Trump is holding all the cards. Big beautiful cards.
24 carat solid, gold- plated, playing cards.
No one has ever seen such beautiful cards. 52 jokers in the deck, & they’re all wild. Everybody’s a winner!🎰🎰🎰
Funny thing about that: We went to Vegas in 2018, and our Lyft driver told us that the Trump hotel in Vegas was denied a gambling license because he had a rift with the owner of the Wynn Hotel/Casino. Wynn was able to get his gambling application denied and once they get a denial, it's for good! :D
It's not one but three casinos that he bankrupted.
''The Trump Taj Mahal casino broke anti-money laundering rules 106 times in its first year and a half of operation in the early 1990s, according to the IRS in a 1998 settlement agreement.''
Newsflash, posting this cut-and-paste to everything isn't going to accomplish anything but making people block you on sight and eventually get you banned. This isn't resistance, it's stupid trolling.
A hallmark of conservatism is the privileging of existing theoretical frameworks over empirical input. It's why they're so bad at managing very complex real things (like the economy).
The casino was just to launder money he was paid by the Soviets. It only failed when the USSR did. Then it took a few years before the FSB could start making payments again.
It's really difficult to bankrupt a business where people are literally throwing money at you and mostly receiving nothing in return, other than an occasional free drink.....
Couldn't the Russkies have just bought him a big Vegas casino where he could choose the crapertainment shows, golf, lord around, hire security & drive in his SUVs waving--
and they'd just buy him a new one each time he bankrupted?
Obviously destroying US from w/in was just too big a win for them.
It's all part of the plan, I'm sure. It's not him, he's just the puppet they are using until he no longer serves his purpose, it's the scary people (vance, amusk, Navarro etc) and organizations behind him like the IDU.
It's not about the trade war, never was. He wants to Annex us. He's playing cat and mouse with us. Weakening our economy (not happening). We expect tanks and troops any day. He is going to have gorilla war fare. He underestimates us, just like Russia did Ukrainians when they attacked!
It's even worse than that, he had one casino at the start and it did well and just kept opening more thinking the money would keep going up even through warnings from advisors, he was in competition primarily with himself.
When you realize the casino was for laundering money, all of his other businesses make more sense.
If he could figure out an angle on tariffs that include money laundering, he might be able to make it work.
TRUMP IS A MORON! "VOO-DOO ECONOMICS" THAT IS WHAT TARIFF'S ARE TAXES! SignThePetition2 impeachTrumpNow @ Then Go2theGlobal NonviolentActionDatabase@ Read"WhyCivil ResistanceWorks"Chenoweth&Stephan.ThenGo2 2joinOrOrganizeAlocalGroup2resist.
34 felonies of fraud, sexual abuse, defamation, ongoing trials for treasonous acts, an unprecedented volume of stolen documents, 2 failed marriages, 6 bankruptcies and countless failed business ventures, not to forget the only President to be impeached TWICE!
They worked the way he needed them to. They were a laundry service. Heat comes in, they go bankrupt. Sure can move huge amounts of money in the meantime....
Trump goes on about trade defecits, and can't understand that the US is a net importer for two reasons.
1, cultural - Americans just buy more stuff than others.
2, what you manufacture. A lot doesn't meet safety standards or is just not stuff we want.
Big companies outsource production locally
He knows nothing. He has an IQ of 78. UPenn disowned him for never going to Class . He paid someone to go in his name. Wharton has denied his attendance since the beginning of time.
I'm not supporting him by saying this, but his actions appear to me to be intentional. While everyone runs with the notion that he's caving and doesn't know what he's doing. He is in fact capitalizing with a capital "C."
BRO couldn’t keep a CASINO IN BUSINESS leading to BANKRUPTCY and did this 6 times! And MAGA Republicans think he can run a Country? Without GUARDRAILS?
It’s been <2 months… and just look at what “Mr. TARIFF Man” has done… egg prices soaring, measles on the rise, BETRAYAL of Ukraine, trade wars…
I would love to say when it personally hurts them, but I am not sure even then they will. They blame it on anything but him. It is 100% why cults are dangerous. In my opinion, MAGA is a cult.
Obviously loves chips and going the it is he will soon have had them…..
But I am sure he could make a fist out of something - see later picture of Melania….
It was. But it’s a fucking casino. Those things make money hand over fist. If he was 1/4 the business man he boasts about, he could have remained profitable AND laundered his Russian puppet masters money.
“Shortly after that I began talking with his competitors… with Steve Winn, a serious, successful gambling mogul, with gamblers, with government officials, and with Donald’s own people. And they all told me…”
David Cay Johnston, “The Making of Donald Trump”
Sep 8 2016
And Donald’s answer is essentially, “Well, you know, I don’t like people who sue my father’s estate.” No compassion for the child anymore than there was no compassion for the Con family whose son is a serving American military officer killed in…”
“…combat. No empathy for another person. Other people to Donald are simply objects to be used.”
“It is a fraud. There’s nothing there.”
“And you’ll see some answers that he gives to questions presented to him under oath where his answers are gibberish. I don’t know what else to call them.”
Maria Bartiromo interviewed Trump and he really couldn’t explain why he used the Tariffs - he did say it was because everybody was taking advantage of America - it’s a two way street we benefit if the world buys our products - he didn’t mention drugs or immigration though ….
Don’t forget his successes—he was totally successful being a bankrupt a total of SIX times despite lying and cheating contractors, vendors, and IRS of taxes that he owed.
I still don’t understand why people can’t understand you have to be INCOMPETENT to bankrupt a casino. Yet they trust him with financial plans for their country.
The best thing 🇺🇸’s can do is to boycott every company that supports #Trump. And in your own community when you shop ask the manager or owners if they voted for #Trump. Then tell them you will never shop there again! It will impact their business. 🪶😡🇨🇦🇺🇸🖕🏽#TrumpTarrifs #FuckTrump #ElbowsUp
Republican Electorate are the least edgumicated. 99.510,000 Million of them have at worst a Ged at best a High-school diploma as the Maximum of their Education Achievement.
In any compatible Country with that Demographic would or could become great.
trumpieland thought it could.
Trump is like the AH’s who follow him with a big mouth to sound tough, big truck to I guess feel tough, big beard to I guess in their minds look tough.Then they meet in their limited thinking a soft looking, “beta” guy who is secure in himself & mess with him. They find out soon they shouldn’t have
Maybe bankrupting a casino we can understand but traitor trump bankrupted SIX casino’s! Maybe this is why his second term is much worse than his first term, the dumb fucker is incapable of learning from his previous mistakes! And this is how republicans think! Idiots
Good one about Mr. SIX Bankruptcies. We're supposed to believe he doesn't need no stinkin' economist to tell him how to "fix" the economy-He's got all his exp as a failed business leader & you learn the most (supposedly) from your mistakes, but less when you are fail & keep getting propped up...
Trump is the world's greatest conman and charlatan.
He has conned the rich, the poor, the gullible, the religious, the greedy, the bigots, the racists and the crooks; and they all have one thing in common......
24 carat solid, gold- plated, playing cards.
No one has ever seen such beautiful cards. 52 jokers in the deck, & they’re all wild. Everybody’s a winner!🎰🎰🎰
''The Trump Taj Mahal casino broke anti-money laundering rules 106 times in its first year and a half of operation in the early 1990s, according to the IRS in a 1998 settlement agreement.''
There is no public record or evidence to suggest that Zelenskyy wrote to Trump after the meeting to say he wanted to come back.
He can't even golf very well but he spends a lot of time doing it.
He's just an act. A braggart who can't think, doesn't listen and refuses to change based on either facts or information.
So many white American males are just like him and they voted for him.
🎰 🎲🃏🥊
Trump: Hold my diet Coke.
and they'd just buy him a new one each time he bankrupted?
Obviously destroying US from w/in was just too big a win for them.
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If he could figure out an angle on tariffs that include money laundering, he might be able to make it work.
..Yet they're surprised he's failing!
Timothy Snyder, “On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century”
Timothy Snyder
YouTube channel
Lessons 1-20
TS Speaks 1-16
etc. etc.
If one has the wherewithal to build a casino, it is GOING TO print $$ whether it wants to or not ("The House always wins" etc.)
Trump got the wherewithal from, um, certain parties who laundered money, pocketed the profits and let the thing burn
1, cultural - Americans just buy more stuff than others.
2, what you manufacture. A lot doesn't meet safety standards or is just not stuff we want.
Big companies outsource production locally
"hand over some money and get less back"...
if you bankrupt that, you know there's a crime.
It’s been <2 months… and just look at what “Mr. TARIFF Man” has done… egg prices soaring, measles on the rise, BETRAYAL of Ukraine, trade wars…
The house ALWAYS wins
Ask, "How could anyone bankrupt a casino?"
Check the wheelbarrows of cash going out the loading dock.
HE did not lose a dime.
HE was the house, the casino was not.
Or am I mistaken once again?
Check Village Voice, Jan 15, 1979
The russian mob moved on by then
But I am sure he could make a fist out of something - see later picture of Melania….
His supposed “business skills” don’t fill me with any confidence whatsoever.
pay $10 million largest fine ever
David Cay Johnston, “The Making of Donald Trump”
Sep 8 2016
“I want you to think about this. Donald Trump, over money, put the life of a sickly infant in jeopardy. His own blood. Over money.
And when he was asked about this he said, “Well, what else can I do?” Well, don’t you think…”
And Donald’s answer is essentially, “Well, you know, I don’t like people who sue my father’s estate.” No compassion for the child anymore than there was no compassion for the Con family whose son is a serving American military officer killed in…”
“It is a fraud. There’s nothing there.”
“And you’ll see some answers that he gives to questions presented to him under oath where his answers are gibberish. I don’t know what else to call them.”
And so true!
In any compatible Country with that Demographic would or could become great.
trumpieland thought it could.
He has conned the rich, the poor, the gullible, the religious, the greedy, the bigots, the racists and the crooks; and they all have one thing in common......
they're all Republicans.