Yes, but here’s the Trump Circuit dance:
1. Anti-trans officials get trounced in district court bc the factual record overwhelmingly favors trans challengers
2. Anti-trans appellate judges sweep that aside due to “tr***ies are unnatural + have no rights so they lose” rule
3. Policy goes forward
1. Anti-trans officials get trounced in district court bc the factual record overwhelmingly favors trans challengers
2. Anti-trans appellate judges sweep that aside due to “tr***ies are unnatural + have no rights so they lose” rule
3. Policy goes forward
Reposted from
Assigned Media
They just can't help but make themselves look like idiots in court, can they?
1. (Same)
2. SCOTUS voids injunction citing “tr***ies have no rights” rule
3. Policy goes into effect thru appeals, destined to be blessed by SCOTUS