And not only are they expanding it, they're making it more redundant. Part of the problem with the IRS is that it's stuck using outdated tax systems that they're unable to adapt thanks to Republicans wanting to slash their funds and TurboTax lobbying to keep the system confusing.
It is just incredible that the same people calling for a meritocracy happen to be dumber than bricks and propped up by generational wealth since birth.
No, not pretending. He’s utterly ignorant and when he’s told he’s wrong about how tariffs work, he doubles and triples down—because his narcissism cannot tolerate being wrong!
It would be deliciously funny, in a perverse way, if nobody of his advisers dared to point out that tariffs are paid by the US consumers, not by the exporting countries.
Of course it's dumb, but from his point of view it makes sense because his main selling point for broad-based tariffs is that they are paid by foreigners. He wants to do whatever he can to convince people that is true and branding is part of that. He's good at distorting reality for some people.
I also kind of doubt he understands the different effects of targeted tariffs and broad tariffs either, but everything I can see makes me think he wants to do the stupidest possible thing, although it may be that broader tariffs mean more corruption opportunities..
This guy still doesn’t know who pays for a tariff. We already have a department set up to collect duties and taxes. It’s called US Customs. Would someone please ask this guy to explain tariffs to the country?
Rump is simply a REALLY stupid version of Cliff Claven from Cheers. A moron who thinks he’s a know-it-all but you can’t tie his own shoes. In other words, he’s the Clown Prince of Maggatland.
"Nice country you got there. Shame if anything happened to it"
Classic fail son.