The only people who don't know or don't care are the MAGA cult loyalists. It affects the poor more than the rich. An additional $50 more in grocery isn't the same for the poor as it is for the rich.🤬
I was pleased to see in a story about tariffs on NBC’s Today Show, the text on the screen called it an import tax. There needs to me more such framing.
Kamala warned us about this. Walz warned us. Some hosts warned us. But did Fox? Did Newsmax? Did local Sinclair-owned stations? Did even or or make a point of warning us? 😡
Yes an overdone National Sales tax
Flat rate and saddled to the people to enjoy for fun ratios
Suck it up people
Suck it up
Inflation is good said Dt in last term he suckered punch people
And that Biden didn’t take tariff off
Why not
So is that an additional 25% on original 25
To be 50% tariff
It would be so much easier if the wealthy and big corporations would just pay their fair share we wouldn’t have to be forced to go through these hardships that TSF and the REPUBLICANS are putting us through.
This isn't the time to go into deep thoughts to try to convince Trump supporters they can't handle this one. Maybe when they can't afford to buy a new car because it suddenly cost 20% more they'll figure it out and connect the dots
Just a thought... MAGA GOP voters act Christian voting for someone who openly said he was going to hurt people. #1, how is voting for someone saying they'll hurt others, Christian? #2, MAGA GOP voters didn't think the people he'd hurt would include them. Red flag, he did leave you in the desert!
Exactly! It doesn't affect those other countries, it affects US, right in our wallets and bank accounts. It's like sales tax: we pay more for goods+services and/or US companies pay more for supplies. In both cases the result is chaos, poverty, and bankruptcy. Gee, who does that remind you of?
But you need those materials for your own production line, then you have to pay. Then your product is costing more, your customers will look somewhere else!
That is a completely different conversation than "we're going to punish Canada, Mexico, China by imposing tariffs", as I'm sure you can see! If the MAGA crowd cannot grasp that THEY and we are paying these supposed taxes, they're certainly not going to understand the supply chain argument!
The number of complete dimwits spouting off how unfair it is that Canada “is charging the US the tariff” is mind boggling. The US is completely hooped.
To be fair, I cant imagine being an immigrant, expecting to come to a land of freedom and opportunity only to face racism and systemic slavery at every turn. They are rightfully disillusioned and fell for a professional scam artist. The question is, are they willing to own it and make it right now?
My ancestors were immigrants....they experienced seeing death by Progroms...
Being the other, here was still part of the culture...but obviously they chose to stay.
I used to think Trump was just lying as usual when he says a tariff is paid by the other country.
He honestly believes it's paid by China or Canada. Even after having the press correct him, he says "no, I think it's paid by them"
This is like having a 3 year old in power.
DO NOT EVEN ASSOCIATE THE WORD HONEST with Trump! It’s just that he never wants to admit that he’s wrong or that he tried to fool the foolish with a lie about tariffs!
Oh, he's delusional. Never will be otherwise. He surrounds himself with lickspittle helpers who wouldn't dare tell the emperor he's naked. Once he gets a bad concept, he locks in. Look how he loops back on old grudges and self declared "accomplishments"
Yes, and donald trump is a criminal who is raping and bleeding your country and your people dry.. when are the Democrats gonna do something about the death of democracy on your watch????
Also, you pay the tariff on the MSRP, while the importer pays it on the landed cost. So for my thing, I pay a $1 tariff to the government, but you pay $5 more for the product. (The price you pay for things can be 5x the cost to make them)
To be fair, it does penalize the exporting country as there will be less demand for their goods unless they lower their prices. I guess that's why they say there are no winners in trade wars. Except that DT will probably gain popularity from ignorant followers …
A regressive tax where the rich pay 2% or less as a tax rate and we pay the rest. That is the ONLY reason they are passing tariffs, is to push the tax burden to we the people. As they say "they'd be stupid not to do that, now that they have power". That is why the rich should not control policy.
Along with Pete Buttigieg, most successful business owners have agreed that tariffs will do more harm good. However, trump insists that they will work and has even threatened to increase his tariffs if bordering countries retaliate with their own tariffs. a senile old "Post Turtle"! 🖕DJT 😎
Thanks. I looked at YT but didn't see that one. I've marked my FB for deletion on Mar 22. If I sign in, it starts that 30-day period over again. Fuckers.
You put your tariff in,
your tariff out,
In, out, in, out, shake it all about,
You do the hokum presidency and run the economy aground,
That's what it's all about.
Pete Buttigieg needs to go on EVERY right-wing talk show on radio and television to talk circles around these dipshits who think they are the smartest guy in the room. Fox, Newsmax, XM Patriot...every one of them.
And maybe the thing they can get across to stupid maga is that both words start with a T. Start there and work your way backwards. They may get it when they lose their homes
It's also a tax that will always hit the working people harder. The ultra rich aren't affected if toilet paper costs increase by 100%. Remember it's was Trump's first term that raised tariffs on Canadian soft wood, making paper products a line item in our household budget. We always feel the pain.
Harris tried her best to get this message across. Maybe Pete will have better luck getting folks to understand that. White man may be more believed than a multi-racial woman?
Is that all Pete has to say? We have heard this many times. It will only be when the tariffs start to affect people that those who don't understand will get it.
You want to know who’s running the country now, watch the movie Margin Call. It used to be a buffer of bought politicians but that was moving too slow. So now the greedy bastards have their hands on the wheel and just don’t give a fuck. Stop it now or it’s just one big money making enterprise.
Ahhhhh. The criminal-in-chief only understands one-syllable words. Going forward, when speaking to Trumpty, please use the word "taxes" instead of tariffs. His overall comprehension is provably and severely limited. Maybe he will understand this.
Yep. Anyone who took macro in college or works in manufacturing knows this. The price increases are already occurring on the outside chance that inputs have tariffs.
Americans also don’t understand Canada has NOT lifted the retaliatory tariffs on incoming American products and won’t until the tariff threats end.
These are American JOBS.
We are your biggest customer, bigger than multiple countries combined including China.
We have stopped buying American.
-Lets me not dwell on the negative. Good! 👍🏻
Flat rate and saddled to the people to enjoy for fun ratios
Suck it up people
Suck it up
Inflation is good said Dt in last term he suckered punch people
And that Biden didn’t take tariff off
Why not
So is that an additional 25% on original 25
To be 50% tariff
It would be so much easier if the wealthy and big corporations would just pay their fair share we wouldn’t have to be forced to go through these hardships that TSF and the REPUBLICANS are putting us through.
The rich do not care, or they use it as an excuse for price gouging of their products.
THE KRASSENSTEINS are Bluesky's #1 #AbleWalled account. All they post is inaccessible text-as-image, and REFUSE to include the visually-impaired.
Don't be a Krassenstein asshole - #UseAltText.
Consumers see the higher prices and buy less, which hurts sales, which affects the other country.
Shame on them.
helped elect a guy (and party) that hates them.
Useful idiots.
Being the other, here was still part of the culture...but obviously they chose to stay.
Most people have known this all along.
TrumpTariffs fail
He honestly believes it's paid by China or Canada. Even after having the press correct him, he says "no, I think it's paid by them"
This is like having a 3 year old in power.
He REALLY believes.
"Why does everything all of a sudden cost so much more?"
It is buried in the continuing resolution.
hyperbole desensitizes ppl to what’s actually urgent & important…
it might seem like such a small thing in light of our current environment but it adds to the chaos…
Selling of land formerly inhabited by 'savages' was sold to wealthy land barons, which necessitated military occupation to enforce their 'rights'
Months after being forced through a fifth-grade remedial civics class, most of them STILL don't know how tarrifs work.
He thinks “Tariff” is a beautiful word…
Go figure…
I am asking Floridians to sign this petition to recall Rick Scott.
He refuses to take calls and isn’t holding town halls.
A recall is not supported by the Constitution, but it does send a collective message.
Please sign and share.
So guess what....
“They rigged the election and I became president..”
is a bucket of pooh
your tariff out,
In, out, in, out, shake it all about,
You do the hokum presidency and run the economy aground,
That's what it's all about.
By many historians educators and anyone with a brain
I don't see Republicans in Congress ever joining Dems to impeach and convict Trump.
Musk/Trump intend to stay, and it will require a coup d'état to remove them.
Trump disaster.
Trump must go.
These are American JOBS.
We are your biggest customer, bigger than multiple countries combined including China.
We have stopped buying American.