Feels like the TEDx franchise model polluted their brand to the point that saying "I gave a TED talk" could mean you were a world expert in 2012 or a anti-vax crank in 2018
yup. I used to work on TED's social media team and my job became a living hell every time some nut gave a TEDx talk and I had to explain over and over again to folks online that it was an independently organized event TED had no control over. this was one of the worst days of my life:
I agree ! I haven't watched much of them these days but I remember about 6-7 years ago I loved watching them as a child, I really wonder why it feels so different now..
I can see it now! a 1.5 - 2.5 hour long youtube video essay using unnecessary VHS effects and scary sfx for no reason other than effect. Disrupt TV would do this shit lmao
Then they should give an easily digestible version of that essay, preferably in a 10 t0 20 minutes talk format uploaded with an Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives CC license.
I feel like TedTalks are just lectures from wealthy elitists. I don’t care what those people think. No average person should. They are the reason we are where we are.
The science focused Ted talks were nice, but you hear one about the economy it’s like, “You are two weeks away from homelessness - and here’s why it’s a good thing!”
I learned that one of the parents of a school shooter gave a talk. The last thing I'd imagine I'd want to hear is that person speak. They didn't commit the act, but their relation makes them no more important than the victims, survivors, and gun safety experts. I'm not keen on that.
I believe there was a joke about a person giving a TED talk in Girls in ~2015, so there's that.
Though there's also the chance that it was a joke to me, but not to the show.
having worked there at its peak & the first few years of the downward slide, in a nutshell I think it's a mix of inept leadership, the dilution of the brand b/c of TEDx, and a failing business model. the 2016 election rocked the folks in charge and they became obsessed with cancel culture being bad
They walk a delicate line of not pissing off their less insane donors who would be genuinely upset if they went full anti-woke conservative. And leadership is very dedicated to "globalism" lol
when I saw the pyramid scheme real estate life coach guy doing one I realized I hadn't even thought about them in years; and that I would now likely never watch another
This sounds like something to get Google NotebookLM podcast to do? When I've tried just giving it just a text file with only one short sentence in it then it seems to fill in all the blanks based on what the AI already knows of the subject!
TED Talks were my gateway to some fascinating discussions in physics, biology, and politics. I even attended my local TEDx Talk, which was great— but it feels a bit faded away these years.
Same for me. Im an engineering major and some of my professors have used them for our discussion pieces and watching them has definitely changed my perspective in certain subjects. Ive actually always wanted to attend one
I think the fall started with TedX and just complete randos being able to talk about how they bootstrapped themselves to success (as a way of promoting their business/their coaching gig) maybe that way just in my hood 😂
High school and college are the only times where I’ve ever seen a TED talk and they are some of the most difficult things for me to watch attention span-wise.
I used to be an avid TED talk watcher in the early days. But I noticed over years the quality of the talks declined drastically, and I stopped watching then .
Oy, that'd be good!! Sprinkle a lil (or a lot!) of system scrutiny in there and I'd eat that thing up. TED talks ran aground for me when I realized that they were all pushing American-dream-capital. There's only so much Oprah-izing one can swallow when life around you indicates otherwise.
If I did it I’d attribute it to training everyone to speak in the same exact cadence. Once they all sounded alike it seemed like there was no reason to believe any of them.
Though there's also the chance that it was a joke to me, but not to the show.
if there's that many, I was right to forget about these.