Canada be like "let me know when you've made up your mind, Donald. Then we shall see if forgiveness is in your cards. Until then, don't dick around with us."
Canada/Mexico should NOT negotiate! As long as Trump leaves tariffs in place, at all, don't change yours. Keep them up. The only ones wanting this trade war is Trump and MAGA. Make them weak.
You're stronger than Trump is! He's a twat, a brainless child.
As a Canadian I want to be clear: it’s ZERO tariffs or ours stays. If our PM or anyone caves to “some tariffs” it’ll be pitchforks and torches outside the Parliament. I’m not gonna sit here and play chicken with an insane man for 4 years.
💯 agree with everyone saying NO tariffs or the Canadian tariffs stays. It's going to be like this every day this jerk is in office, he'll just pick some damaging and insulting thing at random to inflict on the world, then back pedal, then pick something new, just to panic, piss off and scare.
The good people in America appreciate this. I will stop buying American, also. Actually not buying anything but essentials right now. I knew this was coming and stocked up since November.
I’ll be honest. As it is I’m barely barely scraping by as a single person renting even on a full time job but this is bigger than me - as a kid who was bullied mercilessly I simply won’t abide by my life being affected when a bully chooses.
I tend to agree. I would make it more of an issue, how business tends to dislike instability, and the 🟠🤡 likes to play Russian roulette with people retirement accounts. Pun intended.
Just heard on CBC that the big car manufacturers are pressuring the tangerine twat for a 30 day pause. Guessing they want to stock up on inventory. Imagine the Americans reaction if he pauses for that but not Joe average citizen. Elbows up
Living our lives the next four years wondering what he’ll do after a bad cheeseburger is a non-starter for me. He HAS to pay a price for this BS to learn we’re a hornets nest NOT to be kicked as he feels like it.
You will get no argument from me. I see a US license I have to be held back from keying it. Same with Teslas. Just saw Lindt chocolates are not going to export their US product to canada. Will ship from Europe. And just before Easter. So you can add chocolate to your diet
In fact, I would recommend that we double down on the tariffs and hit back even harder on the US until Trump’s admin agrees to stop this nonsense altogether and then put that in writing.
Tariffs can't be just turned on or off at will. Once initiated, it can last for decades because the other party may not rescind the tariff. That is why it requires extensive thought to even start one, but what you'd expect from Wreck-It-Trump?
Thank you Canadians. I appreciate that your average Canadian seems a lot more intelligent than all the dumb ass Trump voters here. I'm willing to suffer the tariffs to get MAGAs to learn their lesson!
In order to maintain that positive view of Canadians, stay away from Alberta who, apparently, are known as “Texas North” and most of it’s citizens as “Maple MAGA”
Of course and thats why I used the word “most”. Perhaps it’s not as high as “most” but those that do are just as ridiculous as any American MAGA.
= Codependent cultists.
Thank you Bruce Heyman, former US Ambassador to Canada, for your insightful and thoughtful words about our relationship to the United States during your interview with Wolf Blitzer today. It is clear that there are still kind, Canada friendly people in your country.
NO thirty day pause and then more of Trump's bullshit. All US tariffs removed and back to the agreement that was put in place during the felon's first term, or our countermeasures stay in place. We simply *must* stand firm on this, or else it looks like we can be pushed around. Enough is enough.
Canadians are done with that makeup wearing, pussy-grabbing, comb-over of a Turd that America let's drool into microphone when he's not cheating at golf or jamming hamburgers down his pursed-lip pie hole. Go fuck yourself Donald.
With him even considering lessening tariffs, it demonstrates that there is no plan whatsoever. The tariff level was pulled out of his ass. He still believes tariffs are not paid by the importer of record. And with the mass government firings, who actually is administering the tariffs?
The US is a failed state. It’s time for all sane nations to drop the US dollar for international trading and liquidate all US dollar reserves. A robust retaliatory measure to combat the destabilizing trump regime. Get in early! The US dollar will depreciate exponentially once the divestment starts.😎
Trudeau is smart because he has based this decision on his mistrust of trump (understandable eh).
Ask yourself: which is more important truth or trust?
Hint: everyone has their own truth, just think of Hitler.
Sorry sir. But as a Canadian that's bullshit! No to all tariffs or bring on the fn pain both sides of the border. We are tired of these threats, 51st state and all the clowns crap. #uspoli #cdnpoli
Democrats showed last night that they are the WEAK party! Weak on: political strategies, arguing political topics, winning Americans that don't support them, & using new tactics to elicit reactions. PLEASE HIRE A CONSULTANT THAT DOESN'T JUST KNOW POLITICS, BUT ALSO REALITY TV TACTICS! QUIT LOSING!!!
Trump just found out one of our Ministers was on the verge of cutting electricity to some states , who purchase from Canada! He wanted personally go to shut trump tower off lol
That is the only logical and correct stand. If the Cdn government had caved on this, I'd be yelling for their heads.
Trump started this stupidity. There are either no tariffs or it's game on, and we're prepared to suffer for our sovereignty.
Fucking idiot. Canadians love Americans. We made it clear as our Prime Minister said: it's about your stupid President. Not average hard working Americans! Tariffs are a tax, American consumers pay! Tell Trump that! He DOESN'T seem to know and lied to Americans. Our products will cost you MORE!!
You can just see now the cost of living rising in America! Food, gas, electricity, etc. All because - as Trump says - "Tariffs is the most beautiful word, better than love"...yes, the Orange Monster actually said that. Unbelievably stupid man.
Well he has no idea what love is. To him, love is when you supply him with your admiration His reciprocal love is, at most, leaving you alone from psychological abuse. (For a while at least)
Canadians showed just how dumb they are. Videoing themselves pulling American liquor off their shelves, liquor they’d already paid for! How fucking dumb can they get? 😁😆
Stay strong Canada. Unless that orange idiot turns off all tariffs-don’t believe it. He’s a liar. He lies all the time, every day. If his mouth is open, lies are spewing out of it!!
Canada, Canadians Hold the Line! Same goes for our allies Mexico and Europe. He blinked, the stock market is crashing, Americans are protesting all over, Gas and groceries are through the roof. This is winning but don’t let up!
Cause he’s now flailing and cherry picking because of HIS auto sector complaining. That’s not fair. Step off America, you can’t jerk Canada around every line item of product. End of story.
Honestly as an American this sucks and is scary. But I 1000% support other countries standing up to America. I really hope this doesn't ruin the lives of good Americans, but it is the price we pay for not shutting down the people that made this happen.
So so much winning! At some point the right side of the aisle has to realize there’s more to this than their own pockets getting fat. This grifter is notorious for not paying. Whatever he’s promised ain’t gonna happen. Guess they’ll f around and find out at some point
Well..that didn't take long. When are even Republicans who are scared shirtless of Trump finally gonna realize..Trump always backs down when confronted! Remember, he waited until Comey was in California to fire phone.
Thank you. We support average Americans and not selfish rich oligarchs! We will stand our ground.
As for Trump it is like that saying "He who throws dirt loses ground!"
I feel we have the responsibility as Americans to clean our own backyard up. Sure we didn’t vote for this but it’s up to us to take care of it.We’re building communities!
We let you strike first. We did not preemptively do a thing. We negotiated in good faith. We bent over backwards to address your fake fentanyl claims. Then you went ahead with it anyway.
Canada is not going to fuck around. You on the first shot.
Trump, Vance, and Lutnick are ignoring or simply don't know how the integrated North American market developed, is cost effective and efficient, and has significantly grown both the US and Canadian economies.
They Mexico needs to join you in saying they going to leave the tariffs up until Trump's entire Administration is gone one way or another cannot let this kind of behavior be rewarded by letting them flip-flop for nothing but political points
Lots of respect for the Canadians. Sensible, reasoned, professional and aimed at the right people. If they invade Maine, I’ll try to have some all dressed potato chips ready.
I’m an American that is rooting for Canada. This is the MO of FOTUS. He does something so idiotic & unpopular thinking the other side will back down. When they don’t, then he panics & starts backtracking. Stand your ground Canada.👍
Whether good, bad, or indifferent for the Canadian economy, there is no political will to appease the Trump government on this issue. If the Trump regime doesn't want to wear the fallout from this brutal trade war, they know what they need to do.
This administration can’t be trusted. Even if the tariffs we reduced to 5% Canada still loses and he will be thumping his chest like a fucking gorilla. We lose, he wins. Fuck that, continue with a viable economic escape plan and don’t trust them.
US will end up paying a reduced tariff on goods going into US. Goods coming into Canada will still be at the higher rate, so you buy Canadian. And then Canada will also hit them with non tariff actions. And trump loses
Is it all a distraction, so much mayhem that you can’t focus on one thing while they weaken everything to the point that the US beyond repair. Do they hate America enough to rob it blind & leave it to broken to defend itself. Does he want to be a dictator or is he just mad that people despise them.
Felon 47 already folded on auto industry tariffs. Wait until the tariff costs hit everyone else and he faces more backlash. He’ll back down again. Hold firm Canada.
This is exactly how they need to handle him. Don't start some bs with other countries just for show and expect them to bend a knee. Make it such a costly and painful mistake he never thinks about doing that shit again.
At this point, even if Trump rescinds the tariff on Canada, that doesn't erase his vile discourse about Canada becoming the 51st state. He has disrespected the sovereignty of of this close friend , neighbor, and trading partner. Can't imagine relations becoming easy, taken-for-granted under Trump.
Canadians agreed to a zero tariff deal, negotiated as a replacement for NAFTA. America broke the deal, claiming some injury involving fentanyl. So ... what did you expect? We didn't expect so much damage to ourselves, so we're going to punish you a bit less, ok? So lift your tariffs too.
Let's not forget that there is a signed agreement - that he signed!- for this stuff. ( Originally called the NAFTA agreement until child like D decided it need to have the US first in the title) The US is not keeping it's word - what makes us think he will in the future?!
Tariffs contradict the USMCA agreement so Canada is 100 percent correct! Either get rid of all tariffs or go to hell, Senor Trump!
An agreement is an agreement and does not have room for Trump's madness!
We’ve been doing this daily since the First Felon, in a chilling display of disrespect for the sovereignty of a friend and ally, threatened annexation and called Canada its 51st state.
Please join Canada and give a shout out to the First Felon..
If the moron is going to “reduce” them, why create them in the first place. What is he trying to manipulate? And it doesn’t matter as the damage is already done. A “just kidding” isn’t going to cut it. 🖕🍊🤡
He miscalculated here. As a Canadian I'm truly reconsidering my opinion of China. I mean, if I were to choose a dictator ally, I'd prefer my dictator to have a bit more professionalism and experience. Trump is like when you order something and didn't check the dimensions first, comes in a bit small.
No matter what happens today, the threat will hang over us for the rest of Trump’s tenure. I will be incandescently angry and unforgiving of any Canadian leader who makes nice with the administration.
He is only removing tariffs on vehicles. Everything else is still tariffed. Canada absolutely does not want to tariff the US. Ever! It’s retaliatory as a defence measure against Trump’s arbitrary decision to tariff Canada.
Again, this man has no business acumen. Everyone knows that he just runs his mouth trying to be tough but when faced head on, he punks out. He may scare the hell out of the GOP, mainstream media, Bezos, Zuckerberg and other suck ups but he doesn't mean **** to folks that know what they are doing.
That F*ing guy who thinks he can just rip up contracts and trade agreements on a whim; a trade deal, USMCA he negotiated and praised his 1st term, AFTER ripping UP NAFTA!! Please America, please do something about this menace and his merry band of thieves
I made a post earlier from his 2020 SOTU praising CUSMA, after he ripped up NAFTA!! The thing is, it's all performative and hyperbole with this guy. What he said 4 yrs ago doesn't matter because he has a new target. So now the CUSMA deal is a bad deal, bad for America blah blah
To normal people, yes he contradicts himself and sounds like an idiot, but to his base, the cult, they just merrily go along with whatever nonsense comes out of his putrid mouth
I didn't, my household didn't, my neighbors and friends didn't. But I could see it coming, I knew as soon as Joe Biden dropped out that the American populace would not vote for a woman, especially one of color. Too many racist fucks in this country 😞
I would like to hope that the American people would have moved past from its crappy beginnings of slavery and destroying the indigenous people. Apparently it's inbred, that crap's never leaving Florida. I lived there for a number of years and mercifully I am now in gorgeous blue state of Washington.
Yep, that is why I keep asking where the T.E.A party is was NEVER about taxes, no matter how many silly costumes they wore, it was the B.E.A party
.....Black Enough Already ...
Wouldn't it be amazing to have a proper primary? I completely agree this whole thing was mishandled, I loved Joe Biden but he was not up for it and he should have known that. This country needs to get behind a strong Democratic candidate now. Democrats just need to provide one..
I am saying yes, even though everything is so fucking awful right now. Change is around the corner and something's going to happen. I can't call it hope, but it's a feeling.
Many of us did not vote for him, but life is not always fair and as we are experiencing, neither are elections anymore. Many of us support Ukraine and will continue to do so independently. Because of what has become the new reality (nothing normal about it) we have now become The Resistance.
CDN Taxpayers pay $1.3 Billion CAD to prevent less than 0.5 oz of fentanyl from crossing border from Canada to US. Canadians being held hostage by Trump exaggerations, lies and fake policies.
Even as an American how can you not want to cheer for Canada and there’s a good chance I’m going to lose my power !! It’s still worth it to stick it to trump.
Frankly, I think worldwide boycotts should continue until he and his circle are removed from the WH. While trade and economy are important, preventing fascism in the US is more important…for everyone who supports democracy.
My salute to you:
Luv your solute clip. It's really good.
You're stronger than Trump is! He's a twat, a brainless child.
I’m pretty confident he won’t. His speech yesterday was pretty saucy for him and he probably really wanted to use much rougher language.
If he’s calling him “Donald” and “stupid” .. that’s pretty strong language from a PM.
Just sharing it. It came from a friend in Germany. 🤣
He can fool Americans and they can keep running back like a battered wife, but I’m not having it.
This action he took yesterday MUST hurt.
We will never be the 51st state.
Nor will Dumfukistan ever be part of Canada. Who would want damaged goods.
Now pardon me while I go play ‘Burning down the house.’
As a Canadian I say no .. trump does not get a months reprieve.
Sorry America
= Codependent cultists.
We can't keep up the on again off again shit.
Frankly, most Canadians are ready for this fight. Hell, we have already started.
(or rather, centimeter)
Ask yourself: which is more important truth or trust?
Hint: everyone has their own truth, just think of Hitler.
Trump started this stupidity. There are either no tariffs or it's game on, and we're prepared to suffer for our sovereignty.
I don't think so...
Good on him 👍🏼
Cause shares to slump, buy low, then 'I've changed my mind'a day or so later; sell shares high.
Rinse and repeat.
This is a long con.
Never bow to that tyrant.
Elbows up 🇨🇦💪💪
Many Trump supporters make this same spelling mistake quite often.
"We're winning, Trump's winning."
It's a good job they're gutting Education.
That'll fix things.
I’d give up steak and wine and eat lentils and drink warm water than have our leaders capitulate to Orange fuckin Mussolini.
You fkd with the wrong neighbours
As for Trump it is like that saying "He who throws dirt loses ground!"
Canada is not going to fuck around. You on the first shot.
Gloves are off. Elbows are up.
Any tariff is llegal, breaking the treaty Trump was so proud of when he negotiated it.
Trump's word is worthless.
They're effing idiots!
Whether good, bad, or indifferent for the Canadian economy, there is no political will to appease the Trump government on this issue. If the Trump regime doesn't want to wear the fallout from this brutal trade war, they know what they need to do.
And Peter Navarro is just as fucking stupid.
Not our fault y'all didn't listen.
What are the major US owned retailers, wholesalers, distributors in Canada?
Should we expect those shares to drop?
That is what’s happening right now, and Trump (well all of American too unfortunately) has to deal with the consequences
An agreement is an agreement and does not have room for Trump's madness!
Canada here🇨🇦
We’ve been doing this daily since the First Felon, in a chilling display of disrespect for the sovereignty of a friend and ally, threatened annexation and called Canada its 51st state.
Please join Canada and give a shout out to the First Felon..
Whenever someone dials up the bat-shit phone and puts an order in for a top-up?!
Trump’s tariffs are illegal and once he removes ALL of them, then and only then will Canada remove the RETALIATORY tariffs.
Not saying i like it
"What idiot would sign this trade deal?"
You did, dumbass.
I said to the woman checking me in: How about that eh?!
She replied: Don't worry one of the good old boys will get him!
I was in shock. It was surreal. I see what's happening today.
.....Black Enough Already ...
The true loss was him saying in 2016 he would be a 1-termer but then deciding to run again.
Had he confirmed in 2018 he was not running again, we could have had a proper primary.
I strongly supported Kamala, but you're right- too many racists and misogynists.
If we had done it ourselves, it would have looked aggressive.
Instead, we’ve strengthened our border!! From our direct threat.