Tariff man only knowing tariffs is a funny thing in this instance because we basically zeroed trade with Russia in 2022, tariffs would do nothing at this point.
Okay but if he DID put massive tariffs on Russia, it would be maybe the only ones that would not devastate us economically and therefore wouldn’t make us have to go through the delay purgatory. If this gets his tariff rocks off and he gives up on/indefinitely delays the rest, I’m not complaining.
Since he has such a good relationship with Putin — like no one else in the Universe — why doesn’t he just get Russia to cease fire? The whole world knows that as soon as Russia stops its aggression, there will be peace.
I would gladly be under the yoke of slightly annoying technocratic democracy! Putin’s 4D chess with Brexit and Trump has made the EU much stronger than it was.
Like most of what Trump says it’s hard to know what he’s talking about here, but I can’t help but notice the things he’s suggesting happen already happened, and it just makes me wonder if he knows the E.U. is close to negotiating a peace and afterward he intends to lift those sanctions.
and yet again portraying Russia as in the dominant position when the reality is murkier - their gains have slowed without their attrition rates also slowing, meanwhile Ukrainian drones have open season on Russian infrastructure.
It would be hilarious if two authoritarians’ ham-handed policies are what enable the EU to reach its potential as a world superpower! 😂
Extraordinary change