2017 JBL submission: “The author appears to lack a basic understanding of the field as evidenced by not consulting essential works like the ECM of Romans”
HOLY MOTHER OF GOD, that’s terrible. That reminds me of one person you know very well critiquing Royse’s study as 'aged due to its non-use of the most recent computer-aided techniques’, 'computer-aided searches’, and being resistant 'to employing the latest computer tools.'
To this day, I don’t know which electronic textual resources Royse could've used by 2008 that would've enhanced his study? I was a NTVMR guinea pig during my Cambridge MPhil (2011–12), but I still had to use the editions to identify singulars. Anyway, I suppose established profs can say anything...
At least in my case, the editor profusely apologised when I pointed out the reviewer’s own ignorance required a time machine