They're going back to the old bag of tricks: Fox et al have been heavily framing the 'terrorist' label for Palestinians, protestors, judges and anyone who isn't locking up in goose step with Donny Depends. Seeing their sheeple and bots re-using the term in comments.
Who ceasefire ? Gaza was bombed today massively and hostages were not delivered by Hamas. Trump did not do anything !!!! Especially because he did not understand the middle west politics and negotiation ! He thinks he can trust in terrorists or make a deal with them like he did with Taliban
Stop work as you can, call in sick, take 1/2days off, come in late, take long lunches, leave early, come to work, but perform no duties, coordinate with your employers if you’re able. 24 hrs beginning 12am-3/19 to 12am-3/20. I’m right there with you. Good luck. ✊✊✊
No, they won't. They are going to do whatever they want, say whatever they want, and ignore any dissenting voices. It's too late. His base loves everything they do, and they always will.
At this point I have no idea what it’s going to take for people to realize just how many of the “MAGA” accounts they’re arguing with are paid Russian actors following a script, with different responses for each “hot button issue” that they constantly try to steer the conversation towards.
Bots or not, I have a no interaction policy with MAGA. They live in an alternate reality and add zero value to any discussion. They are relentless in their false narratives, double talk, and word salads. If you manage to paint one into a corner, it’s chode rage, and you get called a commie libtard.
the crazy thing is we can’t even do it back to them, because we have freedom of internet/posting and they don’t.
it’s not just MAGA accounts. they have no principles. they don’t care about “hypocrisy.” their entire scheme is purely based around dividing Americans and pushing the most extreme takes.
Israel can never be trusted. Since day 1!!!!! of the ceasefire Israel began killing Palestinians on t he West Bank to make way for Israeli settlers. They continue to occupy more and more land that was settled by Palestinians. They get pushed away. The West Bank, Gaza and Golan belong to Palestine.
Hard no on that.They no longer care how much eggs cost or the shitload of bullshit he spews every damn day.The media's outrage over the felon defying courts and shredding our freedoms is lacking.However, our worthless press were dogged in reporting Biden's age and HIS price of eggs. Country's a mess
Of course not. Everything Biden did right was Trump's bidding and everything Trump does wrong is Biden's fault. You should know this by now that reality is not what you can see with your own eyes but what you and your cronies choose to believe it is.
Obviously, "Sleepy Joe" is actually "Sleeper Joe" and has been committing acts of sabotage and espionage on Israel's behalf as a super-stealthy, special operatations ultra-spy...
Ah yes. I love how Biden is somehow this brilliant mastermind who gets away with everything, yet also a completely incompetent old man who doesn't even know where he is.
Wanna know the best part?
He's doing all this espionage on Hunter's laptop, which is networked to Hillary's doomsday email server (aka "the OTHER Football") that was moved to Ukraine to hack Starlink to compromise the new FAA flight system and troll the White House...
Our government using our military to help isreal accelerate&expand genocide. No war but class war. Fight for your class and not your country. This is why. We are helping a Hitler take over the world. We are arming Hitler as well. Only nazis support this war&the USA
I wouldn't count on it. The MAGA crowd has selective amnesia when it comes to Trump's many shortcomings. Still waiting for him to end the wars in one day. I won't hold my breath.
Go LOOK at #CNN #NBC etc
then look at Democracy Now . Org
You'll see what real news looks like on Democracy Now
Corporate Owned News is Propaganda by Omission and Dilution
Doubtful but they may be worried he’ll deport them. Making them afraid is his main tactic. If they were part of reason Harris lost I’m not sure people will be very sympathetic rn. I’m more worried about seniors, vets, disabled, LGBTQ+, etc who will be destroyed by this mess.
Yeah, God only knows why THEY thought GAZA would be safer under Trump. Voting for Trump or not voting at all is why we're all in the same sinking boat as Gaza, totally unable to help anyone because Trump doesn't care about anything but himself.
No, and don't expect them to. It can be as patently obvious as hell to everyone else - they will still deny it. Leave them in the dark, and keep going along the right path anyways.
They take responsibility for nothing they view as negative! I'm sure they will defend it because they (WH) gave their Okey Dokey to Israel late last night.
Russia is holding thousands of Ukrainian children hostage and nothing happens. What is Israel’s excuse now? They want the land, plain and simple just like the felon/rapist and Putin.
No. Of course not. It is rare for anyone from that level of a cult, indoctrination to wake up and see the mistake/error. Until the behavior is repeatedly disapproved, no longer tolerated and those who defy are held accountable it will continue.
Of course not. The party of personal responsibility is always looking to blame the other side. Been that way since forever. The base of the GOP are people that always need someone to blame and as long as there are those "beneath" then then they are ok with any horrible actions the party does
DOGE using US Marshals to break into any building now. Even those not associated with the US government! We are officially Russia under a Dictator!
You already have the answer to that! You know “not my fault” orange haze I’m always blameless if it failure and “see what I did”
if it’s a perceived good thing!
It’s always been about the real estate. Whether it’s Convict Netanyahu or Convict Trump or even Grandson of Convict Kushner. It’s one big crime family. And the #Israelis refuse to hold Bibi accountable.
"Before irreparable damage is done by way of financial contributions, public manifestations in Begin's behalf, and the creation in Palestine of the impression that a large segment of America supports Fascist elements in Israel, the American public must be informed..." Einstein, Arendt, et al
"Today they speak of freedom, democracy & anti-imperialism whereas until recently they openly preached the doctrine of the Fascist state. It's in its actions that the terrorist party betrays its real character; from its past actions we can judge what it may be expected to do in the future." Einstein
Everyone knows what the does and whom they historically reflect.
There is so much shame for the #Israeli people, and how #Bibi has turned their state into a machine of oppression and 1938 fascism.
"This is the unmistakable stamp of a Fascist party for whom terrorism (against Jews, Arabs, and British alike), and misrepresentation are means, and a "Leader State" is the goal." - Albert Einstein, Hannah Arendt, et al
nah that's not gonna happen ... what will happen is Israel will launch a new aerial bombing campaign on homeless Palestinians living in tents and bomb the bejesus out of those tents and the Palestinians living in those tents on account of Israelis bombed all the other structures to tiny bits ...
And those who wouldn’t vote for Kamala because of Biden- how do they feel about voting for Trump who wants to kick them out and make it a beach resort???
In 2004, just as voting discrepancies were found in Ohio, the 2nd Fallujah offensive began. MSM covered missiles & bombs going off like fireworks. These strikes on Gaza just as the world is pissed at Trump for unlawful deportations is a conveniently timed DISTRACTION!!!
Stop work as you can, call in sick, take 1/2days off, come in late, take long lunches, leave early, come to work, but perform no duties, coordinate with your employers if you’re able. 24 hrs beginning 12am-3/19 to 12am-3/20. I’m right there with you. Good luck. ✊✊✊
Maga formed from a community of hate while most of us believe in independence.
Trump grabbed right wingers by their hate & they like it.
The left needs to form a community of social ethics to counter the right, & not just for elections.
it’s not just MAGA accounts. they have no principles. they don’t care about “hypocrisy.” their entire scheme is purely based around dividing Americans and pushing the most extreme takes.
Maga Republicans are unfortunately, unfamiliar with either.
Long answer, of course not
They are able to twist themselves in knots explaining away all of Trump's mistakes and atrocities.
Ceasefire fire.... Just kidding...
Obviously, "Sleepy Joe" is actually "Sleeper Joe" and has been committing acts of sabotage and espionage on Israel's behalf as a super-stealthy, special operatations ultra-spy...
duh 🙄
He's doing all this espionage on Hunter's laptop, which is networked to Hillary's doomsday email server (aka "the OTHER Football") that was moved to Ukraine to hack Starlink to compromise the new FAA flight system and troll the White House...
Crafty like a fox, that guy!
Our government using our military to help isreal accelerate&expand genocide. No war but class war. Fight for your class and not your country. This is why. We are helping a Hitler take over the world. We are arming Hitler as well. Only nazis support this war&the USA
then look at Democracy Now . Org
You'll see what real news looks like on Democracy Now
Corporate Owned News is Propaganda by Omission and Dilution
Putin supports Hamas and owns Trump.
Tells you all you need to know.
The Felon orange pile of shit never does anything wrong.
Where's Jill Stein and the Dearborn folks that tipped the vote for Trump?
- MAGA now, probably
Maybe Elon can't afford protests because his car company is in the toilet.
if it’s a perceived good thing!
Trump blames all of his failures on someone else.
We all know it's Obama's fault.
They tried to warn us.
There is so much shame for the #Israeli people, and how #Bibi has turned their state into a machine of oppression and 1938 fascism.
As an Atheist, in this moment would be nice to be wrong and Christ returns and then sends them to hell.
Trump is a Reality TV show, and MAGA is the audience providing the ratings and profits.
It's all heavily edited and for show. Razzle dazzle so we don't pay attention to what's going on.
(PS Zelensky went off script, which is WHY they lost their plot)