Exactly, we need to design/build a system that makes them comply with the rules and those rules also need to be modified to prioritize safety of all over the traffic flow/speed of those in cars. We cannot rely on the 3 E's, especially education and enforcement to make driver's behave.
2. Despite all traffic signals being red at this instant, this is the scene as I prepared to avail myself of the walk signal (shown in the far right of the shot):
3. Working from left to right, a black minivan is waiting to turn left from a 4-lane side street onto a 7-lane urban stroad, but is pulled all the way into the crosswalk over the side street. A white SUV is making an illegal right on red from the stroad into the side street.
4. In the middle of the shot, just in front of the camera, a black SUV is creeping through an illegal right on red from the side street onto the stroad, blocking both crosswalks and the ADA ramp.
5. On the right, a black minivan waiting in the stroad's crosswalk for a permissive yellow arrow to turn left from the stroad onto the side street, blocking the crosswalk which currently has a walk sign.
Some variation of this scene plays out every single morning at this intersection: https://beta.maps.apple.com/?t=h&ll=35.908098320776816%2C-79.02382087226296&spn=0.0021768236265344854%2C0.004903078079223633