Among the recipients of his contributions are Representatives Eli Crane (Arizona), Lauren Boebert (Colorado), Andy Ogles (Tennessee), Andrew Clyde (Georgia), Derrick Van Orden (Wisconsin), and Brandon Gill (Texas). He also donated to Senator Charles E. Grassley (Iowa), a veteran Republican lawmaker.
Trump’s cruel policies just got SMASHED. A federal judge has ordered the transfer of two transgender women inmates BACK to women’s prisons — where they belong!
👉 Trump’s attacks on LGBTQ+ rights are being rolled back one court case at a time.
Does Mr. Trump know that the people he's hurting are also his constituents???? I never felt like George Bush, uh, despised us for being politically misaligned with him.
If they aren’t protected, do you really think they will be the last? They are the test case for states making these people illegal to exist. Take your casual cruelty elsewhere.
I can't get over the fact that the GOP is devoid of empathy and are nothing but bad faith actors. Too many are suffering & it will grow as they are allowed to continue to rampage through our government & institutions lawlessly.
Sad but true. I really can’t wrap my head around the fact the these MAGA’s enjoy seeing others suffer but are blind to what is happening to them. About to learn some hard lessons when they can’t afford rent, food, medicine or gas for their big trucks
We the people have to find a way to get together en masse and act as one unit. The democratic congress and senate have thrown in the towel and have joined the Nazis. It's entirely up to us now. We have to get off our computers and cell phones and ipads and do something. Before we wind up in an oven.
We the people have to find a way to get together en masse and act as one unit. The democratic congress and senate have thrown in the towel and have joined the Nazis. It's entirely up to us now. We have to get off our computers and cell phones and ipads and do something. Before we wind up in an oven.
We the people have to find a way to get together en masse and act as one unit. The democratic congress and senate have thrown in the towel and have joined the Nazis. It's entirely up to us now. We have to get off our computers and cell phones and ipads and do something. Before we wind up in an oven.
I've worked in a prison with trans folks before. It's awful what they go through before the laws were updated. This is just humane treatment of other humans. It should just be common sense.
Right. But we've already been told by senior DNC leaders that it's fine if Trump disobeys court orders, and it's not a crisis unless the ignore the Supreme Court they stacked by robbing two Judicial appointments.
So we have two parties that no longer represent law. Welcome to dictatorship.
Federal judges are working overtime the last couple of months. Maybe if we didn't have a convicted felon as President, the USA would be a much better place and respected.
This is crazy to me. I hope they’re ok. Just because they made a mistake I don’t know what but that didn’t mean that their lives should’ve been put at risk. Everyone deserves respect. Except pedophiles they deserve the gallows.
Thank heavens. They are abused and raped by the male prisoners. He did this in his first term and President Biden overturned it. Now he's put it back. Cruel and unusual punishment.
Both of these ideas came from Sociologist Dr. Lena Rodriguez (from Australia).
1) State & Federal Judges come together to write an Amicus Brief to reverse immunity decision.
2) Judges who have been threatened to file case with the Supreme Court to do clarifications around immunity decision.
How cruel do you have to be to do this? Oh wait, ice is grabbing people off the street without cause and sending them to El Salvador! Guess I answered my own question.
Except it's not Trump per se. It's Trump's machine, for which there seems to be many operators. Trump wouldn't be able to operate if there weren't so many lieutenants and foot soldiers who are only too happy to perform these cruel tasks.
Yes, because we can also see you in your profile pic?
I remember a lady with a cat profile pic complaining I didn't have a profile pic..
I know you extremist left would love for me to post my name, address etc.. you guys love doxxing and now apparently swatting. Hope and change is coming!
Did you learn your ways from your professor?
I really wish they focused more on teaching the subject matter instead of their looney political ideology.
Trump attacked Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) for opposing a funding bill, calling him a "grandstander." But Massie stands for principles and transparency—unlike Jim Jordan and other corrupt, self-serving GOP traitors. Massie is a hero. Trump is a zero.
This poor parent who had to settle with the government to avoid prosecution posts hourly and hourly and hourly while on vacation with his family because he is too addicted to social media.
I am so sick of this. Why can't MAGA just leave people the fuck alone?? Who CARES if someone is trans, not trans, male, female, whatever? How does it affect THEM?
And you never will. This made-up shit about ladies’ rooms is just that; propaganda. I would still be afraid of a cis het male in the ladies’ room and would,as always, a trans woman would be just like another sister.
If a man wanted to attack a woman in the toilets do they really think he would go through the years and money needed to transition? Madness. He would look for an opportunity and barge in. In that scenario I’m sure my trans friend would be the first to protect me
To be honest, I don't talk to MAGA people. I have no respect for them, and I don't let them into my life. I've learned that you cannot carry on any intelligent conversation with them, so I refuse to waste my time.
This fascist asshole is such a micromanager. Imagine presiding over 350 million people and you give a fuck about a couple transpeople in jail. It’s mental illness.
Thank you. I was trying to voice exactly this today about some other petty nastiness Dump did.
An absolute sociopath trying to drag us back. Nope. Let’s get his ass out.
Something has got to be done to 🍊face! These judges really to have grow a spine, balls or pussy in order to show this 🍊 face the shit is real! Lock him up and show him HE IS NOT ABOVE THE LAW!
true. TCFSF and musk are psychopaths with multiple personality disorders; musk is a megalomaniac. I'm talking about magats, the ones who can laugh at this cruelty and cheer while Black people are being erased.
Can't disagree with simple logic! This crap needs to be stopped.
No doubt we can't make these people change, but we can drive them back into their dens.
Captain Bone Spurs needs a visit from the game character that they're plumbers or something like that! Yeah, the green clothes wearing guy needs to visit the Orange BUFOON ASAP!
Can we quit worrying about 2 transgender people in prison when we are sinking into a dictatorship. I mean fuck they brought back segregation. They've dismantled the government. All that in 2 months. We another 2 months from slavery and gas chambers.
Focusing on this is why we lose elections.
No. We worry about ALL OF THE INJUSTICES. What happened to them then, is happening to others. It is possible to worry and fight against all of the injustice simultaneously and it's happening.
Apparently it's not possible or we wouldn't have lost the senate, the house and the presidency at the same time. I'm not saying not to care. It's impossible to take of a fractional minority if the majority is not at least stable.
regardless of where you stand on transgener issues putting these people in a men's prison was inviting assault on them and personifies the careless disregard that characterizes Trump & his minions
What is funny about the Trumpite reaction to these Judges, Republic & Democrat, is that Trump can see how they upset his agenda, but not the courage & professionalism & commitment to the constitution that it takes to make those decisions.
The lack of compassion and empathy by Rump, his administration and his base, is appalling. They need hate and anger in their lives, like it’s their lives purpose.
Seems pretty simple: If you've got a penis, you are in the mens prison.
If the concern is that they will get raped, yes, lots of men get raped in prison, and no one seems to care about it. We should care more about it, and do more to stop it.
What makes you think they still have a penis? Why are you people so focused on what people have in their pants? Lots of kids are sexually assaulted by ministers, should we just let it go because it fuc**ing happens?
I never said they did or didn't have a penis. But a penis can be used to rape, so they shoulnd't be in womens prisons (and, a gentle reminder that women don't have penis's).
See above. Many transgender women have had surgery and do not have a penis. Education is valuable. If you are going to rage against people, at least have the facts.
When did I say that many transgender women haven't had surgery? I said clearly: if you have a penis you should be in a mans prison. "If you are going to rage against people, at least have the facts."
FFS. Rapists rape. Regardless of gender, biological sex, race, ability. Rapists rape. Women in women's prisons are at risk from female predators as well as guards. Trans women in male prisons are at extreme risk - the fact he also revoked policy to prevent rape in prisons tells you everything.
Is one of these transwomen the one who raped a thirteen year old girl with a hammer? I draw the line at transwomen being housed in women's prisons when convicted of rape and violent crimes against females. We do have a duty to consider the safety of other inmates, not just transwomen.
Given the male pattern of violence, and the reasons that people of different genders are jailed, this is a ridiculous question. The prevalence of rapists who are born male in the prison system is not arguable. I do have an issue with rapists being housed with vulnerable women, however they identify.
There are many, but you only hear about the few in sports, military and jail. They are not even close to 5% that you are hearing about. Very few are in the stories you hear
Can any of us begin to comprehend how they were treated, judged, hurt by this? The mental strain of it alone must have been so completely devastating! Have they been returned? Have they been examined?
I think I understand it just from the terminology and what that would entail. Zero protection, maximum
punishment/rape/beatings from people who do not have understand that there are more than two sexes. Science proves it time and again.
Europe, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Korea, Japan, Singapore, South Africa, South America, Central America and other similar countries NEED TO BAND TOGETHER TO CREATE A NEW WORLD ECONOMY AND ALLIANCES NOW BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE! USE THE EURO INSTEAD OF THE DOLLAR AND TARIFF EVERYTHING MADE IN US! NOW!
South and Central America aren't countries. I think they're continents. I could also be wrong, though. Geography was not my strong suit, and I grew up with American public schools lol
But I agree with you. Tax the hell out of everything that leaves our shores until we are an ally and friend again.
he seems laser focused on things that shouldn't even be the task of the day with everything else going on. I guess his team is just running right to him with every little thing they hate and want changed
It will take people like trump years to learn that we are all individuals all seperate people
and rainbow people need to understand that as well, be a PERSON NOT an IDENTITY
be any damn flavour BUT be yourself,
there is alot of undressing of persona to be done here alot.
Like do they chat nicely on the phone
or is it a case of not looking that way cant see nothin AGAIN,
convieniently deaf or blind depending on what it is i think
Anybody remember Fractured Fairy tales on the Rocky & Bullwinkle show?
Seems like the Judiciary is the guy sweeping up behind the elephant at the back of the parade.
Sad, but glorious!
Sticking his ugly fat orange nose where it shouldn’t be. Now that the dust is settling what has he accomplished thus far? Inflation, golf, tanking the stock market and getting the allies to fucking hate the USA. Winning
And THIS is a victory. The bar is so fucking low now we have to celebrate a restoration of common sense and the bare minimum of human rights for prisoners.
Trumps infatuation with Trans is beyond anything but his own fantasies because he wants to wear clothes like his friend Kaitlynn Jenna. He knows why he does it. Because he hates himself
People in the US are now being moved around as he sees fit. Innocent people are being detained for weeks and deported, even German citizens! Allies who came to the country as tourists. The US is now an enemy of the free, Western world until the people rise up and oust these fascists from government.
Trump’s cruel policies just got SMASHED. A federal judge has ordered the transfer of two transgender women inmates BACK to women’s prisons — where they belong!
👉 Trump’s attacks on LGBTQ+ rights are being rolled back one court case at a time.
So sad for Aisha and the children
So we have two parties that no longer represent law. Welcome to dictatorship.
The couldn't have done it without him.
💙 Show up!
💙 Make signs!
💙 Bring friends!
💙 Alert local media!
💙 And keep up the boycotts!
1) State & Federal Judges come together to write an Amicus Brief to reverse immunity decision.
2) Judges who have been threatened to file case with the Supreme Court to do clarifications around immunity decision.
And his party that American humans voted for are letting him kill their own.
This was a total non-issue that he turned into propaganda.
I am Also worried about the judges who do not support his cruel and unusual punishmentsS.
be moved back. Another order defied
Their fucking religion maybe ???
I hate religions , it's bullshit
Just horrible. Thank you Judge for fixing Trump's cruelty.
Counter argument is that gender is a social construct; and sexuality is fluid.
This may shock you but intersex people exist.
Nothing new.
Have the day you voted for….
I remember a lady with a cat profile pic complaining I didn't have a profile pic..
I know you extremist left would love for me to post my name, address etc.. you guys love doxxing and now apparently swatting. Hope and change is coming!
Says the guy who voted for a Nazi.
I really wish they focused more on teaching the subject matter instead of their looney political ideology.
It wouldn't take more to just do his job.
This poor parent who had to settle with the government to avoid prosecution posts hourly and hourly and hourly while on vacation with his family because he is too addicted to social media.
An absolute sociopath trying to drag us back. Nope. Let’s get his ass out.
New troll account?
Take heart from them. When it's our turn, pray that we will have the courage to stand against such evil too.
No doubt we can't make these people change, but we can drive them back into their dens.
Who were transferred to El Salvador. Surely they aren’t all Venezuelan criminals.
Focusing on this is why we lose elections.
If someone looks and wants to be a woman, you can’t force them to pretend they aren’t
This is going to ruin egg prices!
But my money is on them just ignoring the order. Add it to the list of other orders they ignore. Maybe it will get before a judge before 2030.
Good luck.
convicts in the showers.
This is called "cruel and unusual punishment".
If the concern is that they will get raped, yes, lots of men get raped in prison, and no one seems to care about it. We should care more about it, and do more to stop it.
punishment/rape/beatings from people who do not have understand that there are more than two sexes. Science proves it time and again.
But I agree with you. Tax the hell out of everything that leaves our shores until we are an ally and friend again.
and rainbow people need to understand that as well, be a PERSON NOT an IDENTITY
be any damn flavour BUT be yourself,
there is alot of undressing of persona to be done here alot.
Like do they chat nicely on the phone
or is it a case of not looking that way cant see nothin AGAIN,
convieniently deaf or blind depending on what it is i think
Seems like the Judiciary is the guy sweeping up behind the elephant at the back of the parade.
Sad, but glorious!