…and they used to be an absolute favorite over the last couple of years beating all-time champion VW Golf for some quarters. Couldn’t happen to a better guy than Elon…
🚨 WOW — 94% of Germans REFUSE to buy a Tesla! Elon’s toxic brand is CRASHING — and it’s not just in Germany. Global confidence in Tesla is COLLAPSING as Elon’s antics drive people away. SHARE if you’re DONE with Tesla too! 🚨
❗️ This is beyond disturbing. Associating Tesla with “white power” and Trump’s ideology is a dangerous signal. Elon Musk has aligned with extremists — this isn’t just a car; it’s a statement. WAKE UP. 🚨 SHARE THIS before it’s too late! #BoycottTesla #Resist
Totally get it, Fiona. That thing looks more like a military assault vehicle than a car. It’s not just the design — it’s the message behind it. Musk’s obsession with power and dominance is showing through every line of that truck. Disturbing times.
We clearly didn't do the job properly at the end of WWII, too much forgiving and moving on was done IMO we should have crushed this shit instead to bringing "useful" Nazis into our democracies, if they had one they'd have had no mercy for us..the mercy we showed had led to this poison coming back.
HERO - Cooper Jo Frederick, a Fort Collins resident, is facing multiple felony charges in connection with the incident on March 7. The Loveland Police Department said Frederick ignited an incendiary device and threw it at the Loveland Tesla building, where it landed between two vehicles.
It didn’t specify that those people WOULD buy a Tesla. Maybe the survey had a “not certain” or similar option and people picked it as an “almost certainly not”? I’d be curious to know what their options were in the survey.
The good thing about this is that Tesla is going to have a really, really hard time to recover from this. If Elon sold his entire stake tomorrow and resigned as CEO, it would still take YEARS for them to recover from that, no matter how good their product.
no its a rubbish poll that doesnt tell us much at all
90,000 of them might not even be thinking of buying a car and 6,000 might be thinking ' well I might after they get rid of Musk and you can still get one really cheap 2nd hand because of the stigma '.
I work in polling and you can manipulate the information anyway you want to make it look beautiful and you can also make it look horrible. And then you can be suckered just like everybody else believing such bullshit.
It’s the only way to affect change.. holding businesses, and business owners accountable for their actions.. we make them wealthy. We should also be able to make them responsible.
They’re not the only ones. MAGA voters weren’t buying EVs either. They protested Biden’s EV program didn’t they? 😂😂😂😂😂 See how 270M in campaign contributions can change the opinions of a MAGA cult leader.
One remark to my post. A lot of the voters are not able to buy a Tesla, but most is not correct. I was shocked, when I was confronted by people, I had never expected that they would vote for the AfD. They could easily buy a Tesla. But they are climate change denier.
I can't say I blame them. In my view, he attacked their country. He backed AfD & attempted the same hostile takeover he did here. He appealed to the antisemitism of the AfD & far right... They could've been US in an alternate universe. They were smart. -ONE.💯
AfD (the modern day equivalent of Nazi Party that Musk supports) did really well in Germany's recent election, so there very much are still Nazis in Germany. It's a growing party, and it's attracting young people.
It didn’t specify that those people WOULD buy a Tesla. Maybe the survey had a “not certain” or similar option and people picked it as an “almost certainly not”? I’d be curious to know what their options were in the survey.
yes that statistic doesnt pan out like those posting it thinks it does.
if it was 100,000 people thinking of buying a new EV in the next 5 years or similar it would be useful but maybe 90,000 of the people asked have no plans to buy ANY car
Karma is a beautiful action to watch unfold. Especially on someone as evil as Musk. This is the beginning of karma taking hold of him and show the world who really is. A fascist power hungry megalomaniac. That type of person will fail and people will administer justice.
I still think it's going to take rebates for the remaining 6,000. And what is their car insurance rate going to be cuz you know...
Side thought: They cover everything else on cable how come we never hear from retired boomerang champions? Or my favorite, exercise ball hatchet practice?
Last time 94% of Germans were this decisive was less easy to agree with. I think they’ve had a welcome change of tack. Carry on the excellent work chaps. 😀
Tesla will always be overvalued. There’s been shenanigans with that particular stock ever since Elon got his ketamine soaked fingers on the company over 20 years ago.
Elon has leveraged his Tesla stock the lower the price goes the more problems arise for him, you want to get back at him for the devastation an unelected President has done? Sink the stock! #TeslaTakedown #BoycottElonMusk
This online survey is going viral although it doesn't make sense at all. How many putin-bots, people under 18y, people without drivers license, people gathered from ice groups on Facebook do you think voted there?
Not to forget all those that even never could afford to buy a car.
I never liked Tesla before it was cool :-) (although I acknowledge the partly oustanding technologie and positive sides of the product itself, I never could overlook the person and bad business mentality behind the product)
I sympathize with anyone that bought a Tesla before Musk publicly identified as a nazi. Anyone who is thinking of buying one now should know that if you support a nazi, you are a nazi.
That’s before their new engine architecture .
Ketamine ?
Same with Starlink
The other 6,000 are trying to sell the Tesla they already own
Even the master race has turned on the south african nazi freak.
90,000 of them might not even be thinking of buying a car and 6,000 might be thinking ' well I might after they get rid of Musk and you can still get one really cheap 2nd hand because of the stigma '.
Its not just Germans. The French and the Danes I work with are all saying the same thing.
Its only going to get worse. And I couldn't be happier for Elon.
Fuck Tesla! Fuck Musk!
“突发消息——一项针对 10 万德国人的新调查显示,94,000 人永远不会购买特斯拉。”
if it was 100,000 people thinking of buying a new EV in the next 5 years or similar it would be useful but maybe 90,000 of the people asked have no plans to buy ANY car
They know everything there is to know about making good cars.
Side thought: They cover everything else on cable how come we never hear from retired boomerang champions? Or my favorite, exercise ball hatchet practice?
We can do this! Just keep fighting!
Glas half empty, dude, glass has empty.
None of my friends would touch a Tesla. I strongly believe the brand is damaged for good.
Not sorry. Well deserved.
Best regards from Germany.
Swastikars (Hakenkreuzwagen?) für die Deutschen, doll, doll, sehr doll.
Not to forget all those that even never could afford to buy a car.