We must shut down the country on 3/22-23 for 48 hours, and again on 3/25-27 for 72 hours. Stop work as you can, call in sick, take 1/2days off, come in late, take long lunches, leave early. We must work stop our airlines, trucking, transportation and retail and industrial manufacturing.
Hitler Netanyahu: Palestinians = criminals/terrorists ➡️Prisons, no trial, tortured and or murdered. Same with Putin and the Ukrainian people. Humans, for the most part are regressing as a Species. Humans, for the most part haven't grown or progressed as a Species in over 5000 years. Sad.
Chief Justice Roberts should admit that SCOTUS made a mistake in judgement by defying the Constitution and the law allowing Trump to run. Declare the presidential election INVALID! Why is SCOTUS being deaf and blind to the deliberate harm Trump has already caused to Americans?
WAKE UP AMERICA. Get your ass's off the phone and onto the streets.
Your unwillingness to go vote has created this nightmare. Your
FREDOM is now on the line. Fight the GOODFIGHT or enjoy living under a dictator ship. It only took Hitler 23 days to take over Germany.
“It happens very slowly, and then all at once” attributed to John Green. Hemingways quote was “it happened suddenly, then all at once” referring to bankruptcy in his first novel The Sun Also Rises, but somehow it somehow feels apropos of our current political climate, racing headlong into fascism
Any facility run by a totalitarian regime, with zero recourse by those imprisoned there, no basic human rights or access to legal representation isn’t a “prison”.
It’s a gulag at best, and a concentration camp at worst.
Here is a poem by Walter Niemöller, a Protestant theologian who was himself a Nazi, but then stood against Hitler and was arrested by the Gestapo in 1937. He survived the war in the Sachsenhausen and Dachau concentration camps.
I'd like to make a small, but very important distinction to everyone.
We have no idea if people were citizens, criminals or not because the Nazis said they don't have to tell us who they disappear to black op torture sites overseas.
That's where we are. No Habeas Corpus, no Constitutional rule.
When they cross him he goes after the judges. He can't impeach them but he can cause his goons to go after them. One judge lost her son to gunfire at her front door. He is trying to make it happen again. He is so evil.
But oh, no, constantly complaining from the safety of one's armchair over a tiny illuminated screen, watching and bystanding is so much more comfortable.
In the winter of 1933, Berlin’s streets were filled with protests and counter-protests. The democratic experiment of the Weimar Republic was unraveling, not because of a single momentous event, but through a slow, erosion of its institutions
"I’m appalled by the passivity - or worse, cooperation - of corporations, universities, and media in the face of these developments, not to mention the spinelessness in Congress. I’m angered by Trump’s betrayal of Ukraine and alignment with Russia." https://bit.ly/4ifNLve
I have ZERO Fs to give. They voted for this. They’ll be the ones most impacted by all of the cuts. The poorest states rely on blue states to stay afloat but MAGA wants to separate themselves from them.
Anyone with even a basic grasp of history can see this unfolding just as it did before—which is why he despises the educated. Meanwhile, the ignorant right says “He’s not a Nazi!!!” as he mirrors Hitler’s actions in real time.
How many here voted for Bush** in 2004? In case you didn't know or care, he had authorized the US military to detain any torture any "suspicious-looking" Iraqi during our occupation of that country. Many innocent people were harmed or killed outright.
People who don't depend on their SS retirement savings don't know how threatened we are: no money, no food, no home, healthcare or meds. We worked for that money. Billionaire psychopaths are stealing it. Nobody is stopping the biggest heist in history. We are being wiped out by rich thieves.
Both had relentlessly demonised their targeted minorities, making sure when the time came to start the deportations etc, all of their brainwashed cultists believed the disgustingly cruel & evil treatment was deserved ..
Just left the Anne frank exhibit in New York. It was so dissaffecting I think it will take days to process. The pattern is so obvious, so clear and horrifying. My soul ached for what we have lost and will continue to lose. People will die
Hitler Netanyahu claimed Palestinians were terrorists and breaking the law so he bombed them and or locked them up and had them tortured. And then there is Putin with the Ukraine. Sadly, Humans, for the most part, haven't grown or progressed as a Species in over 5000 years
Sen. Lisa Murkowski—You and others submit to traitor Trump as he dismantles our Republic: the judiciary, military, FBI, and intelligence. He is nothing without spineless Republican enablers. Don’t cower. History will judge your silence. Honor your country—speak out, but don’t resign.
And it is DISGRACEFUL AND DISGUSTING. IT SHAMES AMERICA. Which is so unfair on all those American citizens who hate this shite as much as we do in the UK and Europe.
Sending immigrants to jails in a secondary country is just unlawful on many levels. It’s almost as if they are trying to create concentration camps intentionally. First Gitmo and now this.
Trump knows exactly what he is doing, @GOP doesn’t care what Trump is doing, MAGA do not comprehend what Trump is doing. The test of us better respond before Trump declares himself king and Democracy becomes a fond memory.
Except this has been happening slowly and in plain site for close to a decade. Dems weakness has allowed it, Republicans have traitorously enabled it,
Christians have selfishly and blindly followed & encouraged it, Haters have gleefully and ignorantly supported it.
The MAGA movement did not happen over night, but it feels like the Nazi MAGA regime happened overnight. The stark contrast with our wide freedoms under Biden (just over 2 months ago) is so shocking.
Inhumane prisons-the ‘25 version of concentration camps. Just call them what they are.
From Oxford Dict:
a place where large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities…
Trump wants to be as famous as Hitler. That’s his goal. He wants everybody to remember his name. And he’s getting there every day, a little bit closer.
When Hitler did this, he acted strictly within the law, having previously ensured that the Reichstag passed the Enabling Act.
Trump, on the other hand, simply ignores the law.
In other words, Hitler was law-abiding, while Trump is a criminal.
We're heading toward a one-political party system, although I suppose that's part of Project 2025's goals? Too many are in right-wing media exclusively and that's when they pay any attention to current events. We need someone, in addition to or aside from Jon Stewart and Rachel Maddow on our side!
Point taken! I believe you are 💯🎯. The push now needs to be on the REMEDY! How do we activate people. Right now people I think are unadmittedly afraid and confused. Trump is wanting a rebuke to prove his power with the armed forces and police. How do we fight back with such odds. Point the way.
Well, that's the thing. For the most part we're still pretty comfortable because we are stuck in the mindset that what happened in Germany will NEVER happen here. This is EXACTLY why what happened in Germany WILL happen here.
Yes and even worse is when you watch a documentary about North Korea and Kim Jong-il. Il very proudly assassinated family to show he had no problem disposing of ppl that were in his way. And the people are brainwashed from a very young age and the disenters sent to concentration camps or
"There is no justice when the Department of Justice won't deliver justice to those who've usurped justice while claiming justice must be done in a manner of injustice to the just. " - American Heathen® REDUX
I listened to people at work today parrot the "these judges are just grabbing power." And one honestly asked "what is it that people have an issue with about it? I mean, they're criminals, right?"
I didn't answer at the time, but I don't think the "due process" is clicking here.
Yep, and we let this happen. We all saw it coming. We tried to use our vote but that don’t mean shit anymore. It’s time to fight for freedom, liberty, and justice for all! They made us memorize those words let’s make them eat them.
What infuriates me is a CLEAR CHOICE was presented, yet people chose wickedness and are now complaining that the wickedness THEY chose is being visited upon them. Make it make sense
Let Kamala Harris fail to put her hand on a Bible when she's taking an oath, and watch the Republicans in Congress lose their heads over it. They would call a formal committee.
Now he’s in a battle with district court judges where they’re ruling against him for his constant violations of the constitution. If SCOTUS doesn’t hold firm by siding with judicial process, then even their authority will be lost.
Fortunately, SCOTUS doesn't have the bandwidth to hear all these cases. Many will be settled at the federal level, so it's up to those judges to enforce the law. Some WILL.
This has been coming for decades . Speaking as a Canadian , what is happening in the USA presently is no surprise . That it took so long was puzzling , sorry , it was plain to see from afar .
So many of my friends that are also MAGA supporters hand wave this startling fact. "Why are we standing with North Korea, Russia, and Iran?", or "How can you vote for someone that attempted a coup *in the USA*?"
No answer. It's all normal guys. Nothing to see here.
I can’t judge your lawyers and courts from here but I think the backstop might be the markets Forex market might question the reserve ststis of the Dollar ? Inflation hit aggregate demand and thr indices. Fewer F35 orders , Lockheed share price. And so on. What does it feel like to be living it?
The worst thing to happen in the U.K. when the Tories went bonkers was when they prorogued Parliament . That was stopped by the Higj Court led by a very nice person called Baroness Richmond . Then the market blew Liz Truss out of the water. Bonkers with the smallest trace of fascidm fascidm.
We are officially an authoritarian state where people are denied due process, the courts are ignored, and lawmakers have conceded their powers. All checks and balances are gone.
People are being “disappeared” at will… by white men in hoods!
It started by Trump creating division. Us versus them was his cry. Dehumanize the other side and that makes it OK to throw them in prisons and whisk them off to black sites. Gang members turned into political rivals, turned into journalists and activists, and soon they all start disappearing. Putin
The (illegal) immigrants are the new Jews. We are experiencing in real time how it was possible in Germany back then. Only this time, we know the blueprint.
The "Illegals" are for the most part, NOT. They are guilty of civil infractions. Per Asylum Law of 1990, they have legal status in the US once they turn themselves in after crossing the border. To me, this is in a way worse. I've seen people picked up f/their religious beliefs, or skin color alone.
Trump has proven even more horrific than I ever imagined. The funny thing is I realize now I underestimated the level of evil intent in their schemes. I didn’t think the Republicans would WANT to make ENEMIES of our ALLIES and become buddies with PUTIN. Trump has thrown out 80 years of DIPLOMACY.
No, it’s not too late. But the US people need to mobilize: vote, protect democratic institutions, fight disinformation — and yes, take it to the streets like people do across Europe. Fear won’t stop this, but collective action will.
It is a test of our democracy. Our forefathers foresaw a President Trump, and insisted on Congress and the Courts have enough power to stop any bad decisions and remove a President who violates the Constitution. The legal beagles are busy give them some time, the wheels of justice are slow
Trump loves his fellow felons. Gives them pardons. The people he doesn't like he sends to prison in El Salvador without a trail. People forget he's a criminal felon 34 counts. He's a hypocrite and bullshit artist.
Asking from afar.
JOIN THE PROTEST SATURDAY, APRIL 5. Click the link and find a protest near you or organize one.
Hitler: Jews = criminals ➡️ Concentration camps
Trump: Immigrants = criminals ➡️ Prisons without trial
THIS IS FASCISM. OPEN YOUR EYES! If you think it can’t happen here — IT’S ALREADY HAPPENING.
Your unwillingness to go vote has created this nightmare. Your
FREDOM is now on the line. Fight the GOODFIGHT or enjoy living under a dictator ship. It only took Hitler 23 days to take over Germany.
Any facility run by a totalitarian regime, with zero recourse by those imprisoned there, no basic human rights or access to legal representation isn’t a “prison”.
It’s a gulag at best, and a concentration camp at worst.
We have no idea if people were citizens, criminals or not because the Nazis said they don't have to tell us who they disappear to black op torture sites overseas.
That's where we are. No Habeas Corpus, no Constitutional rule.
Please read & share
“The Sun Also Rises”,
things like this happen “gradually, then suddenly.”
I worry that we are in the “suddenly” phase.
It would suck if so many people went to protest Orange Turd in your turf
Or bring out signs that say "F*ck Trump"
That would just be soooo sad 🤷♀️🚨
Help me make sense of this
They go to a restaurant, we are outside chanting.
They go to a golf course or the Kennedy Center, we are screaming at them.
They are people, with lives.
Let's make their lives uncomfortable!
I knew THEN that we'd come to this.
Leaders hold the power people gives them.
Remember, as soon as this administration gets away with deporting ONE person without due process, they can do it to anyone.
Fear is not the friend of the oppressed but an abusive tool of the oppressor.
Get Mad!
Hitler took a few years to put his policies in action.
Trump is taking a few weeks!
A central place for many a bad guy to be. And some girls, too.
And convicted.
Human Rights.
36 years of lies, 1/8th truths and toxicity
At. The White House 🍄
#Krasnov > #Russianasset > #Donaldtrump > #Putinsbitch
#Felon47 #USA #Project2025 #thebiglie #trumpcrimefamily #goptaxscams #dictator #fascism #genocidedon #donothingrepublicans #impeachdonaldtrump
Christians have selfishly and blindly followed & encouraged it, Haters have gleefully and ignorantly supported it.
Illegal immigrants.
Define the term illegal. Illegal is defined as someone who has broken the law.
More misinformation from Krasssnstein Clowns.
From Oxford Dict:
a place where large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities…
Trump, on the other hand, simply ignores the law.
In other words, Hitler was law-abiding, while Trump is a criminal.
I didn't answer at the time, but I don't think the "due process" is clicking here.
How is this government efficiency $6 million for 200 prisoners? Not to mention the total lack of due process.
Trump is just like his MAGAts, a liar AND a fool.
That is why the second ammendment was created. So the people could protect themselves from this.
We want to hear NOTHING - other than “I RESIGN”
That’s right @schumer.senate.gov - we’re all waiting for YOUR #MOMENT
@aoc.bsky.social @repjasmine.bsky.social
#WTAF ‼️💥
No answer. It's all normal guys. Nothing to see here.
It's beyond startling.
USA has form.
- Everyone who thought it couldn’t happen there, but soon found out that yes, indeed, it could and did happen there.
(It's my only other social media account.)
And half of the voting population doesn't care.
People are being “disappeared” at will… by white men in hoods!
Restore Due Process and the RULE of LAW - IMPEACH TRUMP!
Support dems running for office.
Vote out every conservative!
-Generation X
You just wanna say "n@zi" because every other social media platform "punishes" you for saying it.