 to 1963, the top marginal tax rate was set at 91%. This rate applied to income over a certain threshold, which was $200,000 for single filers and $400,000 for married couples filing jointly.
During the 1950s, particularly from 1951 to 1963, the top marginal tax rate was set at 91%. This rate applied to income over a certain threshold, which was $200,000 for single filers and $400,000 for married couples filing jointly.
Median income for a man in 1955 was about $40,000 per year when adjusted for inflation. In 2023 median income was & $48,000. So workers on average are paid about 25 percent more now than in the 50s. So it's not income (or tax policy) that's an issue. We make more now & lots more taxes are collected.
Here is another
The rich who become richer invest in buying assets, as do hedge funds. So rent shoots up - and the wages remain stagnant.
What you will find happening how is a dip in profits for "support" companies, such as insurance.
I'll send a listening link for that.
Here is a bit of insight
USA: Whilst the lower and middle class are working, providing wealth for the super rich and monolopoly companies and their shareholders - wages stagnate
Nobody actually paid those rates, there were so many loopholes then that don't exist now. And America was not collecting more tax revenue then. Tax rates had little to do with prosperity of the middle class, and you can't bring prosperity back to those levels, certainly not by raising taxes alone.
Locally we became very enriched by a chap "avoiding" his taxes by giving stuff to the community.
Yes there were loopholes but the money stayed in our countries instead of cybercurrency
Bit of a no brainer really
If you convert 1955 dollars to 2023 dollars you see the federal government spent about 875 billion dollars. But in 2023 the federal government spent 6.1 trillion dollars. So we spend 7 times as much now as we did then. Even if you deduct the deficit you see tax revenues are now 5 times higher.
Exactly - so we have to tax assets or confiscate them - preferably the latter.
Are you aware of just how much of your federation taxes goes straight to the multinationals / oligarchs?
Same in UK - Tesco gets our taxes by low pay to its workers which we subsidise
People are paying way more tax now than they did in 1955, & most of what's being paid is by the top 20 percent of wage earners. There's no connection between federal spending, tax revenue, and the decline of the middle class.
You were a toddler. How could you possibly know this, even if you remember your family or neighbors? It's a fact that the ultra wealthy were taxed considerably more under Eisenhower than Obama. And that SSI and other programs existed thanks to FDR in the 1930s and 40s.
People aren't even asking for that, either, except for maybe Bernie Sanders. Just pay enough so social programs are well funded and people don't die in their own filth on the streets.
If they did not use their billions to oppress others and shut down vital services, I would have no problem with them. I am not a greedy person and favor symbiotic relationships over exploitative ones.
James D Sinegal, the former CEO of Costco, is a billionaire, but Costco doesn't seem that exploitative and in fact provides cheap food to members. I believe responsible wealth can exist, but the company must give back.
McCarthy and Roy Cohen would have had a field day telling Trump off… even though Roy became Trump’s attorney and mentor… who told him, “deny, deny, deny. Always deny everything.”
And Unions were supported & joined by nearly 50% of US workers! #DefendDemocracy #FightFascism #fputin #supportukraine #supportcfpb #TaxTheRich #TaxBillionaires #purgeandprosecuteelmomusk #ImpeachTrumpForTreason #savefederaljobs #CodifyRoe #HealthcareForAll #codifysocialsecuritymedicaidandmedicare
Taxation is the only weapon we have:
- Higher income tax, w. no separation of taxes into healthcare. social security, etc...
- No capital gains tax. Make it all income tax.
- Disallow stock to be used as collateral for loans
- just one (voting) class of stock
- More restrictions on corporations
People don't understand those high tax rates served a purpose. It encourage the wealthiest to find ways to invest their money, put it to work if you will, through research & development of new goods & services, better wages & benefits to their workers, charitable contributions, etc.
And the taxes that were collected from the wealthiest allowed the US to build a nationwide interstate system, put man on the moon, build 100's & thousands of schools, colleges, universities, & libraries. All of that combined led the US to be #1 in just about every field. Today, we're at the bottom.
Thank you for framing it this way - it used to be high taxes were the stick to prevent you from hoarding wealth. Now they claim low taxes are the carrot that frees up $$ for investment and charity when, no, actually, trickle down never actually trickles.
Ah, the good old days.... let's see some measure of return to that tax code, and this time without all the segregation, misogyny, and hysteria that was also a feature of the time. Odd that those last are the only things the GOP seems to miss.
How odd - only 1 post per person now?
I'll try again
During the 1950s, particularly from 1951 to 1963, the top marginal tax rate was set at 91%. This rate applied to income over a certain threshold, which was $200,000 for single filers and $400,000 for married couples filing jointly.
During the 1950s, particularly from 1951 to 1963, the top marginal tax rate was set at 91%. This rate applied to income over a certain threshold, which was $200,000 for single filers and $400,000 for married couples filing jointly.
During the 1950s, particularly from 1951 to 1963, the top marginal tax rate was set at 91%. This rate applied to income over a certain threshold, which was $200,000 for single filers and $400,000 for married couples filing jointly.
Oralè Resisters
He survived an assignation?
Hell, We survived a Pandemic, that could have been avoided, if he only
Done his job instead of worrying he would be blamed for it! And now they’re running away from the measles epidemic!
#SOTU #Covid19 #Measles #TrumpLiedPeopleDied
Let’s be clear: He survived an assassination attempt he orchestrated and ensured the idiot who perpetrated it did not survive to claim what was promised in return. Of course, the collateral damage, including loss of life is not important, just part of the show.
The New Deal did one thing more than it did anything else. It put the people to work. I define World Economic Apartheid as Reaganomics in the form of privatization. Taking 13 US billionaires & just shy of a trillion dollar National Debt. Add 45 years.
Now 800 US billionaires & a 36 trillion dollar National Debt. At the same time some 140 world billionaires in 1987 turned into 2800 world billionaires today. FDR said, “Necessitous men are not free men”.
The billionaire class and their millionaire minions owe it to the world to make sure nobody ever goes to bed hungry. They owe it to the world to see to it that everybody has a warm, dry, and safe place to sleep every night. The planet does not deserve to be treated like a giant trash can.
That is right. The resentment FDR faced was two fold. First, there was an aggressive effort to bring about the 22nd Amendment. To keep a very popular POTUS from having more than two terms. The rest has been an aggressive effort by the billionaire class and their millionaire minions to purchase
control over the legislative, executive, judicial, and political process. What Eisenhower called the Military-Industrial Complex. With the focus on punishing the American People for reelecting FDR three times. As I said basically, the New Deal v Privatization.
US Senate Special Committee Investigating the Munitions Industry , 1934. “Senate Resolution 206, 73rd Congress, agreed to April 12th, 1934, authorized the creation of the Special committee Investigating the Munitions Industry. The committee was directed (1) to examine the activities of individuals,
firms, associations, or corporations engaged in manufacture, sale, distribution, import, or export of munitions; the structure of the munitions industry; and methods of domestic and international promotion of armament sales; (2) to investigate and report on the adequacy of existing legislation
I am terrified of Russia now. Comrade Trump and the Politburo are quickly dismantling the federal government quicker than Boris Yeltsin ever could. Fox Pravda doesn't help either.
Yes! Trickle down is the greatest con ever pulled in america. A society with that many billionaires and that many people in need has their priorities way out of whack
The corporation I was working for at the time required the managers to go hear Laffer speak in Dallas. I remember our executives were so excited about Reagan and his trickle down. This was the beginning of the end for middle-class American prosperity.
The government also made a huge investment in infrastructure and housing. Biden was getting some of that done because there are too many 70 yr old crumbling bridges and other outdated infrastructure. Harris wanted to expand on that.
Trump is getting alot of the infrastructure funding canceled.
Here too in the uk. It might have been 95%. Ithe Beatles wrote a song about it. But our government won’t increase income taxes because they are pathetic.
Not going back to the fifties. There was no healthcare, no women rights, and children had to remain silence over sexual abuse. Only white male like the fifties. Shame on you.
Life is always better for everyone when BigCorps & TheRich are forced to pay their fair share…
…& the $ is used to provide ALL citizens w/basics like healthcare, education, job training, childcare, & welfare at no further cost!
Maybe that is the only way to make America great again.
End poverty and a strong vibrant middle class.
Medicare for all.
No cap on Social Security withholding.
Thank you FDR and your New Deal that designed to prevent a full blown revolution in response to GOP laissez-faire capitalism which led to Great Depression and complete collapse of the American economy.
And to you GOP for your 100+yrs of continuing to undermine working class Americans F&CK YOU!!
That money subsidized everything: Schools, houses, roads, hospitals. Now, women must pay for education, housing and healthcare: Everybody must go to work to survive. Did you notice, the price of those 3 essentials have sky-rocketed? The collapse of society and families has a well-defined cause.
That's right. We take 91% of your 1,000,001st dollar you made that year, and of all dollars after that for the year.
None of this "tax consumption" bullshit. You don't get to "save" over a million a year out of the economy. You can pay more to your employees instead; or spend it, fancypants.
I'm gonna get yelled at, but the press I've seen from between 1950 & 1970 seems a lot less antiblack than the present day trains us to expect. At least in the abstract.
Not that there wasn't a lot of discrimination in practice. Because there was.
Ha, ha. Why isn't THAT fact ever mentioned to Trump in interviews? Timid reporters who fear that they would lose access to Trump if they are too bold, is the answer.
Yes, but those people built things that were for great things
libraries, museums, cultural things, they may have done those things for tax purposes, so they weren't as greedy.
And the ending of a world war and the GI bill. Everyone coming back could go to college and get help buying a house. That was the last time we really took care of our veterans. It's also the reason that generation had trouble understanding. the difficulties younger generations had.
Many if not most white people at that time were actively trying to integrate the rest of us into society, despite having de jure laws shutting almost all non-whites out.
Compare to today, when most Americans are peons, and black people are demonized & criminalized across the country.
OK, but I think what you are missing here is the idea that the 1950s were the pinicle of the American experience. That doesn't apply to minorities, African-American in particular.
I'm okay with seeing it. I am fine with being identified in part by my skin color. However, if you base your judgement of me primarily on my skin color, you WILL have misjudged me.
Exactly! And, IMO, that is why DEI programs are necessary to remind people/corporations to look beyond the color of one's skin. Opportunity for all, regardless of skin color, age, sex, religion, etc.
Your reminder is utterly pointless. Look around. Your democracy and economy are teetering on the edge of collapse, and your leader is dragging us into WW3.
Eisenhower made the tax rates high for the rich families like the DuPont and Bush used their millions to attempt to overthrow the government. Why is so little known about the 1930s coup attempt against FDR?
(2/2) We need to understand how the right wing has effectively played the long game, and gotten the jump on us so badly we’ve been essentially playing defense and losing for decades. Even as we won battles, we were losing the war. We need to look at the reasons, and learn from them.
(1/2) Have you read “Klansman’s Son: My Journey From White Nationalism to Anti-Racism”? I recommend it for:
1) A chillingly detailed firsthand account of the precise use of modern tech, the gullible media, and effective messaging, to birth and grow the modern white nationalist coalition.
Yes so they should start paying their fair share again, the problem is most people believe that GOP wants to go back to the 1950s, in fact they want to go to the 1920s and 30s the gilded age.
The 🍊💩 thinks we were rich during the short term of the McKinley presidency because of tariffs. That is a long rabbit hole, but in general the consensus is that the tariffs were a factor in what eventually became the Depression 🤷♀️ Wealth inequality created the appearance of a wealthy nation.
History major/masters degree and 25 years +\- in museum education. I try to check myself regularly because I graduated a while ago, but even when I was in France I was taking classes in French history and politics.
Honestly, it really does not matter which decade he throws the dart at because the conditions that existed then (‘50’s, 1900’s, 1920’s, ?) are not the world we live in today. Nostalgia is a great thing, not!
People in the 50's were lucky to make between $40 and $60 a week, and consider themselves lucky. I'm sure douchebag Trump and Musk would love to return to that time. 🌵
Yeah even people on here think there were no white poor back then. There were many with no government programs to help. Especially in the South. Some people didn't even have indoor plumbing in the 50's. We didn't for a number of years. No television or anything until I was 8 years old.
History is so important! The tax rate yes, & as a side note to that fact, women couldn't own anything solely in their name or have credit. Any young woman who voted for F47 is ignoring the history of women as they struggled & fought for the privileges that are so cavalierly enjoy today.
There was a super-strong middle class (I grew up in it) and the American Dream was truly attainable by anyone who worked hard. So yeah, that's what can happen when the wealthy pay their fair share.
So many Americans just don't understand the history of the USA. It's a failure on so many levels that I worry it can't be reversed. The "average" American just can't or doesn't want to understand. 😮💨😥
Having lived in the 1950s... it was more involved than that. People worked, respected each other, were able to listen to others, believed in their country, believed in family and G-d...and so much more. It wasn't perfect but, it was much better than today
Republicans, don’t cower to the traitor Trump. History will judge you not just by what you do, but by what you fail to stand up to. Honor your love and respect for this country—speak out.
Higher rate for years longer on the billionaire class would be a small start at repairing the damage and debt they created. (and Must pay us back they bought it they not the public own it) The "public debt" really more like 100 trillion right now. Was made by the rich it must be taken from them.
omg... I posted that same thing a few weeks ago. The trickle down bs was successful in hoodwinking the ppl. They just continue pushing down the top rate and ppl get poorer. The '50s, when only one income was needed for most families.
To let everyone know how bad this got/is, I was working a neighborhood bar in 1995 and we had a regular who was republican and would tell everyone who would listen that we all need to tighten our belts a little so we can pay off the debt and provide the “job creators” with an additional tax break.
Thank you Ronald Reagan and subsequent Uber-rich politicos.
still happens today, but they're called HOAs
That our leaders could not come together and make a statement that we are not alone
Then, it became their kids turn to pay for everything. Screw that, lower taxes, bootstraps.
Pull the ladder up behind you. Then get old, afraid of death, find religion, be an ass
Elonia the welfare queen & trump wants to give another tax break, while taking our SS, MEDICARE, MEDICAID, & VA BENEFITS.Time to say Hell No!!
We can do this.
And raise it by 500% every time they complain...
"it literally means "fat taker" or greedy person and therefore carries an implied critique of white people and colonialism."
* welcome to the rez. 😉
Down Economics
bill passed 1981
set up our bad economic plan.
here we are
grew and has grow into what we are experiencing
now it's going to cause not a recession but a second Depression
with all beneficial programs we had. gutted to a point of being inoperable
WAY before 1950s ~
Felonious Don Corleone talks about it frequently
THE WAY WAY BACK of enslavement
He is a FASCIST ideologue trained by Putrid in Kremlin Mein Kampf methods
During the 1950s, particularly from 1951 to 1963, the top marginal tax rate was set at 91%. This rate applied to income over a certain threshold, which was $200,000 for single filers and $400,000 for married couples filing jointly.
During the 1950s, particularly from 1951 to 1963, the top marginal tax rate was set at 91%. This rate applied to income over a certain threshold, which was $200,000 for single filers and $400,000 for married couples filing jointly.
And my garden calls again.
Does not actually include insurance companies who used to get paid for assessing damage after a disaster.
But you will understand this "drift"
Here is another
The rich who become richer invest in buying assets, as do hedge funds. So rent shoots up - and the wages remain stagnant.
What you will find happening how is a dip in profits for "support" companies, such as insurance.
I'll send a listening link for that.
USA: Whilst the lower and middle class are working, providing wealth for the super rich and monolopoly companies and their shareholders - wages stagnate
See you later 🙂
Yes there were loopholes but the money stayed in our countries instead of cybercurrency
Bit of a no brainer really
Are you aware of just how much of your federation taxes goes straight to the multinationals / oligarchs?
Same in UK - Tesco gets our taxes by low pay to its workers which we subsidise
Billionaires should be outlawed.
It is a violent act to live in excess while others live in poverty.
- Higher income tax, w. no separation of taxes into healthcare. social security, etc...
- No capital gains tax. Make it all income tax.
- Disallow stock to be used as collateral for loans
- just one (voting) class of stock
- More restrictions on corporations
I'll try again
During the 1950s, particularly from 1951 to 1963, the top marginal tax rate was set at 91%. This rate applied to income over a certain threshold, which was $200,000 for single filers and $400,000 for married couples filing jointly.
During the 1950s, particularly from 1951 to 1963, the top marginal tax rate was set at 91%. This rate applied to income over a certain threshold, which was $200,000 for single filers and $400,000 for married couples filing jointly.
During the 1950s, particularly from 1951 to 1963, the top marginal tax rate was set at 91%. This rate applied to income over a certain threshold, which was $200,000 for single filers and $400,000 for married couples filing jointly.
AND death duties
He survived an assignation?
Hell, We survived a Pandemic, that could have been avoided, if he only
Done his job instead of worrying he would be blamed for it! And now they’re running away from the measles epidemic!
#SOTU #Covid19 #Measles #TrumpLiedPeopleDied
Trump is getting alot of the infrastructure funding canceled.
Today, it's "if it's good for us we'll give a fuck about America".
Life is always better for everyone when BigCorps & TheRich are forced to pay their fair share…
…& the $ is used to provide ALL citizens w/basics like healthcare, education, job training, childcare, & welfare at no further cost!
End poverty and a strong vibrant middle class.
Medicare for all.
No cap on Social Security withholding.
And to you GOP for your 100+yrs of continuing to undermine working class Americans F&CK YOU!!
It is now up to 3,000:1!
We also lost healthcare, pensions and a LOT more.
None of this "tax consumption" bullshit. You don't get to "save" over a million a year out of the economy. You can pay more to your employees instead; or spend it, fancypants.
Not that there wasn't a lot of discrimination in practice. Because there was.
We can have it again!
libraries, museums, cultural things, they may have done those things for tax purposes, so they weren't as greedy.
Compare to today, when most Americans are peons, and black people are demonized & criminalized across the country.
There was widespread recognition of the injustice of inequality. Flocks of white people marching for Black equality.
I am convinced that Maslow's Hierarchy worked in this case; better quality of life for the majority led to generosity toward minorities.
They gave us overuse of CHC pesticides, car-dependent bedroom communities, & ultimately rivers on fire.
But a prosperous people that had apparently broken the power of the rich had aspirations to keep going.
Move us forward.
1) A chillingly detailed firsthand account of the precise use of modern tech, the gullible media, and effective messaging, to birth and grow the modern white nationalist coalition.
Fucking ridiculous
"We're taking America Back to the (made for TV family viewing) Past!"
The Real Maga Call to Action.
…but the point about forcing rich fkrs & big corps to pay their fair share to benefit the entire populous definitely stands!
Considering we also need the $ to fight the #ClimateCrisis… it’s a matter of survival!
…but forcing overly rich jerks & big corps to pay their fair share of taxes from now on…
…& ensuring that all that $ is spent on giving all American citizens free healthcare, education, & childcare…
(& welfare when needed)
…in NO WAY makes things worse for women, minorities, gay folks, etc!