Re-enchantment as resistance means actual re-enchantment and actual resistance, not endlessly sharing posts about the latest terrible thing because that makes you feel better, makes it feel like you're doing something. I am not here for the voyeurism of destruction. You'll not get any of it from me.
For this, I am grateful.
"...With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world." (Desiderata)
Thank you for creating a path to beauty, Hookland.
of the well of darkness
and fish for fallen light
with patience." (Neruda - the revolutionary with the deepest heart)
It doesn't mean I don't care or am unengaged - I read specific news sites for whatever I can stomach - but I started my account here to connect, share joy and take inspiration from others.
I need some of this safe spaces in these dark and difficult days.
Sage, salt, daylight, Latin, tea and a good chat.
Sub-deacon’s “fix the horrors” protocol // Druid ‘s “fix the horrors” protocol.
What an amazing concept, I often wonder what Bill Hicks would have made of the age of social media. It would have been profound, outrageously funny and important- he did not suffer pisspuffins well
thank you for doing the work of creating one