... All conservatism is is consolidation of power to the hands of a few. It's based on the premise that the elites should rule, and everyone else supports that. That's what conservatism in this country IS. And it uses the concept that capitalism, that profit, is the only moral or important path.
At this point on the assumption we have free and fair elections, I see Walz as a good choice, Andy Beshear another great choice. Then perhaps, Gretchen Whitmer or Pritzker. Pete though great, needs to realize in the environment unleashed he has no chance at all.He needs to run for senate in Michigan
Try harder. First off it's *lying. Your lack of spelling gives you away as a MAGA acct. Go back to Twitter. It's more your speed and they also can't spell.
Goodness forbid anyone criticize the sacred cow of "conservatism" in a place like Iowa, right? It may be endorsed by every conservative media pundit out there, extolled by CPAC, referred to specifically as "conservatism" by Lord Dampnut, consistent with long-standing "conservative" ideology, but ...
Only by suggesting modern conservatism is not "real" conservatism can one get a word in edgewise in a place like Iowa because for those provincial, backward, rednecks, whatever is good is, by definition, "conservatism." How about this? "Real" conservatism is liberalism / progressivism / leftism?
He was just trying to point out that he wasn’t born and raised in America. Elon refused to be a soldier for his birth home. He left it and ended up firing people from Veteran Affairs in the United States. A$$hole
Ending birthright citizenship is NOT about immigration. It is to return to a time when black Americans couldn’t vote or hold office. The 14th Amendment was passed to allow the Constitution to apply to everyone. Today, non citizens can’t vote or hold off. A future generation is being planned. ‼️1/2👇
No, they voted for a white male, no matter what.NEVER for a black woman, no matter the qualifications. No thought of the consequences, the important thing, not a woman and certainly not a black woman.
This is America. And as long that is not fixed, it will not change.
very true. Knowing this I still feel the election was rigged too. He basically threatened everyone to vote for him or he was going to go after them. He got the criminals to love him.
I mean, there kind of is. We're witnessing the logical conclusion of their ideology. We've reached the end of the road American conservatism has been traveling for decades
Is Tampon Tim finally realizing that Elon isn't a conservative?
The left loved him until he bought Twitter.
They loved Tesla.
Trump wasn't a conservative either.
They are a couple dudes that no longer fell for the lefts agenda or hysteria.
Now the climate loving left wants to burn cars/buildings..
Your giveaway as a brainwashed cult member who sucks down propaganda is the nickname you started with - which disqualifies this from being read in full. Try harder to hide your cult status.
Keep burnings cars/buildings etc.. the rest of us see the lunacy that has a firm grip on a thankfully shrinking minority of the left.
The whole country shifted red this last election.. expect that to continue as the left is hoping for failure because they aren't in power.
Senators of all parties: Trump is undermining our Republic for Putin’s gain. Confirming unfit Cabinet picks helps him. Putin's ambitions include Alaska, Eastern Europe, and Greenland. Defend democracy. Stop Trump.
Senators Murkowski and Sullivan, ensure that Trump has no plans to give Alaska back to Putin. Unite Democrats and Republicans to stand firm in protecting Alaska's future.
☎️ Your House Rep & Senators use U.S. Capitol Switchboard: (202) 224-3121.
🗣️Give operator your zip & they will connect you with your elected's office. Make clear you are a constituent.
✏️Write out a concise message BEFORE you call. You can use the same message for all your electeds.
Our country is in disarray. The world is perilously close to a trip wire of incredible devastation. There is one way out of this. The Clean New Deal. This is a tutorial of what we laid out and why. https://youtu.be/lBsgHID4NL4?si=rEgFAVZy4l8Xq3NO
The democrats need to give the same type of response trump does. Stop worrying about decorum. Waltz should say what he actually wants to say. This is great but I’m sure he had more descriptive words ready to go.
“The DOGE-like model of governance undermines the constitutional vision of accountability that the Supreme Court has elaborated by breaking these chains of command and eliminating the checks and balances that the Supreme Court has said are central to the structure of government.” - Noah Rosenblum
I am really glad that Tim is out there fighting the battle! He is doing what is needed, meeting and greeting the people, listening to their concerns! Expressing concerns about the tRump actions, and the Congress inaction!
I'm not sure about opportunist but as a public speaker, nobody on the other side can challenge him. He speaks in a manner that everyone can understand.
Agree he is pretty good, but there is something about Midwestern candidates that appeal to everybody. I'm from California and none of our candidates have any gravity.
Trump is NOT a conservative. When will this dawn on the MAGA movement? He’s raising taxes with tariffs, he supports the evil Russian regime, he doesn’t believe in the rule of law - he is not a conservative in any way shape or form. He is a fraud and a phony. Wake up MAGA, you joined a CULT.
Correcto-mundo. It doesn’t matter if he fits the old definition of Conservative, he enables their hate and they enable him to define “Conservative” for them
Musk dodged his own national service obligation in South Africa by using his mother's Canadian origins to get Canadian citizenship. For him to get his filthy mitts on our veterans' support structure is especially despicable.
He’s just what is needed right now while he tours. Wish I could hit one up and I hope he packs his venues. He’s got the grit and just the right amount of irreverence that maybe even the magas might appreciate.
The TRAITORS ARE:Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer N.Y., Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin (Ill.) and Sens. Catherine Cortez Masto (Nev.), Maggie Hassan (N.H.), John Fetterman (Pa.), Gary Peters, Brian Schatz (Hi), Kirsten Gillibrand (N.Y.) and Jeanne Shaheen. Angus King (Maine), an independent.
What would John Kennedy say?
Not the dead President; the pettifogging US Senator (formerly a Democrat) also from Lousiana. here's where Lousiana ranks in important categories:
Of course - it's not the fault of the Speaker, or the senator . Of Course Not.
Uncle Sam, wake up! You’re sleeping as our country and the people are being used as an ATM! Is this a nightmare, or is it really happening so quickly we can’t don’t see the potential danger?
Wish he would have used that wit while the VP candidate. Kamala and her advisors neutered what made him special and he was a boring waste on the ticket.
He's America's Dad.
That's why we love you coach!!!! Agreed-What a jackwad!
Reminiscing of days where I was hopeful of our future. With you & Harris in office the dream team for the people... all people.
we have a bare-knuckle fighter , not a moment too soon!
see who the people get behind
We need to fight this GOP Cult - NOW!
Are the rethugs afraid or are they paid? (Hint: nepo emerald baby 100 million donation)
This is America. And as long that is not fixed, it will not change.
Our veterans deserve better 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
But whatever, fair point Tim.
The left loved him until he bought Twitter.
They loved Tesla.
Trump wasn't a conservative either.
They are a couple dudes that no longer fell for the lefts agenda or hysteria.
Now the climate loving left wants to burn cars/buildings..
The whole country shifted red this last election.. expect that to continue as the left is hoping for failure because they aren't in power.
🗣️Give operator your zip & they will connect you with your elected's office. Make clear you are a constituent.
✏️Write out a concise message BEFORE you call. You can use the same message for all your electeds.
It’s not a coincidence that …
Confederate maga republicans
Apartheid billionaires
& Putin are united in burning down America.
Apartheid bros -
Peter Thiel
David Sacks
Just stop.
❝ “蒂姆·沃尔兹刚刚在爱荷华州表示:“一个未经选举的南非寡头宝贝解雇退伍军人事务部人员,这与保守主义毫无关系。” ❞
#GOPBetrayedAmerica #GOPHypocrisy and #GOPLiesAboutEverything #GOPtheRussianPartyofTraitors
He’s just what is needed right now while he tours. Wish I could hit one up and I hope he packs his venues. He’s got the grit and just the right amount of irreverence that maybe even the magas might appreciate.
Not the dead President; the pettifogging US Senator (formerly a Democrat) also from Lousiana. here's where Lousiana ranks in important categories:
Of course - it's not the fault of the Speaker, or the senator . Of Course Not.
His Performance during the debate was an embarrassment.