Oh this will be interesting... I can't wait for trump to tell Thomas to sit down and like a good boy... He will.. Thomas is all bark no bite and loves his bestie trump
Too little too late Mr Chief Justice.. you and your MAGA cronies on the Supreme Court have already given Trump a free pass to do what he wants without consequences.. you’ve abandoned your judicial responsibilities and become an enabler for Trumps assault on democracy..
Wow, a chastisement. Sure, lets let the orange fuck dismantle the country, but thresten their job, now thats a step too far. TIME TO WAGGLE OUR TONGUES.
There is an ideologic faction in the judiciary that will gladly assist Trump in destroying the US, BUT the moment he undermines judicial authority, they suddenly take offense...
Au contraire, he admitted the way things are supposed to work. SCOTUS is still wildly balanced in Trump's favor. We can only hope that Chief Justice Roberts continues to respect the rule of law.
I just don't put a lot of stock in this when we saw and heard trump thanking him for making him a king. So fuck SCOTUS and fuck John Roberts. He'd be in jail by now.
Next up; Republican House of Representatives introduces and then passes articles of impeachment on Chief Justice Roberts. Vice President Vance presides over the trial in the Senate.
Donald Trump is starting off exactly the same way Adolf Hitler did. Let's just hope it ends the same way. With a group of hero nations banding together to stop a fascist dictator and a bunker scene.
Gee, John… if only there were some indications in his past behavior that trump would attack the judiciary, y’all might not have made him a king.. who knew, huh?
Finally, we will see the Impeachment of a member of the Supreme Court. Should have been Thomas and Alito, but they didn’t break the first rule of MAGA Supremes, which is never admit the truth, and Roberts just did.
would like to chastise all of the corrupt 6:no citizens united, no right to privacy, no right to control your own body, no kings. a fool in a black robe is still just a fool. those law degrees clearly didn't reach them anything
Oh, that’s gonna make the mango king really mad. He may respond with an all caps message. Maybe he’ll call him a mean name. Mainstream media is lying and wait. Click bait!
Saving his own ass for future? Be nice to see scotus do the job they used to do instead of cow tow to a nazi.. I hold scotus partly responsible for the mess we're in give trump freedom to do anything he wants.
They’re so close to getting it, if they don’t stop him, he’ll see all of them removed, every judge, every senator, every congressperson who is not 100% loyal to Trump. However INSANE that sounds, it’s true. #reaist
Just a thought... Russian Marines, Russian Navy, Russian Air Force, Russian Army, Russian Space Force, Russian Marshals, Russian Texas Rangers, Russian Police Department, Russian Gestapo. I guess this is what our Veterans and my military family fought for. Again, just a thought.
Lol. It's funny how the SCROTUS Roberts is feeling threatened by the convicted 🍊💩felon overstepping judicial boundary.
Roberts gave him that freedom to destroy & now there are repercussions from their stupid immunity dissent! FAFO 🤬
Roberts is right, impeachment is inappropriate. Simpler for PINO Trump to just ignore the entire judicial system & do as he pleases. What is the "injustice" system going to do? Not a damn thing! Thank you Roberts! You and the rest of SCOTUS will be dismissed, soon! Thanks Biden & Garland!
Oh hey look, the Krassensteins are still Bluesky's #1 #ABLEWALLED account, blocking all content from the visually-impaired by ignoring demands to #UseAltText for the most #AccessibleSky possible just to max engagement.
Are we sure he's not talking about himself? Also, Mr. Roberts, you were the last nail in the coffin started by Citizens United. So, you know what you can do with your rebuke?
Finally! You know the silence from Republican house and Senate members is deafening. If you live in a red state like I do email your congressman and senator and tell them to break their silence!
Oh wait, same guy that thinks tv disagreeing with him is illegal, same guy saying•I am the law• or breaking the law to save the country is good, that guy will give a 💩. Hahahah
John Roberts will be a target now too? 🍊TRASH will likely get Elon to recruit Big Balls to take him out. Kyle Rittenhouse is busy securing Tesla car lots everywhere. Bloodshed is imminent and most likely war.
Let me get this straight... you gave Trump a blank check to do whatever the fuck he wants; then when he actually does whatever the fuck he wants, you NOW start clutching your pearls?
OhOh ...Roberts is on the shit list now. Gonna get the hate mail , the death threats ..."cause in this MAGA cult .....it's all about : what have you done for me lately ?
Sadly and ironically this doesn't matter to Trump, as the Supreme Court gave him unlimited powers to break any law's if he chooses to do so. He could have the entire court hanged on the White House lawn 😔
John Roberts decided to create this scenario with Trump. Yet Trump doesn't need the Supreme Court for anything anymore. Never thought that through huh?!
Roberts chastising Trump? More likely it's Roberts giving a wink and a nod to say, "we've got this". I fully expect another “Thank you again. Thank you again. Won’t forget,” exchange.
This seems ti be the more popular take. As someone not familiar with Roberts I saw it at face value (a chastisment) myself. Apparently he’s too aware of trumps willingness to destroy even the tiniest opposition to so publicly challenge the potus
Just waiting for Alito to clarify that Roberts does not speak for the court and Thomas to chip in and say the impeachment can now be done by the President 👀🤨
...but, and just hear me out, what if we don't talk to Roberts and we, I dunno, ask Clarence what he and Ginny think after a new RV and a trip to Dubai.
What did the supreme court think he would do after giving him the green light to do anything he pleases. Save only them ? Nobody is sparred from a Trump tantrum......except Putin.
It's time to compile a complete list of exact instances where Trump has disregarded and violated the US Constitution, then use this to get him OUT OF HERE.
This ties right into what I was thinking. Roberts must have absolutely cringed when Trump thanked him at his speech. Hopefully this will cause him to push back on Trump to refute his lackey whore reputation.
Its not a push back & we need to call it out. All he did was point out how its done normally and how he can start doing that legally. He's giving him advise, not a rebuke. This happened the last time too, its just a repeat of the same bullshit.
So now this piece of shit wants to grow a pair? After the ruling that put this nation in danger like this? Damn near declaring Trump a king? Fucking really??
Rephrase that as "Supreme Court Judge finally acknowledges trump is a piece of shit, just like MAGA do when he comes after their jobs and it directly affects them"
Hooray! Now let's see that craven piece of shit do something about the mess that he and his council of evil have created beyond tippy-tapping on a keyboard and flappy-flapping his fat stupid lips. Action, mutherfucker.
This is the FIGHT
I am looking forward to
Judge dread 🤣🤣
from criminality, Johnnie.
how long till we get a frantic tweet from the toddler in chief calling Roberts a radical left judge
So probably right around 2 EDT
I think someone needs a nappy change.
Roberts gave him that freedom to destroy & now there are repercussions from their stupid immunity dissent! FAFO 🤬
Never expect this from any other #SCROTUS justice - most of whom are being bribed as we speak => Thomas and Alito.
Don't be a #Krassholestein
When you've turned your back on everyone else, there won't be too much sympathy when you're the next one on the hit-list.
I guess time will tell.
Well, I am sure he won’t do it again now…
gift-wrapped him presidential
immunity from the law
I guess he’s in the FO part of the FAFO.
Wink wink, send money and a new RV.
Tear down the Supreme Court!!!
Very bold
Fuck Justice Roberts for whining about getting burned in the fire he set!
You DID this.
He's coming for you too.
No one is immune.