The district I taught in received a lot of title 1 money from the Feds. Wonder how the trump voting colleagues I taught with are feeling now? No more classroom aides, project money for migrant students, etc.
The worst part he even said up on his campaign rallies he would go after the department of education. It was in project 2025.
We know more about Trump than they do.
Norah O’Donnell said Trump didn’t know about it so Harris was just sayin’ stuff…
It was never about anything, just a bunch a brain dead sheep that think Facebook memes are news because they have no idea how tech works and everyone else will make money off the backs of MAGA policies.
Stop blaming voters and take a look at how corrupt our system is. Huge parts of the country are gerrymandered or practice voter suppression.. we allow bribery and foreign interference, privatization of public services.. the wealthy pick who they want and use media to confuse everyone.
This should come as no surprise. Everything being done is exactly what trump told us he would do but he’s doing even more damage than he promised. And he was still elected! Suspiciously, his election win was odd.
So at what time do we protest at 'elected' MAGA homes & remind them that they're complicit? That they will eventually be charged with treason, cheating, harming their constituents? We only need a handful to jump ship. The time is now ....
Trump lied thru his whole campaign. Hard to understand anyone voting for him & believing his lies. So many came forward proving who he is and what he would do if re-elected.
Dismantling the federal DOE will cut off funding for head start, free/reduced lunches, funding for special education needs, Pell grants, federal education loans, Title I funding. Many students will be hurt by this. Red states will be hurt the most. I don’t think the MAGA parents understand this
I’m a substitute in elementary schools and I see firsthand how these kids need not only Headstart but they need food. They’re very poor. I also work with special needs kids. Are we supposed to just put them in institutions now?
I am a school counselor. While I live and work in my blue, home state. I have worked in two red states. Both districts I worked for were title I schools, meaning most funding came from DOE. Those kinds of schools will not be able to remain open. Every students loses in those schools.
I don't remember maga saying she was lying, though. I remember them confirming that they would dismantle it, so voters knew exactly what was on the table.
Dirty diaper Donny has 8 direct deaths on his hands with Jan 6 and fake Penn assassination , not counting all the Covid deaths, maga does not believe that nor any crime he commits.
I don't think the dismantling of the Dept of Education would be something MAGA is outraged about. They don't see the valie of education. They couldn't care less.
It was the educated who rang the alarm on this.
Most things MAGA doesn't understand. It's Trump that's why they love it.
remember all great change happens when people are uncomfortable so make them uncomfortable shake them out of complacence and apathy as apathy leads to decay a decay of morals a decay of decency etc etc.
Fact: President Trump's own Agenda 47 was published in December 2022. Project 2025 was not released until April 2023. Trump stated nearly 3 years ago he was returning education to the 10th Amendment semi-sovereign states. Facts ALWAYS Trump regressive Marxist liars. MAGA. Speaker Johnson. AOC.
You know how you have insurance... you don't expect bad things to happen, but you have a plan if something goes wrong... After WW2, Trump 1.0, P2025, the warnings about how catastrophic Trump 2.0 will be because he lies & never is held accountable - there was no plan to legally stop his tyranny?
130,000 Department Of Education Staff Fired Today! —And The CUTS For Education Programs Across America —Will Personally Harm Every American Child/Their Futures, Devastate Handicapped Children’s Learning And Support Programs!
Job Losses —Causes More Economic/Job Losses In Surrounding Communities!
If you want to keep the Dept of Education, tell your reps in DC. They are the only ones who actually decide. It only takes few minutes and it doesn't cost any money. We don't need money in politics. We just need people participate.
We have some very important special elections coming up on April 1st. On the next 3 Thursdays, let's donate en masse to the special elections. Put a reminder on your phone calendar to donate $5, $10, $20, $50 or whatever is doable. We got this! Let's gooooo!
They won’t listen. They wholeheartedly believe all the convicted🍊felon’s lies. He’s promising them the “land of milk and honey” and they believe him, and only him. He tells them they’re all going to be rich, they believe him.
oh ffs shut the fuck up with this liberal horseshit it's Hillary's fault you got this idiot in the first place and it's Kamala and Biden's fault you got him again. Get your head out of your ass!
Not fair to blame Hillary and Kamala. The reason for the rise of the far right is way more than two women. It is - very unfortunately - a societal shift imputable to many factors; losing privileges + power , reactionary thinking towards change and loss.
We grow up listening to our parents saying education is important, we heard it from our past leaders, celebrities, sports stars encouraging children to go to school every day..
The lyrics to “We Are The World” it’s not just for Africa. It is for us now.🇺🇸
Yes education about gender and sexuality and moral discipline and respect should be taught too, most of these kids are not worth giving birth to, Devils in human form.
I don’t see anything wrong with what Trump is doing to the kids. People are just worried because they are being foolish and lost. How can you lie to your kids and give them a false impression that they are stuck in the wrong bodies?
It sounds crazy. Boys are turning themselves into girls, and girls into boys, corrupting society with foolish laws, thinking it’s part of Western modern life. Rather than progress, we are ruining the kids and corrupting society.
Why would anyone wants to switch his or her gender is that normal? Why don't you just change your dimensions and world and go form your own world stupid dumb ass people
Encouraging the kids to go against nature and Moral life and then become vagabond and nuisance to the society please let us stand for truth and let us not be sentimental, TRANS and LGBTQ should be eradicated from the surface of the Earth they should go from their own world
And with all that clarity, the democrats, Biden in particular, did nothing to prevent the coup. Even after SCOTUS made the president a king way back in July.
Not even calling for recounts.
Why? Fact is, there aren't a whole lot of different answers.
What surprise? We are to believe U.S. Intelligence agencies were actually blindsided? When Koch took out a full page ad to say HE wasn't part of Jan 6?
As to what Biden could have done. SCOTUS made him a fucking KING July 1, 2024; he could have done anything he wanted to stop this.
But she did, though. That moment for kamala was the equivalent of drumpf standing from the SS and pumping his fist. The people cheering were willfully ignorant, uneducated, self-righteous, blind loyalists. An historic first, built on 40k+ Palestinian bodies. And dems still chose, voted, genocide.
Are you magas going to fight to stop this?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
She wasn't the only one, but one must wonder why she avoided talking at all about justice during her campaign.
Of course, Biden refused to discuss justice during his term because it would have forced him to acknowledge his dereliction of duty, so maybe she was trying not to hurt his pathetic ego?
I guess all we can do now is develop the wormhole-travel technology to jump from this timeline to what must be bright, productive, sanguine Harris timeline…sigh…💭🥰
MAGA doesn’t care! They will follow that POS into the Trump Great Depression and love every single minute of misery! As long as it’s cool to hate brown and black people gays and anybody else’s that doesn’t fit the narrative!
“Progressives” be like: Nuh-uh! We didn’t vote because we needed to punish Kamala and Joe for killing all those Palestinian babies and supporting Israel! Sure showed them!
His voters didn’t listen or cared now our country is in absolute chaos, dept of education is going to be dismantled, benefits are in danger and our country standing in the world is crumbling and our security is in crisis
Professional revolutionaries. Legality never stood in the way of justice equality or equity. Rights are taken by any means necessary. People's revolution is the only way. It took lenin 30 years. Breaking all laws.The ends justify the means. No more empire
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have another nomination for “post of the night “ !! Bravo I salute you sirs 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👍🏾 (Real 💩/ you HAD to FAFO … don’t cry/scream now category)
The suit alleges Linda McMahon, her husband, the WWE and TKO Group Holdings, the league’s parent company, knowingly allowed employee Melvin Phillips Jr. to use his position as ringside announcer to sexually exploit children.
She wont be. Shes just there to work herself out of a job. (But the answer is hell no. Course thats the same answer if that question was asked abt anyone currently in the govt really).
I'm not sure Musks smurfs haven't already fixed the system. Don said vote for him this one more time & you won't have to worry about it again. They have all our personal info now.
While I'm disappointed that more Democrat party leaders have not spoken up against what is happening now, Kamala and Joe spoke up every chance they got before the election. The current leaders need to speak up and fight now!
Sadly, she & Joe DIDN’T do their job. When We voted them in in 2020 it was with the expectation that they would do EVERYTHING possible to stop the ongoing GOP coup. They didn’t take the fascist threat trump posed seriously & didn’t prosecute high level insurrectionists.If they had we wouldn’t b here
I’m w/u in part. However, 🟠 used every delay possible. Don’t forget abt the loose Cannon in FL who aided & abetted him. The SCOTUS did 2. However, the case in DC was moving along.
🟠 voters, the racist and/or the misogynistic voters, the people who didn’t vote but who would’ve vote 🔵 did this.
Maybe the Dems who didn’t vote in 2024 figured why bother vote if didn’t do anything to hold Republicans responsible in 2020 then they’re either the GOPis not so bad or Dems are complicit.
I actually believed the Dems were working behind the scenes- the joke was on US- they weren’t.
Well, as the saying goes they’ve FA and are now FO. Are the democrats the best political party in the world? No. But there are clear distinctions between it and the R Party. Also, people knew what they were getting in 🟠 & either their vote or non-vote signaled that that was ok w/them.
Because who voted for her??? Because who is going to write her a check???
America didn't want her. She's somewhere minding her rich, Black business now.
She did her job and no one cared it’s not her duty to get anyone fired up. Because when it was suppose to be done no one cared. It’s not a black womans job to get shit done all the time.
It’s a shame she didn’t give more credence to the anti-genocide vote and neglected that voting block. She’d be in the oval right now. Look at where here allegiance to Israeli regime got her.
Over half of the Republicans surveyed blamed Obama for the NOLA response to Hurricane Katrina—which happened before he was even a senator. Republicans have been idiots for a very long time.
ah yes, the man who literally left office in fucking january and was barely coherent for like 45% of last year totally crashed the stock market. mmhm. sure jan.
There are no plans in Project 2025 that benefit regular Americans. There are published videos about this from the architects. This is only the beginning. They're gunning for complete control and annihilation of all who resist. If I could leave, I would GTFO, but my disabled son and I are stuck here.
Don't care about any Maga dealing wth this devastation. I taught Special Need students n now many, many well go without breakfast n lunch in school. They'll have less services n specialized teachers, curriculum n testing! Maga parents can cry me a river...n I'll paddle right by them
They knew he was lying, we knew he was lying, we all knew it was a lie. Like the push to get rid of Obama care but keep the insurance from the affordable care act, most MAGA people are just not bright enough to know what they’re talking about. Which is why we need early education.
The Dept of Ed administers the various programs that provide equal education for kids with disabilities. I guess we're going back to decades before, where these kids are simply placed in separate classrooms, to get what education they can. Did we need education reform, yes probably. Not like this.
Remember when the deranged rapist killed hundreds of thousands of Americans in 2020 and Americans re-elected him again in 2024 anyway? Guess who doesn’t give a sh!t about any of it?
They also claimed she would bring Communism. I think bringing Putin into America and being put on the International Human Rights watchlist is going towards Communism.
It’s a common misconception that communism is authoritarianism. The American media did a good job equating the two. Communism is an economic system. Russia hasn’t been communist for a long time now but is still authoritarian.
Not communism, that's supposedly government for all the people as one.
It's fascism, that's where the government is controlled by a group, but only for the group. In simplistic terms.
WE ALL KNEW THIS! We all knew who Trump was from his first term in office. We all knew of the playbook 2025. And still, 77 million people voted for him! AND, knowing how important it was to ensure Harris's win, 89 million people didn't vote! WTF?
Absolutely correct. The percentage of democratic voters on social media is a small fraction of all voters, so I think was fooled into believing people would vote by reading posts on @X at the time. That is the danger of relying on social media sites for information.
Tha MAGA croud don't care. They are too stupid to realize that a good education is one of the very few ways to escape poverty. They just get all their education from Fox fake news.
This doesn't do it for me anymore since I know she and Biden and every other gd politician in D.C. knows the elections were rigged, but Did Nothing!! Nothing!!! So Kamala can kiss my ass, I'm done with her & the Democrats. I've gone full Independent.
Bahahahahaha - are you claiming election fraud? I thought our elections were safe and secure - iant that what they told us when trump claimed election interference - bahahahahahaha - you just made my day!
You know who else did, nothing? The "protest" and "apathy" non voters. Now the party that you love to hate is the MINORITY. KH and TW are fine without you.
I work the elections in MI ALL of our voting machines & tabulators themselves are not connected to the internet or WiFi. No the election here in MI wasn’t stolen. Our election process is very secure. There are multiple checks and balances in pissed at 81 million you didn’t show up to vote!
I said by forsaking Ds and going independent, does that mean you are going 🟠 lite? What’s the purpose of moving to I? Is it just anger in the movement or what?
Personally, it's not good politics to run around screaming "I told you so". That may be true, but it doesn't inspire support. People feel it's an insult to their right of choice and shows a petty side that doesn't appear presidential.
Maybe it’s not petty for someone to point that out. Maybe you didn’t realize your choice was stupid & you look ridiculous. Maybe you are wrong & someone should have told you because that’s their “right of choice” to tell you…🤷🏽♀️maybe don’t be wrong next time…
MAGA is getting the screws put to them by Donnie in so many ways 🤣! Unfortunately the rest of America and the world has suffer their stupidity along with them. Donnie cares about no one
I wonder how long they are willing to wait for the “great” part? 6 months, 1 year, 5, 10? What line have they been sold, what is the expected timeline to greatness?
They’re closing 7 out of the 12 offices as of March 21st. Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, New York, Cleveland, Dallas and San Francisco. Staff will be on administrative leave for 60 days, then gone 😕🤬
DEM LEADERSHIP R COWARDS. Were in DC at 14NOWMARCH begging the House Dems not to certify electoral votes for an insurrectionist BUT THEY DID. HARRIS was sent multiple letters by cyber security experts who looked at voting data and urged her to do paper recount. Instead she went VACATION in HAWAII
Also remember Harris was sent multiple letters by cyber security experts immediately following her concession who looked at voting data and urged her to do paper recount. Instead she went VACATION in HAWAII
It is a saying among the 92% of black women who voted for her. We are tired and I am sure so is she. Most of us are exhausted, and so is she. We therefore have turned inward and are minding our own business, our black business, instead of rescuing those who reject and refuse to protect us.
This. Not all are stupid. Some don't care because they think it won't affect them. I know, my mother said it, out loud. She wasn't worried. Oh, we'll be fine. How's that social security now mom. I don't speak to her anymore. Fuck that shit. The election was the last straw but not the reason.
Remember back in 1978 when the US was ranked #1 in the world in education, then the US Department of Education was created and that ranking continued to fall down and down to #28 in 2024 and the US spends much more money per pupil than any other country.
- Expand US if there’s $ or security in it.
- $ for European wars is a sucker job. Give them Ukraine.
-Remove/Reduce bloated/ dysfunctional govt agencies.
-Stop trans men from women’s sports
“ A lot of us are really happy about what he’s been doing“– Jason Aldean
No maga I know of denied that they would do it, they argued it was a good thing. They also argued that it had nothing to do with Project 2025 even though its clearing written there 🙄. When they ban abortion, THAT is the one they said would never happen.
I also remember Joe Biden saying he wasn't our of the fight or something to that effect. Like he's working behind the scenes to protect us? Haven't seen or heard a word from him or Kamala since they left office..
You want to Make America Great again? Eradicate the GOP. Think about how great America would be if we weren’t constantly being dragged back into 1868? Think about how this engine would have cont’d to roar if they didn’t do a thing. It is possible - get rid of the electoral college system.
It's quite astounding the number of times I was seeing on MAGA friends posts the same phrase 'she laughs like a hyena and I cannot take 4 years of that'.
Really, so you would rather have a felon who wants to annex Canada?
they were lying when they said she was lying though, because they wanted the project. The stupid and ignorant are threatened by the intelligent and educated. The right depends on ignorance to survive. They oppose the left by opposing facts, science, history, and knowledge.
Yes & they didn’t want to listen all those people that voted on a thought that he would make the prices go down are regretting their vote now I have no sympathy because they knew how he was Trump 1.0 with guardrails we told them 2.0 he gonna surround himself with yes people & project 2025 😡
On election morning a friend that I rarely speak to called and told me that trump would lower grocery prices, bring back a great economy, and Harris if elected would pardon P Diddy. She actually said this.
Yes! To all you who voted for dump, you were wrong, he lied again! “The dark skin really smart woman” was right. Harris told the public just what dump would do. Fact check you bunch of racist dumb fucks!
These people died during Covid and were still accusing doctors of giving them the disease while they were being ventilated. These people will not wake up
And sadly, they will continue to give the shirt off their back and the food from their tables to the one and only person who would continue to shamelessly accept it. Their passion and willingness to fall on a sword for him is equal to their level of gullibility and naivety. I’ll never understand.
No matter what, MAGA sees Trumpism almost as a religion. Eventually, they will die out, but it will take years. Regardless how desperately they suffer, giving up Trump would be beyond their capacity.
Dismantling Federal Education will harm disadvantaged Communities that rely on progams to help Children with Special needs. It will hinder research in Universities & Colleges.
We know more about Trump than they do.
I like where you're going with this.
Is the answer Kamala?
- The Average American
(Who isn’t on Bluesky, couldn’t care less, can’t pick out the USA on a world map and thinks "politicians are all the same")
Yes, magats, you are the dumbest most gullible idiots breathing.
Feel free to turn in those free oxygen cards....immediately.
It was the educated who rang the alarm on this.
Most things MAGA doesn't understand. It's Trump that's why they love it.
Job Losses —Causes More Economic/Job Losses In Surrounding Communities!
The lyrics to “We Are The World” it’s not just for Africa. It is for us now.🇺🇸
Trump and Musk must be stopped.
You see them Holding postal defending their stupidity on the street
Not even calling for recounts.
Why? Fact is, there aren't a whole lot of different answers.
As to what Biden could have done. SCOTUS made him a fucking KING July 1, 2024; he could have done anything he wanted to stop this.
Of course, Biden refused to discuss justice during his term because it would have forced him to acknowledge his dereliction of duty, so maybe she was trying not to hurt his pathetic ego?
The stain of Project 2025 was working whoever took their foot off the gas on that one needs to leave politics forever
Professional revolutionaries. Legality never stood in the way of justice equality or equity. Rights are taken by any means necessary. People's revolution is the only way. It took lenin 30 years. Breaking all laws.The ends justify the means. No more empire
Does anybody want her near a child?
Take it up with the voters if you don't like their choices. Kamala did her job.
🟠 voters, the racist and/or the misogynistic voters, the people who didn’t vote but who would’ve vote 🔵 did this.
I actually believed the Dems were working behind the scenes- the joke was on US- they weren’t.
America didn't want her. She's somewhere minding her rich, Black business now.
It was the MEDIA’s job to analyse situations based on evidence and history and they FAILED.
BE LOUD! #Resistance💙✌🏻
It's fascism, that's where the government is controlled by a group, but only for the group. In simplistic terms.
Communism is the opposite of fascism.
Say it ain’t so!
Even with it staring you in the face, you continue to gouge your eyeballs out
Too many people failed to vote.
We don't have to accept it. We can fight!
.. and what exactly is "black" business?
So why are we upset again?
I knew the drill
- Expand US if there’s $ or security in it.
- $ for European wars is a sucker job. Give them Ukraine.
-Remove/Reduce bloated/ dysfunctional govt agencies.
-Stop trans men from women’s sports
“ A lot of us are really happy about what he’s been doing“– Jason Aldean
Really, so you would rather have a felon who wants to annex Canada?
Now: That’s what we wanted all along.