The finance bill has its final stages in the Commons today
Based on the budget it brings into law:
- the ending of non-dom status,
- increasing and extending the oil & gas profits levy,
- increasing capital gains tax,
- inheritance tax changed for agricultural land
Based on the budget it brings into law:
- the ending of non-dom status,
- increasing and extending the oil & gas profits levy,
- increasing capital gains tax,
- inheritance tax changed for agricultural land
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Just because they are not doing it in one particular way that some people want, doesn't mean it's not happening overall.
Why else do we think the right wing press has gone so much on the attack?
It's lies and propaganda whichever side it comes from, a deliberate attempt to pursuade others that the truth is not the truth.
- VAT on private school fees (back dated to 1st Jan this year)
- and many other things
Tax the wealthy
Doesn't absolve them.