So he knew there was a chance it would cause flooding and would not reach trumps destination but he also knew he was wasting their summer supply of water? He did it knowing all this?
absolute truth
it was a photo op and in your face "I have the power to mess with you" moment. Now there are signs on the freeway going from Central Valley to coast, blaming Newsom for the water loss = sick puppy
of course not. We are waiting for the memo that explains how Musk was able to hand Trump the election. It's full on fascism and should be treated as such. Too many Americans don't know what is happening. Even our words for freedoms and rights are disappearing.
Oh, I’m sure the memo is framed in the Oval Office somewhere. I would love for a single media outlet—legacy or independent—to start covering the growing body of hard evidence that the 2024 election was stolen. Vote manipulation in at least six swing states. Voter suppression. Russian interference.
Bomb threats were probably handled by Russians. MAGA poll workers rejected votes. Poll workers are not supposed to be partisan. There were fires in poll boxes. And of course, Musk's ability to control machine counts. How did Trump win all the battleground states when all other races went to Dems?
Trump's obvious MAGA Supreme Court judges choose to blatantly ignore the Constitution which clearly says "anyone involved in an insurrection can not run for elected office". This set a precedence allowing criminals to run for elected office. Trump's entire admin is full of criminals.
So, we know whoever that person is, is also going to be the one to shoot protesters for having a peaceful protest. Because as we saw in Ohio. Only the Bed SheetsKlan, SkinCheeks and ProudClosetBoys are allowed to protect , march or rally
THIS! U are correct. It's a full on Fascist Dictatorship. If we protest like they seem to be daring us all to, we will all be killed. No doubt in my mind! 😕
Somewhat agree. A commander has the right to deny an order if it is against the constitution or against the UMJC. This particular thing really did not do either, but he could have whistleblew it somehow. . .
Someone needs to educate the public about the UMJC, in what circumstances soldiers can choose to stand down, and the consequences. Many soldiers do not even know. G-d forbid they ever have to turn on the public. They need to know what recourse they have to say, "No. I will not do that."
The education really needs to happen among the ranks. I spent 27 years hearing, “You don’t have to obey an unlawful order,” but when it’s your chain of command issuing an order that may be unlawful there are few options for service members. These folks might be able to help.
Insane…outrageous…whatever you want to refer to it as, it still doesn’t meet the threshold of being unconstitutional, which is the requirement to dismiss any given order.
That begs the question: did this "responsible" Army Corps Col. tell the president that the water wouldn't reach Southern Cal. and did the president order him to release the water anyway?
I think we know the answer to that question, unfortunately.
Of course he did. But it is the ARMY Corp of Engineers meaning Trump is his Commander in Chief. He has to obey all lawful orders, and this didn't break any laws. Too bad they can't refuse "stupid" orders.
Valuable and precious CA reservoir water- being saved for farmers, that the stupid and ignorant traitor felon conman ordered released and wasted because… vengeance 😡
And now the Gov is cosying up with the likes of Charlie Kirk on his podcast, cuz he wants to be Potus. Big mistake. Can't believe he would do something that stupid. Political un aliving! 😑
He also hates Pelosi with a passion. So much that he pushed the lie that the man who clubbed Paul was his boyfriend showing up for a tryst. His sons also posted hateful claims showing a hammer and underwear.
Good grief. 😢
Let’s hope that God doesn’t deliver another drought to the Golden State while some ignorant humans residing elsewhere act stupidly to undermine the important water management work of California’s humans
Sooo childish. No wonder you have a child for a President. We have a top human rights lawyer.
The reservoirs are created by rain storms from our planet's delicate eco system.
A list of REALLY evil guys; most of them lived long, prosperous lives.
While they live, evil men are humanity’s problem, and at best heaven seems willing to help only those willing to help themselves…
Not exactly news. NO ONE involved with that optics stunt believed it would help LA. Adolph Trump knew it, we knew it, corps of engineers knew it. How much time and money did WAPO waste investigating that MAGA porn?
I live in Southern California and know a fee almond growers in Northern California that have to destroy their older trees to save next years corps. Make that make sense
That’s not news. I’m sure everyone involved other than Trump knew better. It’s hard to be as dumb and impulsive as him. Most who are don’t live that long.
I thought they were planning to release the water anyway? So it played into Trump propaganda narrative?
Need more facts on the details of who, what, why, when etc..
The water is meant to be released slowly over the summer for farmers. They already are only allotted a certain amount. Now that amount will be reduced because trump wasted it.
Anyone with half a brain would have respected that people who built the system would know the correct way to use it in a terrible situation like California faced. Trump is ignorance in human form. A f——-g moron.
He had zero interest in "helping". He hates Cali, cuz he knows he will NEVER be accepted by the Hollywood elite. That's what this is all about. That's why he only attracts the "has beens" from HW. Fancies himself a showman. He is insane! 😳
💯 Like they don’t know how their water management system works ffs. Some cheeseburger eating face painted fool knows better 🤷♀️ Now California farmers will struggle with water later in the season. Maybe that was part of the reason for wasting so much water
First,he respects no one. He thinks he know everything and what he thinks he know would not fill a thimble.Second,if the forests are raked there would not be any fires like he claimed at the Paradise fire.He is definitely a fucking moron the stable genius (only in his mind is stable or a genius)
This whole situation is a perfect example of MAGA in action...doing something that is extremely detrimental so he can create headlines and spin off lies from them to feed the cult's insatiable appetite for bullshit
1/6 🚨👊 Oh, fucking hell, folks! 🤣 Trump just claimed that the US Military "turned on the water" in California 🌊. Like, what the fuck is he talking about? 🤔 Is there a secret faucet in the mountains or something? 🏔️💧 #TrumpLies #CaliforniaWater #FaucetGate 🚫
2/6 🤣👀 I mean, come on, Trump. You can't just "turn on the water" like it's a fucking faucet 🚿. California's water issues are complex and multifaceted 🌟. It's not just a matter of flipping a switch, you dumbfuck 🤦♂️ #CaliforniaWaterCrisis #TrumpFails #FaucetFiasco 🚫
3/6 🗺️👀 And what's with this "Pacific Northwest" nonsense? 🌊 Is Trump talking about some secret underground water tunnel or something? 🤔 Newsflash, Trump: water doesn't work that way 🙄. #TrumpGeography #WaterYouTalkingAbout #FaucetFails 🚫
4/6 🚨👊 And let's not forget the "Emergency Powers" part 🚨. Is Trump trying to say that he's declared martial law in California or something? 🤣 Like, what the fuck is going on here? 🤔 #TrumpEmergencyPowers #CaliforniaUnderAttack #FaucetFrenzy 🚫
5/6 🤦♂️👀 I mean, seriously, folks. Trump's tweet is just a bunch of fucking nonsense🤣. There's no secret faucet, no magic water switch, & no emergency powers to "turn on the water"🚫. It's just Trump being Trump: a fucking liar & a idiot🤦♂️#TrumpLies #CaliforniaDeservesBetter🚫
6/6 🚫💔 So, to all my California friends, don't get your hopes up🌟. There's no free water coming from the Pacific Northwest🌊. Just more Trump lies & nonsense🤣. Stay hydrated, folks, & don't drink the Trump Kool-Aid🚮💧#TrumpFreeWater #FaucetFails #CaliforniaWaterCrisis 🚫💔
He was "only following orders." As we all know, not a legitimate defense. I hope he's hung up by the testicles for that hideous waste of an increasingly precious resource.
That was all in the "did you see me attack California" statement that he made. He was useless in a disaster and menacing. A 5th grader could have told him that the water release would not have helped LA. He made it much worse. Criminal, actually.
Another person who knelt in advance. Trump is destoying our govt employees, our limited water resources for a "news story" to make him look like a hero. This is behavior and "strategies"that also led to 6 bankruptcies. He does not know what he's doing. Now he's expecting a Nobel peace prize.
I was so pissed!!! I'm down here in the Central Valley and to know the Orange Buffoon is behind this is a poke in the eye. That asshole needs to have his ass stapled to a prison wall.
I've had ENOUGH of this sack o' shit liar and his nasty cadre of spineless miscreants!! I'm DONE! 🤬
I'm working that out. I'm watching what the Orange Idiot does in the next 30 days. Depending on what he does, what the R controlled houses do, or lack thereof, will dictate our path forward.
I'm not 100% convinced, yet, we need to throw the whole thing in the trash but I'm close. 1 of 2
My wife says the same thing about Mayor for my town.
I have many flaws but the one flaw that would be my undoing for any political role would be my inability to deal with stupidity. I simply do not do well with "stupid" people. Not ignorant, but stupid.
California feeds the country. When Americans feel the impact, the fascists will blame Dems for not making it rain enough and for wasting what little water they had to put out the fires they caused.
In English class they taught us about "willing suspension of disbelief" meaning you accept implausible plot twists in fiction.
In the US, that technique applies to politics, where huge numbers of people accept delusional lies even when they know it's bullshit.
Trump and his insurrectionist MAGA GOP Supreme Court judges are directly responsible for unleashing actual criminals into the White House. For the 1st time in American history, we are under a joint foreign and domestic attack for democracy and our very lives.
SCOTUS have been compromised and their bias to MAGA GOP has been revealed. At least 5 of them should face consequences for lying under oath during their confirmation hearings.
All that doesn’t matter now
It’s done
Now the people need to make it clear to SCOTUS that history will judge them according to their future
Is eliminating abortion more important to them then eliminating Democracy
Emphasis on could have refused but he didnt. That is very worrying. If the members of the US Military will follow an order like that how many other orders will they follow knowing its wrong but still carry it out?
I’m a retired Army Engineer officer. Not sure how he received his instructions, but just read the EO & there was no direct order to the Army Corps of Engineers to release water. It came through DoD or Interior. I would have pushed back if I knew it was a stunt that wouldn’t actually help the fires.
Something like this, I well have resigned. 2.5 billion gallons of (agricultural) water, mostly wasted. None of which helped battle fires in any way. It’s criminal.
Somebody needs to tell this “administration “ how to do a search online. Does water from Lake Kaweah go to Southern California was the search parameter. Not difficult.
Not mentioning any search engines because some use gulf of america now in their maps.
People do truly astoundingly stupid things when “just following orders” by oligarchs and tyrants — even when they knowingly are committing themselves to atrocities or just simply wasteful behavior. This excuses nothing, but is a function of tyrannical regimes, run of fear instead of facts… 🤦🏻♀️
When the category 6 hurricane will strike in Florida, all houses will be flattened down. It's like category 4 tornado, and that's when houses start to fall. But scaled up to a huge size. Possible? Climate scientists say yes.
Please help me and my family we are homeless and depend on your donations for food and drink, please most of my family died including the children, my mother is sick, don't let them die in front of me, my sisters, children are dying of hunger, please I beg you💔😭🙏
It should be obvious, even to even Trump's loyal MAGANUTS by now that he does not belong in the WH. Every American has been traumatized by Trump's EOs which will have a long term financial and emotional affect - voters need to contact their state, local and federal GOP demanding he resign.
Naa they'll blame Biden. Rump has done and said so much and they still think he's their guy. They could be in quick sand with Donald screaming move more you'll sink less and they know he's wrong but they'll sink fast owning the libs, saving their country from trans mice
Probably not, but like all dictators before him, he has surrounded himself with yes-men. This is how brain drains begin. In the end it won't matter if it is stupidity or appeasement, the result is the same.
It looks like either the democraps grow up and tank bill leading to a government shutdown or they do their usual stupidity of saving the repugnants and sacrifice the future for political optics
I don’t think they’re too young and inexperienced, i believe they’re simply not journalists anymore. They repeat stories to get viewership instead of research like they once used to.
Only the ones affected will know, but they’d never speak out so the rest of the country gets it.
Here in NJ, my maga family thinks Biden was ignorant for not releasing that water. And my maga aunt in San Diego will pretend trump was right at least in theory.
For 47 , prolly. But Putin?! He absolutely would love to have all that. He is hell bent for revenge & he is using 47 to get it. 47 is a fool. Putin is actually very intelligent. And extremely dangerous. Exactly like Stalin, without the manpower. 😬
Please help make this go viral! We have to step up our game because our representatives are clearly not going to save us from this fast moving coup! The only thing we really can do that's nonviolent is slow production. Cost them money. Don't get fired. Don't hurt anyone. But do more where youcan
I’m so sick of their lies. Omg Dems r monsters for sitting while Trump uses a cancer victim for a photo op
Trump just gutted pediatric cancer research. 🧐
No he didn’t, proof!?
Everyone knew I wouldn’t reach the fires or do anything for the fires
Trump released the water so the California would be screwed this summer
California should sue Trump
Well it begins today and goes through the 14th - so I f you remember doing this in January you must be a time traveler. Cool. Go back to Butler, Pa on July 13, 2024. You'll know what to do.
Couldn't agree more. For quite awhile now, I may use Amazon to read reviews (skeptical, since too many are gamed) and search for the makers of some items, but I'll go out of my way and gladly pay shipping to buy directly. As for WaPo - my heart breaks for Katharine Graham.
The other thing is they don't vet their sellers. I got 25 lbs of bird food that was a different brand than advertised. Told me to keep it. 25 pounds of food I wouldn't use. Left a review and Amazon said it was the sellers fault not theirs. I call bullshit!
I just watch that last night, sad indeed.
it was a photo op and in your face "I have the power to mess with you" moment. Now there are signs on the freeway going from Central Valley to coast, blaming Newsom for the water loss = sick puppy
- Jimmy Cliff, “The Harder They Come”
You're kidding!
Bigger picture...
Who and what would the long term effects have been?
How many people might be affected in the next fire season of the reservoir isn't replenished by the winter snow pack?
“Just following orders” doesn’t wash anymore.
Releasing the water was an illogical order, but it was not unlawful because it did not break the military members’ oaths to the Constitution.
We don't need water from the Sierra Nevada during our rainy season. 😝
Not this, again…..
I think we know the answer to that question, unfortunately.
Probably. DOGE favors drama over efficiency.
Let’s hope that God doesn’t deliver another drought to the Golden State while some ignorant humans residing elsewhere act stupidly to undermine the important water management work of California’s humans
The reservoirs are created by rain storms from our planet's delicate eco system.
While they live, evil men are humanity’s problem, and at best heaven seems willing to help only those willing to help themselves…
Yes, we're saved by grace - and it's unfortunate that it takes some longer than others.
There are at least 30% of American idiots who do not, in fact, know that.
Need more facts on the details of who, what, why, when etc..
I notice that fucking Meta Instagram is now threatening if you don't play nice about Elonia, tRump and the coconuts.
Someone other than F47 knew something true and relevant???
Say it isn’t so!!
They never lead , just one of the things that make them Cowards.
I've had ENOUGH of this sack o' shit liar and his nasty cadre of spineless miscreants!! I'm DONE! 🤬
They do not have my consent to enrich themselves at the expense of our good name, natural resources, and collective future.
I am not alone.
The Constitution is solid but it does need updating for this Century and those to come.
The Electoral College needs to be thrown out. ALL money needs to be removed from politics and EVERY public servant slot MUST have term limits.
No more lifetime ANYTHING. Politics should NOT be a career.
I'm not 100% convinced, yet, we need to throw the whole thing in the trash but I'm close. 1 of 2
I have many flaws but the one flaw that would be my undoing for any political role would be my inability to deal with stupidity. I simply do not do well with "stupid" people. Not ignorant, but stupid.
I'm ignorant of many things but stupid, no!
In the US, that technique applies to politics, where huge numbers of people accept delusional lies even when they know it's bullshit.
The big lie worked
Immunity decision caused ALL that followed
Not the previous AG!
SCOTUS is the key now
If they don’t hold big D democracy is in trouble
It’s done
Now the people need to make it clear to SCOTUS that history will judge them according to their future
Is eliminating abortion more important to them then eliminating Democracy
You gotta turn the big faucet first.
"I was just following orders?"
Because we all know where that led too...
Food for thought.
Clearly you're old school & I like that. I like that you would've questioned the merit of such a ridiculous order. Clearly the Col. felt he couldn't.
Not mentioning any search engines because some use gulf of america now in their maps.
It’s pretty obvious that when you dump water in a field, it’s gonna go into the ground, and not magically travel hundreds of miles.
You really think some 20 yr old kid in the military is going to say sorry it’s illegal?
His next act? Kill all the chickens so eggs will be less expensive.
Um… 😑
We must stop accepting his delusions and start to call them out as CRAZY msn thinking.
His social media account postings are of a raving lunatic and need to be highlighted.
Taking Canada, Greenland, Panama and Gaza are not thoughts of a sane man
When they actually lose jobs and benefits it will be a harsh lesson for them all,
Stuuuupid city kids
Once you kill the regulatory mechanisms our economy will crater.
That will make financing $35 trillion impossible.
Can’t let them off the hook for being too young and inexperienced to report the CONSEQUENCES of his ramblings
Every story about a Trump EO should start with a sentence IS IT LEGAL.
Here in NJ, my maga family thinks Biden was ignorant for not releasing that water. And my maga aunt in San Diego will pretend trump was right at least in theory.
The brainwashing is quite impressive 😏
The 83,000 scheduled to loose their jobs at the VA should wake up quiet a few maga.
Rural Americans going to experience the stupid tariff economic plan personally.
The deportations are killing agriculture already
They are triggering an economic collapse that will take their paper wealth and like get them introduced to a guillotine
Trump just gutted pediatric cancer research. 🧐
No he didn’t, proof!?
Trump released the water so the California would be screwed this summer
California should sue Trump
WaPo is just another straw on the proverbial camel's back. 😁
I just watch that last night, sad indeed.