AOC is focused and I say we do the same.
Don't push any political agendas here.
She's serious about what's going on, along with other colleagues, and we should remain steady right now.
That's awesome, but we've seen how that's turned out before.
I'm beyond thrilled she's out there, DOING SOMETHING, I'm only hoping it's pulling in some folks, that DIDN'T vote blue last time.
Stalin had just cleaned out the oligarchy. The people won. I'm pro USSR. I hope it rises again. Ukraine fought with the nazis. When the wall fell, putin was inevitable. I'm mean to pro Ukraine&pro democrat genocide cultists. Probably why I got marked spam fuck them
The rich get 1 (one) vote each.
Companies get 0 (zero) votes.
They need ACTUAL left-wing policies.
Free healthcare
Massive minimum wage increase
Workers rights
No fire at will
Removal of the concept "companies have rights"
Get Israel out of Gaza
I wouldn’t kick her out of bed for eating crackers … but I also wouldn’t vote for her.
She might be easy on the eyes but she’s going to get torn apart by other Democrats if she enters the race for President in 2028.
Only thing Trump/ Rethuglicans understand is an organized stance against fascism. Their Achilles heel is their wallets. Shut it down! We need influencers, politicians, and media. If one day isn't enough there's six more in a work week! Stay safe, stay warm, stay home! Walk out Wednesdays!
Fundraising for what? Why don’t they find the money Dems raised for Kamala. Why are people getting hopes up for the Dems that lied to us and killed democracy. We can no longer support the left or right. we need to create a party in the middle truly for the people.
Unite, make a stand, and show your country and the world that this is not what America is about.
We will see such big show up of people in the near future, that even a recount of the votes will occur! And he will be forced to step down, as the people r what America makes. IF he won't , military coup
Cause people r made followers, And the more they see this news popup, the more they get motivated to join the cause.
And in a shot time we will even see millions at the same time gathering.
Those who can't be there donate, it is the USA way & we sponsor change, no more kings here, our forefathers had their kinky secrets but they believed in a promise of a nation. Thanks for the post i might use it and I'll trade you for this Musical Gif.
Call me crazy but she raised over a billion dollars, and she ended up owing money? We must get money out of politics because that's crazy. Musk comes along and buys the presidency for $380 million. This all doesn't add up to me.
She's one democrat that I would send money to. The rest can fund raise all they want, but until I see some actual work being done, they can suck a rope.
AOC is great. If you’re gonna be giving money, give it to the special elections so we can take back the house. You can give to AOC after. She won’t be able to do anything unless we get a majority. Be smart with your money.
Once people begin losing their incomes and first amendment freedoms, they will start to believe in her message. They may wake up - hopefully in time to save any remnants of our country that exist by that point.
I'm a big fan of A.O.C., but I can only contribute so much. Therefore, she won't get financial contributions from me. She'll do quite alright. I will try to contribute to other candidates who support our beliefs but need financial support/resources.
My wife and I were too. We took my 83 year old mother, who had never been to a rally before. She was so excited after hearing Bernie and AOC and was asking what she could do to help make a difference.
Politicians shouldn’t have to fundraise. They should get a fixed amount from the government with no donations of any kind allowed. That would let them focus on doing their fucking JOB!
How do we give to AOC and make sure it's not going to the general DNC? I want to support her but I do not want to support the current democrats that are not resisting.
And yes of course Hamas is a involved. Duh. But they are not in every civilian’s home, not in every school, not in every hospital, not every Dr, not every teacher, not 40,000 children, not the entire land of Gaza. This is an extermination and if you can’t see that. We are done.
We were attacked on 9/11. Anyone who did not think we would retaliate, would've been a fool. Every time Israel has been attacked since 1948, they have retaliated. Your above response presupposes that Hamas is headed by gullible children. They aren't. They knew to expect an attack.
Why is this a focus? Why is campaigning like rallies happening when pple need to be heard not spoke to. I applaud them for going but this is not what is important. We need to take action & tell people how to respond to make a difference. Like calling, protesting, & getting more involved, etc.
How about instead of bashing what we all know is the ‘Mad King & his Jester’, DEMAND voters 🗳️ down ballot! 🗳️ not just for the WH, but HR, Senate! Your local government who keeps the foot on your necks! OR, are they concerned their heads might be on the chopping block? I don’t HEAR this discussion.
Good ideas 4 local & overall elections. For me the election is not the focus as of today b/c I feel our elections r not secure. The clock is ticking and as seconds go by dumb dumb is stealing our democracy any way he can. We need to focus on demanding Impeachment via CONGRESS.
Why are you suspicious of one of the strongest Democrats we have, and picking nits over the use of "her" rather than "the party" -- which could have easily been a mistake...?
Reminds me of those nostalgic days, before November, 2024, when we all thought Harris had a chance to be POTUS, but then ‘Murica said “A brown POTUS, who is a WOMAN?!? Fuck that!!”
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Nope. Not yet. She needs a few more years of political experience under her belt. Why don't we have strong leaders?
Who's our parties equivalent to Trump as far as popularity and strength? Does he/she even exist?
I like it! She’s 35 and she’s eligible and right now I think she’s the closest thing that we have to a leader in the Democratic Party. She was at the top of a CNN Democratic poll as leader. She knows how to communicate so that people understand what’s going on.
SHE IS NOT RUNNING FOR ANYTHING NOW. But she might run for the Senate in the midterms. Why the hell are you going there. NOBODY is running for president for a good 2-3 years, if we still have elections. Jesus.
she’s the most popular politician in America and it’s not even close. She would easily defeat JD Vance or whatever cretin the Republicans carve out of the woodwork.
I want my money back from Fetterman. I helped his campaign even though I don't even live on that side of the country. The only good thing I can say about him is that he isn't Mehmet Oz, which can be said of several hundred million people.
If AOC introduces this HR Bill to the floor and ends institutionalized racism in America to complete MLKs dream of equality how much does she bring in?AOC doesn’t have the Intellectual capacity.A woman like Briahna Joy Gray knows what I’m talking about she has an Ivy League IQ to understand the bill
I'm glad that Sen Sanders & Rep Ocasio-Cortez are holding these rallies.The American people need something to get behind & positively energize them.
But nobody in the Democratic Party is getting one dime from me until they stop just talking and actually DO something.
This is the "Fighting the Oligarchy" tour.
Aptly named.
I've been seeing the term "Authoritarianism" promoted by Laurence Tribe and Chris Hayes. It does describe what has replaced Democracy but it excuses the Oligarchy for murdering Democracy in this country. That must never happen.
That’s great…. But the Democrats out spent the Trump campaign and Harris still couldn’t pull out a win.
Raising money isn’t a substitute for supporters being able to carry a conversation w/ political adversaries in an effort to change their minds.
The amount raised means nothing in the voting booth
I'm genuinely curious if these metrics matter anymore. People showed up for Harris and she raised a record amount of money in record time, but look where we ended up anyway.
What are we to extrapolate from this data?
Elonia or Russia or someone was able to manipulate the swing state vote outcome. there is a ton of circumstantial evidence but we really need someone to prove it. (not sure it would matter now) BUT future elections need to be fully trustworthy, but not by making it harder or impossible to vote
Here you go. This link has information on the statistics on how ridiculously unlikely it is to win every swing state by just enough to not trigger a recount.
I'm all for them getting to the bottom of it, if there is anything to get to the bottom of. However, just because something is "ridiculously unlikely" that doesn't make it impossible. Until there if evidence one way or another I like to stay out of speculation game personally.
....there is a legal battle going on right now in NC of some Repub trying to get more votes thrown out so he can retroactively "win". And in the 2nd link I gave you there was info on over 11 million people who were illegally prevented from voting.
The author himself says "likely cost Harris". Sounds like there is some speculation there with who those ballots were cast for. I only mention because many denominations that typically vote dems didn't this time around. So I'm not sure this is the smoking gun you think this is.
She's doing this the hard way with grass roots donations... she needs to find a multi billionaire who needs to shut down government investigations and scrutiny of his interests, much easier 😆
In the US many foreign born doctors staff rural hospitals and towns. Cutting Medicaid will decimate the financial support of those hospitals and all nursing homes ( 2/3 of nh pts are on Medicaid).
Loss of the hospital, those jobs and health services will kill many small towns.
I would support a candidate who talks to me as a constituent, like she does. She has Zoom calls where she chats about what's going on in government while she is cooking or knitting. She makes appearances at outdoor gatherings. She speaks on my level, which is very low, apparently.
Ok, how pissed off are people gonna get when I say, “ Republicans are responsible for today’s problems, and Democrats are responsible for today’s Republicans”.
I’m in Canada, friend. We have the Liberal Party, conservatives, The New Democratic Party, The gGreen Party, Block Quebecois. That’s five. I’m pretty sure there’s a sixth as well but my point is still, America has too few. It was a bit cryptic, but that’s what I was trying to say in the first place
We still need to reach the people, rural or otherwise, that don't spend all day on the internet. *These* are the people that FAUX News has been so good at programming, and who Drumpf preaches to from the pulpit of Mammon. If we can reach these people, we have a chance...
Y is she standing w/the man who astroturfed the working class into believing they could have a better quality of life w/a higher minimum wage, all the while refusing to acknowledge and stop the #CorporateGreed trickledown that, if it didn’t lead 2 job loss, it didn’t make ANYTHING more affordable?!
With the propaganda spread far and wide for 40 years that anything at all progressive, or not Far Right Wing, or Conservative enough, was Marxist, Far ‘Left Wing’ Radical, Communist,.. you’ll have to remind me which two ‘Socialists’ you’re speaking of?
What action are they getting in return for donations?
I know she’s a great but it’s just wash, rinse, repeat!!!
The people can’t ALWAYS carry the weight.
We need action. 🤷🏽♀️
I agree but yet it feels like it’s falling short of any real action. And the fundraising updates, it feels very repetitive. That’s all.
The people are out and pushing, primed for fundraising. But what action from Dems comes from it?
America! She is doing what Schumer and Hakeem needs to be doing! Get with the judges. Used our checks and balances. To hell with speeches! Let our judges speak. Our representatives should be supporting and leaning on them. MAGA Congress and Senate will not pass any Democrat bi partisan bills.
Rally? Why are y'all worried about rallies? Should have voted for a better candidate. Sanders dropped out to pocket campaign funds. AOC is learning the ropes.
She is working. Hard. Something one can not say for the rest of the party. Especially the "leadership" They should just mass resign. Keep the good once. Ms. Crockett, Pete and a dozen others. But besides that, they are collaborators.
In the end, they will be charged like the rest of them.
While I support AOC democrat’s should not be giving money to any democratic party candidate while is still the senate minority leader. We need to be rid of the cowards who are complicit
Don't push any political agendas here.
She's serious about what's going on, along with other colleagues, and we should remain steady right now.
I'm beyond thrilled she's out there, DOING SOMETHING, I'm only hoping it's pulling in some folks, that DIDN'T vote blue last time.
Stalin had just cleaned out the oligarchy. The people won. I'm pro USSR. I hope it rises again. Ukraine fought with the nazis. When the wall fell, putin was inevitable. I'm mean to pro Ukraine&pro democrat genocide cultists. Probably why I got marked spam fuck them
Companies get 0 (zero) votes.
They need ACTUAL left-wing policies.
Free healthcare
Massive minimum wage increase
Workers rights
No fire at will
Removal of the concept "companies have rights"
Get Israel out of Gaza
You know... Left wing.
Except I'm straight. And could be her Grandma..
but I LOVE this woman 😆
She might be easy on the eyes but she’s going to get torn apart by other Democrats if she enters the race for President in 2028.
💙 💙
💙 Show up!
💙 Make signs!
💙 Bring friends!
💙 Alert local media!
💙 And keep up the boycotts!
Embody and embrace what the right calls radical left.
A major part of the problem in US political life is that the left have been silenced by power through media and smears.
But yes to Schumer being kicked out too.
I would support her either way.
The naivete is staggering.
We will see such big show up of people in the near future, that even a recount of the votes will occur! And he will be forced to step down, as the people r what America makes. IF he won't , military coup
And in a shot time we will even see millions at the same time gathering.
Please help us buy food, medicine, women and children supplies, water, housing and mosquito nets through our gofundme below. 👇
We shall be grateful for your support.
Is this really how Americans want to treat people- ANY people???
My opinion....
That Girl is on Fire ~
Alicia Keys
If you want AOC to win she can't support Israel. Period.
And here we are…
💙 💙
In the meantime, someone run against Republican-lite Gillibrand. PLEASE.
Who's our parties equivalent to Trump as far as popularity and strength? Does he/she even exist?
Not enough experience in government yet.
I mean, the leader of the free world. She's not ready for that.
she'd embarrass them in any debate
i've never voted and the only ticket I'd consider it for is Bernie/AOC.
Can you ask the United Nations oversight of fhe 2026 elections (usually done for fractured countries with dictator)
Can you organize enough to take over the Democratic party? And be able to use its assets? Start NOW locally?
Not the Democrats just her
I hope
But nobody in the Democratic Party is getting one dime from me until they stop just talking and actually DO something.
So you’re basically supporting a wing within the Democratic Party that’s actually serious about progressive values and not corporate bullshit.
It’s not as good as creating a new party all together but still.
Aptly named.
I've been seeing the term "Authoritarianism" promoted by Laurence Tribe and Chris Hayes. It does describe what has replaced Democracy but it excuses the Oligarchy for murdering Democracy in this country. That must never happen.
Raising money isn’t a substitute for supporters being able to carry a conversation w/ political adversaries in an effort to change their minds.
The amount raised means nothing in the voting booth
What are we to extrapolate from this data?
Bernie and AOC are creating a cross-community, grassroots campaign that involves zero push for an election of any sort.
This is just boots on the ground, hardcore politics work.
It's very diff.
This one has the counts for people illegally blocked from voting.
How much proof do you need?
Loss of the hospital, those jobs and health services will kill many small towns.
Just ask DWS how she and HRC fared on that metric in 2016.
Or Kerry in 2004.
She's got a website right? Id imagine she does
What action are they getting in return for donations?
I know she’s a great but it’s just wash, rinse, repeat!!!
The people can’t ALWAYS carry the weight.
We need action. 🤷🏽♀️
The people are out and pushing, primed for fundraising. But what action from Dems comes from it?
In the end, they will be charged like the rest of them.