All of this makes it seem pretty timely that I sd 2 someone a cpl of wks ago, “I bet he has not even read a book.” Can u imagine a world w/o books, w/o intellectual stimulation, & w/o the chance 2 broaden ur horizons.? I just got an irresistible urge 2 eat McDonald’s cheeseburgers! OMG!
On the subject of books, there is great speculation the last few days that Donvict cannot read. That’s possible which is sad. No wonder he wants to get rid of the department of education. It failed him miserably. And us. 😱Actually, of course I suspect that goal is Miller having red Hitler.
I always say that I am against book banning or burning. I would not even ban the 3 most dangerous bks ever written. I will lv it 2 u 2 figure out which 3 those r. I’m also against censorship. Censorship is like tyranny, once it starts, you never know where it will end or how much damage it will do.
Holy books... not so much. Hugh plot holes, unbelievable characters, inconsistent and conflicting narratives. None would even be handed to an editor these days.
To be 100% clear: Holy books... not so much worth reading.
Instructions on slavery, how to treat women as property, random genocide, child brides, constant jealousy and fear that humans might worship something more worthy with better morals. Then constant incel reek is astounding.
One of my favorite science fiction authors and explainer of science.
His Foundation Trilogy was required reading in an International Politics class I attended at SAC (published ‘51-‘53). His robot series was brilliant, hopefully his Three Laws of Robotics will be incorporated in AI.
I still own a copy of the Alchemist Cookbook so I don't think any book should be banned. That said, it's not very good and I would not recommend it. Not everyone needs to see how to poorly make punji sticks. You can if you want but I don't consider it a must read.
No such thing as a book ban in the USA thanks to the Free Market (yay capitalism!). If you can buy a book on Amazon, it’s not banned. COMMON SENSE PEOPLE. 🙄
The people pushing a cultural revolution with American characteristics are simply making it so that books aren’t discovered. If they’re banned in libraries and schools, and a child’s parents aren’t avid readers, the child will not learn about the book. That’s the intention, which I suspect you know.
Not strictly true. They are banning books from schools (and plan to expand). Which restricts what young people will read in their formative years.
Meaning they will only have access to certain books if their parents buy them or they source them themselves.
Agreed. I'm done, don't worry. I'm just sitting back, happy in the knowledge that, if she is right and I'm wrong and hell does exist. She has definitely earned a spot there, what with all the false idolatry of a monster and all the bigotry.
She doesn't care. So long as the gays don't get mentioned in schools, she's happy to see kid's education suffer and for kids who are "different" to live in fear.
To expand. Any book that doesn’t glorify the perfect atomic Christi fascist ideology family (it works for some, but not most) it is put on an over 18 only list. If a kid can see the the book in a library, it is 350$ fine for when a Karen complains. Libraries can’t compartmentalize like this
Foundation trilogy all about shortening a period of decline and chaos whilst saving knowledge that we have - obviously irrelevant all this time after it was written……
“The Foundation Trilogy” is his seminal work. He also wrote “I, Robot”, a collection of short stories where he famously lays out “The 3 Laws of Robotics”. I’d start with “I, Robot” 🤖🙂
After reading that article, I can absolutely say that I am sure about that.
I see nothing that isn't appropriate for a high school audience. Expect, perhaps, gay people, because apparently we're going back to the 1950's on that issue.
If you think the 8 yr old except is sexual, you've got a pretty dirty mind. I wouldn't want to be a woman in your life.
But hey, I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and believe that you just trusted the author.
If that's true, perhaps you should learn how to spot confirmation bias.
My personal copy. You can tell it's been read & digested again and again. Survived 3 moves in two states & a tornado 🌪 dropping a tree through my roof. The power of truth can not die. Though rough times happen, some of us will die, but the march isn't about us. It's for our children's children.
It was ban in France too. Until it entered into public domain.
Now you can buy it in France. There are comments made by historians to add some context.
I always find odd that you can buy the book at garage sales in Northern America…
My hot take is that it is good to develop your critical thinking skills over things we can agree are objectively bad or negative, so that you can see those patterns again in other instances. The soviets and nazis shared many ideas with some different words.
I would hope that yours is not a hot take.
But I see how it is for some, which is sad.
Denying facts is the end to every civilisation, IMHO.
Also: Extremists may have had some ideas that are not wrong. It baffles me that we cannot distinguish between ideas on one side, and an ideology on the other.
No true words have ever been spoken I think it's a travesty to burn any book though and to change history but it's happening Peace to everyone plus it be
How true. When I was 16 and trapped in a school run by Catholic monks they instructed us on the dangerous books in the Index Librorum Prohibitorum. I was off like a shot to the public library and the rest is history! Read. Then read some more.
Reading Huckleberry Finn now in preparation for reading James!!! Forward discusses how many times and for different reasons, it was banned over decades.
YES!! Some quite innocuous books are on the list, according to the American Library Association. My friend and I had a “banned book” club but we’d read most of them. We reread them and now we’ve moved on.
Sure about that?
I generally agree with the sentiment expressed.
(The Asimov quote)
No books should be banned...
Instructions on slavery, how to treat women as property, random genocide, child brides, constant jealousy and fear that humans might worship something more worthy with better morals. Then constant incel reek is astounding.
And my freedom to read it.
My right.
Fastest growing religion in the world.🙂
His Foundation Trilogy was required reading in an International Politics class I attended at SAC (published ‘51-‘53). His robot series was brilliant, hopefully his Three Laws of Robotics will be incorporated in AI.
Meaning they will only have access to certain books if their parents buy them or they source them themselves.
I see nothing that isn't appropriate for a high school audience. Expect, perhaps, gay people, because apparently we're going back to the 1950's on that issue.
But hey, I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and believe that you just trusted the author.
If that's true, perhaps you should learn how to spot confirmation bias.
Providing fuel to keep you warm is their best (arguably only real) use
Because there are always exception.
You should do a research BEFORE talking.
Mein Kampf est tombé dans le domaine public en 2016. Il était interdit jusque là.
It had a copyright - that is different.
So, if you had this at home that would be not against the law.
On the other side it didn't make never any sense to read this bullshit he wrote.
You could not sell or print the book between 1945 and 2016.
Now you can buy it in France. There are comments made by historians to add some context.
I always find odd that you can buy the book at garage sales in Northern America…
Mein Kampf was unavailable in Germany for a long time, for instance.
But I see how it is for some, which is sad.
Denying facts is the end to every civilisation, IMHO.
Also: Extremists may have had some ideas that are not wrong. It baffles me that we cannot distinguish between ideas on one side, and an ideology on the other.
"Any book worth banning is a book worth reading."
— Isaac Asimov